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Everything posted by Sideburnious

  1. Sideburnious

    will the world end this year?

    I got an A1 in honours English (which is hard to get and the highest grade you can get in a subject) but I have ahave no class.
  2. Sideburnious

    Obie Trice Shot

    At least they'd have the Kharma Police watching their asses.
  3. Sideburnious

    WON Notes for Jan 3rd

    I'm guessing this was before he died?
  4. Sideburnious

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    Yeah I totally agree. Once he lost his innocence about his gay saying etc, it just lost alot of the edge. I mean, some of it's funny, but it just feels like he knows he's gay now.
  5. Sideburnious

    Royal Rumble Poster Released

    Steph looks so cross-eyed it's sinister.
  6. Sideburnious

    Do you think the world will end in 2012?

    I'd say it's alright to make variations of the same joke every 6 months.
  7. Sideburnious

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    Why he was ever paired with them is beyond me. Lo' Down were actually getting over as a team, actually moving up the shows to Raw. Then they pair them up with Singh in a stupid arab gimmick that shits them back down to Metal/Heat. I don't think either man got over again after that.
  8. Sideburnious

    Who Thinks Countess Vaughn Is Fat?

    Holy shit, all these years I thought Countess Vaughn was the mother. My apologies.
  9. Sideburnious

    Good Job TSM

  10. Sideburnious

    Death List 2006 closed???

    Dang, just when I had forgotten my list.
  11. Sideburnious

    Huge Mofo Signed to WWE

    He'll probably do well from a WWE standpoint. Smarks will be pissed. Life will continue.
  12. Sideburnious

    will the world end this year?

    I wonder if a meteor will ever hit one of the other planets. I mean, all these movies talk about a meteor on a collision course with Earth, but what if one was on a collision course with Jupiter.
  13. Sideburnious

    Do you think the world will end in 2012?

    Well Jesus didnt start preching 30, so maybe he's already back, but will just be in his prime in 2012. It could be any one of us.
  14. Sideburnious

    Who Thinks Countess Vaughn Is Fat?

    Em, count. vaughn is the one in the red/on the left.
  15. Sideburnious

    Has anyone seen 101 Reasons Not To Be A Wrestler?

    So...a documentary?
  16. Sideburnious

    RIP Patrick Cranshaw

    Ok. I'm gonna try and get through this *puts in old school* Ok 3 mins in and tears are already running down my face, I don't think I can do this.
  17. Sideburnious

    Who Thinks Countess Vaughn Is Fat?

    Seeing as all she wears in the Parkers is a Moo-moo, yes.
  18. Sideburnious

    Happy Birthday Hoff~!

    Happy birthday man, I hope your doing something fun for it.
  19. Sideburnious

    I've Escaped~!

    Yeah, thats what I thought. Rando must have an impressive collection of hair nets and name badges.
  20. Sideburnious

    new years (part 24) {volume 72}

    Poor Angle-Plex, can't remember throwing his own couch off his balcony.
  21. Sideburnious

    Death List 2006 closed???

    Dang, just when i had my list ready
  22. Sideburnious


    Did anyone else giggle at King King or just me?