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Everything posted by Fro

  1. Fro

    Hebner screws Hebner

    Probably will be Chris Kay (OVW ref who does some WWE TV work), although I'd mark more for Fonzie.
  2. Fro

    Ages of current WWE and some OVW

    Roster is really starting to get up there in age.
  3. Fro

    Rob Conway news

    Knowing how overly literal the WWE gets with nicknames, they probably will do the full-blown con man gimmick with him. Chris Masters is a prime example of WWE turning a nickname into a gimmick.
  4. Fro

    No Surrender

    Everyone watching this in a chat room I'm in really marked out for the Joe/Sabin match, sounds like it was great.
  5. Fro

    OAO Heat Thread: 7/17/05

    Not quite his OVW gimmick but pretty darn close so I'll take it. I think the "Ego Trip" was the name of his Rick Rude neckbreaker in OVW.
  6. Fro

    No Surrender

    He usually doesn't spoil stuff, i.e. people being backstage and the like. He did update mentioning what TNA said on their website, but he used things like "apparently" to describe it.
  7. Fro

    No Surrender

    A true statement would mention how Hardy recently signed a WWE contract and that TNA has no interest in using their PPVs to promote WWE talent and angles. And why would they mention it at all and cost themselves money? Considering Meltzer has been real quiet on the whole deal (not even mentioning the TNA statement), I assume it's on.
  8. Fro

    No Surrender

    Next TNA PPV is Aug. 21, and considering a TNA run would just mean apperances this Sunday, Tuesday, and Aug. 21 I could it see happening.
  9. Fro

    No Surrender

    Considering Meltzer hasn't said anything about the Hardy appearance today, I'm going to assume it's happening.
  10. Fro

    House Show Report

    Won't be the same card... you'll get to see The Blonde Bombers (Chad/Tank Toland) v.s. The Thrillseekers (Johnny Jeter/Matt Cappotelli) for the OVW tag titles. They might throw a couple other OVW guys on the show too. Also, the Heart Throbs will be way over with the "OVW section" of the crowd.
  11. Fro

    Booker T

    He was thought of as a good worker in his WCW days, but in WWE he's eliminated most of his high-flying offense due to his bad knees. So his moveset generally is some kicks, the axe kick, and the Book End once in a while. He also used some different holds and a wide variety of rollups in WCW. You rarely see him bust out a missle dropkick, and I think he's only done the Harlem Hangover once or twice since the WWE days (once at Mania v.s. HHH). The other thing is, since he couldn't be his full-out Rock ripoff character like he was in WCW, he's a pretty bland babyface. He still has flashes though, especially against a good worker. I really enjoyed his match with Benoit a couple weeks ago on Smackdown.
  12. Fro

    The Boogeyman

    I believe this is a WWE-created gimmick they're working on in OVW. Hassan and Daivari did something similar for a few weeks before getting called up (although they had to explain in OVW how Mark Magnus became Hassan).
  13. Fro

    No Surrender

    TNA needs to agree if they also: - Get clearance for Hardy to work the Impact tapings - Get clearance for Matt and Jeff to work a tag match on the next PPV
  14. Fro

    The Boogeyman

    Pics of Da Boogeyman:
  15. Fro

    The Boogeyman

    He looks quite a bit like Papa Shango... he's got a necklace of some shells and a goofy staff alongside his inflatable devil horns.
  16. Fro

    Danie Puder

    Just because people are training in OVW, doesn't mean they wrestle on TV. They generally spend time training, then they do dark matches and house shows, and then they finally get on TV. Sometimes guys who you hear get signed are down there for months or even years before they appear on TV. Puder has allegedly been doing some dark matches and is debutting on OVW TV this week.
  17. Fro

    OVW Results Thread...

