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Everything posted by HandofFate

  1. HandofFate

    Bound for Glory

    I do have to say...that Abyss chant is the WORST EVER!!! It really pisses me off to hear them do that. What makes it even worse, is that it has NOTHING to do with him. Doesn't rhyme. Doesn't put him over. It just makes me want to slap all of those idiots for doing it
  2. HandofFate

    OAO 10/22 iMPACT! Thread

    Not sure if he signed a contract. He supposedly got heat from Dixie Carter for showing up for Raw Homecoming. I guess that part is true...
  3. HandofFate

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    anybody with DirectTV or digital cable look up the times for the PPV? Are they gonna have a countdown? How long is the PPV supposed to be?
  4. HandofFate

    OAO 10/22 iMPACT! Thread

    It was James Storm who she hit, not either of the Naturals. Anybody else notice the absence of a certain Mouth of the South manager?
  5. HandofFate

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    No, cuz it says previews & thoughts
  6. those 5 are the booking team. I think D'Amore is the head booker. Jarrett's influence is his two boys Mantel & Borash
  7. HandofFate

    Bound for Glory

    uhmmm...they are redoing the 3LK split for a national audience which should lead to a NAO reunion & Homicide's introduction into TNA; there is a rumor that Raven is in the doghouse for saying that he didn't really care about the fanfest in an interview last week or the week before... that's about all I can think of
  8. I think that it's Fear Factory. Corey should know what the music is...
  9. HandofFate

    OAO 10/22 iMPACT! Thread

    LMAO!!! Monty Brown just did the Ric Flair flop!!!
  10. HandofFate

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Can someone tell me what was the reason why Sean Waltman no-showed the PPV? Where did he go? I was thinkin about that today...
  11. HandofFate

    OAO 10/15 Impact Thread

  12. HandofFate

    OAO 10/15 Impact Thread

    Didn't see Styles as the third guy...
  13. HandofFate

    OAO 10/15 Impact Thread

    what the hell was that that Sonjay did on his rope walk?
  14. HandofFate

    OAO 10/15 Impact Thread

    From the 5 or so commercials that they've had tonight about Morphoplex, I got an important question to ask: How the hell does Traci keep her boobs in that shirt?
  15. HandofFate

    OAO 10/15 Impact Thread

    I don't know who called it, but they said Shark Boy and Sonjay Dutt would be two of Daniel's opponents and they were right
  16. HandofFate

    OAO 10/15 Impact Thread

    I think that Rhino's punches looked like the shits cuz Sabu TOTALLY no-sold them, then he didn't get the spot right the first time when he was supposed throw Rhino out the ring
  17. HandofFate

    OAO 10/15 Impact Thread

    Somebody get Abyss some tissues...
  18. You know what I would like to see? A reunion of the NBT with the tag team of Jindrak & O'Haire! Anybody else think that would OWN?
  19. HandofFate

    And the ratings are in....

    the things about his posts are that they tend to be negative ALL the time. No one likes to hear negative talk ALL the time
  20. HandofFate

    TNA 3 Pack at Wal-Mart

    There is one problem with what you're saying. It's not TNA who is putting them out to the stores. It's the distribution company (I forgot their name) who has the problem. TNA supplies the product to the distribution company, then the distribution company gets it out to the stores so if there are any delays or low inventory, it's the distributor's fault, unless the supplier (TNA) doesn't get the product to the distributor in the first place
  21. HandofFate

    Impact Reviews/Previews

    Vote from the choices above. My vote goes to ~The Diatribe~
  22. HandofFate

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    Does that mean a return of ~The Diatribe~? *GASP*
  23. HandofFate

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    The problem would be that JJ would no sell the ENTIRE OCEAN since that's what Aquaman would throw at him, then JJ would hit THE STROKE! and get the pin
  24. HandofFate

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread
