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Everything posted by Markme123

  1. Markme123

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

    Plus, I doubt they were paid to appear. They were probably asked to get beat up by Umaga and sell it accordingly. They did not and thus boom.
  2. Markme123

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

  3. Hey, I speak Spanish! I just watched AAA this week for the first time in forever, so it's kind of confusing but... Zorro apparently lost a match were the loser had to wear this particular haunted mask. The mask controls him now; it has some demonic power over him.
  4. Markme123

    So I'm going to visit Owen Hart's grave site this week...

    Wait, i'm retarded. What's so shocking?
  5. Markme123

    Kid Kash released.

    Shit, that must be the funniest thing i've read all week. Yeesh...
  6. If in a year Kurt's decision turns out to be a good one, his jump will be the catalyst for others leaving WWE and TNA actually competing. I really believe that. He is so respected in the (non ECW) lockerroom that this could turn out to be real big. I'm sure most WWE fans don't know what the real deal is with Kurt. All they know is that they "mutually came to an agreement" and that's it. Unfortunatly, WWE's respectful treatement of Kurt's departure on TV could bite them on the ass. Imagine being not being smart and hearing that Kurt and WWE decided to part ways. I'm sure they didn't have a clue as to why. Then imagine coming upon TNA and seeing him there. They are going wonder why Kurt decided to leave WWE for a different company. I think Kurt hit the "Eddie Guerrero/Steve Austin Hate Wall" in the WWE last year. Face or heel, WWE fans loved him no matter what. WWE can't just ignore such a big name leaving and working for someone else. The fact that WWE didn't "fire" Kurt guarantees that Vince will fire back somehow. Either by revealing the real reason for Kurt's dismissal or by doing something to hurt the company as a whole. You better believe that TNA will push the fact that Kurt specifically wanted to come to TNA (as they should, he left $500000 behind). If Kurt draws new viewers to TNA WWE will need some sort of answer if they don't want to look bad. Whether they acknowledge "a rival promotion" or not will be interesting.
  7. Can I put in a formal request for video of Kurt's announcement
  8. Yeah right1 If you mean getting the middle finger from 16,000 ppl and getting drinks trown on you turning the crowd in your favor....then i guess........NOT With all due respect, I've been playing back the ending and most of the crowd isn't hating on Cena right there. I only saw a handful of middle fingers and some idiot throwing a cup. It was funny towards the end that the Cena fans grew more vocal as the match was climaxing. When Cena was setting up the ladder for the final spot there were almost no boos. But of couse when Edge came the ring, the crowd popped huge. Maybe he didn't turn them in his favor. But he softened up the anger. I just think that the arena was more respectful toward Cena after the match and sad for Edge. I don't think they were in "FUCK John Cena' mode. More like "Cool match, but I wish Edge had won" mode. I would be interested on Bob Barron's account of the reactions since he would know better. One more thing I would like to point out: I wonder why Cena was so serious towards at the end. It wasn't a "I've been through hell in back face" but a "I feel sorry for Edge - fuck these people, where is my dad" face. He kept shaking his head like he was mad or something. Very serious.
  9. WOW. 1. Edge took the most dangerous bump in TLC history 2. Cena turned the crowd in his favor
  10. Wow, Edge missed half of the table
  11. Props to Cena for taking the big bump. Will Trish come back to help Cena?
  12. Shit. Cena does NOT need to be taking scorpion death drops onto chairs
  13. Edge looks like he's going to lose the title. I guess I was wrong...
  14. "Probably best women's match on PPV in a while" -Meltzer Actually, best womens match in years. Even better than the WM match
  15. shit shit fuck fuck awesome DDP-style finish!!
  16. Ooh, Randy bleeding from the mouth
  17. That finish totally made up for the screwy finishes. Randy = cocky son of a bitch. It's great.
  18. The best ending for a match ever. Go gotta believe she asked for that finish.
  19. correction: Shane *and Vince* are great actors. Great facials
  20. I hope i don't sound like a pussy, but... i'm kind of scared for Shane.