    OVW TV Report for 7/9/05: The Last Dance or Cornette's Last Stand... Taped on 7/6/05 from the New Davis Arena in Louisville KY Let the BODIES HIT THE FLOOR! Your Hosts are Jim Cornette and Dean “The Howard Cosell of Kentuckiana “ Hill Tonight, Elijah Burke v.s. “The Golden Boy” Ken Doane (ooo, what a match to go out on!), war between Team OVW and Bolin Services, the controversy continues between “The Shooter” Brent Albright and Aaron “The Idol” Stevens, my gawd, it's deafening in here! Chris Cage/Nick Nemeth v.s. ??? I really like the look of Cage and Nemeth as a team coming out. We'll see how they look in the ring. And their opponents... It's Danny Doring and Roadkill (w/ Tank Toland, Chad Toland, Ken Anderson, and Jillian Hall). Cornette tells us these two are the former World Champions who will fight the Thrillseekers at Six Flags. I mark for how Dean Hill announces Roadkill's name. Roadkill does the pose! Chris Kay is your referee, kickin things off on the WB! Cornette says it looks like Roadkill came off the top of a wedding cake, and being former ECW World Tag Champions was like being the “nicest guy in prison, it's not much of an honor”. Doring and Cage start. The Tolands join us for commentary. Basically, the Thrillseekers have to beat Doring/Roadkill to get a shot at the Tolands aka the Blonde Bombers these days. Doring/Cage work off a headlock. Leapdrog, dropkick, 2 count by Cage. Nemeth and Roadkil in. Roadkill pose! Kick to the gut, crappy punches, Nemeth punches away on Roadkill, then hits a spinning headscissors that looks all crappy cuz Roadkill is selling it. Doubleteam, double elbow on Roadkill, 2 count. Cornette says “Roadkill is living up to his name”. Roadkill runs into an elbow, dropkick off the 2nd rope by Cage gets 2. Tank says on commentary they're being good spots to even let the Thrillseekers have a chance to get a title shot. Cage collides with Doring after being whipped into the ropes, and Roadkill gives him a slam. Vaderbomb off the 2nd rope gets 2. Doring in now. HART ATTACK! 2 count. Doring stomps away, drops some elbows. Roadkill in, kick to the gut. Scooop slam. Roadkill goes for a splash off the top, but he misses. Doring in, Cage rolls out of his way and tags in Nemeth. Punches for everyone! Backdrop! Dropkick. Superkick to Doring, Roadkill breaks it up. Cage in on Roadkill. The ref acttually does his job and gets Cage out of the ring, allowing Roadkill and Doring to doubleteam Nemeth. Roadkill holds Nemeth in a wheelbarrow position and Doring comes off the top rope with a legdrop to vegamatic him! 3 count. I'm sure that has some sort of ECW name but my mind is blank. Weak ECW chants. Next, an interview with team OVW! Derby Park Expo 5, steal the next WWE PPV with OVW! See RAW LIVE with BATISTA, HHH, Benjamin, Ric Flair, and CHRIS BENOIT, plus Chris Jericho, Trish Stratus, Edge and MORE Cornette is at the announce desk introducing a recap. It started as a tag match but ended in a riot! <Burke in. Hiptosses. 2 count. Shade back in with a slingshot splash. Mondo with a clothesline. Lasheley in illegally but Burke takes it to him. Shoulderblock, flying forearm takes him down. X-Factor on Mondo but the ref is distracted. Ken Doane in and hits a NICE RKO on Burke. Mondo gets the 3 count! A couple other refs come from the back and try to tell the ref what happened (Doane cheating), but Mondo takes them out. Bolin waves to the back... it's BIG GUIDO. Cornette says “By gawd, he's gotta be 7 feet tall!”. A bunch of jobbers come out of the back but Guido holds them off. We gotta get some help. Cornette says he has no business in the ring. Burke's eye is busted up. We're outta time! Bolin has declared WAR!> Back “live”, here comes Elijah Burke and Deuce Shade to the ring. They play Shade's music which disappoints me greatly. Cornette introduces them and shakes their hands. Cornette says this Friday, Bolin Services is going to have a war! Shade says Bolin Services has declared war. You can tell he got the Jimmy Snuka Jr gimmick because he can't cut a promo to save his life. Shade says he made a few calls to Vegas and talked to a bookie. All the odds, everyone is betting on Team OVW. Shade knows the bookies at thegreek.com? They are going to experience some bombs from Team OVW. Burke says he knows about experiences, he had 8 experiences last week from the vicious attack last week. It failed in comprarsion to what they're going to do to BS. Brother this is a war we're gonna finish. Come 6 flags, me Deucemaster, we're gonna get funky like a monkey! Cornette