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Everything posted by Sideburnious

  1. Sideburnious

    What has comic books taught you?

    15. no matter how "broke" you tell the readers you are, you always have enough money to fly all around the world to fight your mortal enimies. 16. In the same sense as the previous post your job is always the most flexible and understanding job for you dissapearing days at a time. 17. The weather is affected by what the main character in focus is feeling i.e if they are angry, there will be thunder and a violent storm, if they are happy, its the best weather the cities ever had.
  2. Sideburnious

    Wisdom Teeth

    Our favourite is "Amy. Want. Raindrop. Drink!" Like you couldnt teach the monkey water, one of the most important elements on the planet, you have to go teach her the sign language for "raindrop drink"
  3. Sideburnious

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Ok, can someone explain all the David Snell love? is it coming from another show he was on or just this one. He's a good actor, but people definatly seem to get over hyped about him.
  4. Sideburnious

    Dave Chappelle Speaks...

    So did he say anything about doing the 3rd season?
  5. Sideburnious

    Wisdom Teeth

    Top marks for the congo reference, its all me and my friends reference in college "Wieelll you stup eating my siesemee cake!!!"
  6. Sideburnious

    little kid

    Yeah, i used to make it like a video game, where id follow the side of the road as if it was a race and a course for me to follow.
  7. Sideburnious

    RVD on Byte This

    HHH is prob the best person in WWE right now in terms of the all round package now that Eddie is dead.
  8. Sideburnious

    Britney Spears is pregnant- AGAIN

    K-Fed is just doing it to get child support.
  9. Does anyone have a cbr/pdf scan of marvel zombies? or a free place to download it. Its pretty much sold out over hear and I want to get my hands on it somehow, even if its on my pc.
  10. Sideburnious

    Happy Black History Month.

    ^ Drunk btw
  11. Sideburnious

    Happy Black History Month.

    Black history, white history. just tell me when the asian history month happens. huh huh? there could even be a jewish history month based on clelbrities alowne.
  12. Sideburnious

    A 14 year old and a 10 year old

    There should be a "which is better: dragon or rancid shirt" poll. On saying that you did the right thing matt. And i'd vote for dragon shirt :le wink:
  13. Sideburnious

    TSM Radio - 4 February, 2006

    Hardcore discussion needs its own radio show.
  14. Sideburnious


  15. Sideburnious

    Whatcha think?

    "All I know is always bet on the black guy" - Butchered quote from one of the Naked Guns.
  16. Sideburnious


    So is she really short or is he really tall?
  17. Sideburnious

    Camel Toes

  18. Sideburnious

    Hard-drive troubles

    no, basically I got a external case for the hard drive, so that it pretty much makes the hard drive a portable external one. The wires inside the case are sata wires to connect to the hard drive, and the wire that connects it to the pc is a usb wire. Heres pretty much a similar model to it:
  19. Sideburnious

    Hard-drive troubles

    Ok, so long story short: I bought a SATA Hitachi Deckstar hard drive back in september. I'm trying to use it as external and I have an external sata-usb case. The only problem is that I can't seem to get the pc to pick up the hard drive. Its not coming up in administrative tools and only the case is being detected. I think what I need to do is format the hard drive inside a pc first, but my desktop pc doesn't have sata wires inside it. Is there anyway to format it without putting it inside it? I'm sure there is someone on here who has a good idea what to do. Thanks.
  20. Sideburnious

    On Old People, and Boxes.

    Hey box, we've got a debate going on here: Do you smell like old people's piss or ever hold old people? And what is it about you that Hoff really likes?
  21. Sideburnious

    On Old People, and Boxes.

    I bet loads of old people work at box factories. The smell must be passed onto the boxes.
  22. I bet the TA is really pissed that they didn't fire him now.
  23. Sideburnious

    On Old People, and Boxes.

    What about boxes in allyways, they smell like pee.
  24. Sideburnious

    Why do they let old people on

    Hoff's new job sees him working in an old folks home, where the price is right is the highlight of the senior citizen's day. He changes their bedpans as they call out the wrong answers, hoping that their deaths are swift and soon.
  25. Sideburnious

    Favourite Obscure Country

    new zealand