says this isn't a normal tag match, this is going to be a COWARD WAVES THE FLAG MATCH. The match can't be stopped until the cornerman for one team waves the white flag. Bolin will be in one corner... and the other cornerman is going to be... Jim Cornette! He's going to be there. Whoops, that might be a problem, now you've screwed over a Six Flags event WWE. Cornette calls Bolin a gutless coward and he's going to be waving the flag. Cornette doesn't care, he's never going to wave the flag even if his guys have bones sticking out of their legs. Cornette says Bolin is a gutless coward, and when he sees his life investment Bolin Services in the middle of that ring pummeled in the middle of the ring, he's going to wave the flag. His wrestlers can beg the referee, but the ref will say he can't stop it, only Bolin can. Team OVW is going to make sure Bolin Services has the worst day of their life. Update on the OVW title... next! Six Flags Summer Sizzler Series. Randy Orton face to face with Ken Doane. Team OVW v.s. Team Bolin Services. Cornette says he'll be in Team OVW's corner again here. Brent Albright v.s. Aaraon “The Idol” Stevens. Thrillseekers v.s. Doring/Roadkill. Plus two more BIG MATCHES! Cornette is gonna talk and take us back to last week... ZZZZ. Read the report. Basically Idol slaps the figure four on Albright after the match outside th ring. Let us take you to pretaped comments from Brent Albright, being interviewed by Maria. Maria doesn't sound like a ditz. Albright says it's going to take more than one submission hold to hang with the shooter. You can't hang with a 7-time freestyle wrestling champion who has the most devasting hold in pro wrestling today, the Crowbar. On July 15, it's going to be the crowbar v.s. The Idollock. After the match, the title and your arm all go home with me! Great promo. Here comes Aaron “The Idol” Stevens” (w/ Beth Phoenix) v.s. Chet the Jet. Fat ringrat chants for Chet. Idol backs Chet into the corner. Cornette explains how the top-rope rule works in OVW. Chet taunts Idol as he gets the better of a couple exchanges. Shoulderblock. Akward wrestling sequence. Lots of headlocks and headscissors but it looked sloppy. Kick to the nuts by Chet, suplex. 2 count. Chop, chop, whip to the buckle, reversed, elbow, Phoenix on the apron and rakes Chet's eyes. Chop block, kick to the knee a few times by Idol. Idol cranks on Chet's knee. Some unique legwork offense here. Chet fights back but gets kicked in the knee. He goes for another kick to the knee but Chet spins around and clotheslines him. Plenty of punches. Suplex into a Falcon Arrow for 2. Chet screws up, hits his knee on the buckle, Idol-Lock! Chet taps! He won't break the hold. Here's Brent Albright. He rolls Chet over, reversing the pressure of the figure-four and then locks in the Crowbar on Stevens' arm. Stevens taps like crazy. Phoenix rakes both their eyes to break the hold up. We'll be back with Seth Skyfire in action! Raw LIVE in Louisville with all the RAW SUPERSTARS... and BATISTA AND CHRIS BENOIT Seth Skyfire v.s. Cliff Compton. I smell Boogieman run-in. Cornette says it sounds like Beatlemania when Seth Skyfire comes out to the ring. Spinning headscissors is botched. Cornette says Seth Skyfire is “So quick he's sudden, and any other Gordon Solie cliches I can think of”. Running dropkick. Oh noes, it's the HALLOWEEN MUSIC! Cornette says “our sound man has obviously made a miscue”. My god, it's the Boogieman out from the ring apron. He's got INFLATABLE HORNS ON! And a STAFF! Cornette says he must have been under the ring since this afternoon. Cornette says this man has a history of violent assault. The wrestlers and refs bail. He definitely has Warryah style facepaint on. Cornette says this man lied about his record when he was on Tough Enough. He gets the mic and goes HAHAHAHA. He says the Itsy Bitsy Spider song and the crowd laughs. BOOGIEMAN. BECAUSE YOU CHILDREN FEAR BOOGIEMAN HAHAH! YES AND YOU ADULTS YOU BEGIN YOU PRETEND LIKE YOU NOT AFRAID OF the BOOGIEMAN WELL YOU SHOULD BE HAHAH YEAS THIS FRIDAY NIGHT WHEN DARKNESS FALLS ON SIX FLAGS HAHAHA. YES I WILL MAKE ALL OF YOU BELIEVE IN the BOOGIEMAN BECAUSE THE BOOGIEMAN IS REAL THE BOOGIEMAN IS HERE THE BOOGIEMAN WILL MAKE YOU BELIEVE WILL MAKE YOU ALL BELIEVEEE BOOM-SHAKKA-LAKKA! (Yes, I'm not shitting you, he said "BOOM-SHAKKA-LAKKA" like he just dunked in NBA Jam). It took him about 2 minutes to say that. ROTFL, that was GREAT! Cornette says Six Flags is no place for someone this mentally unstable. This totally worked on a Plan 9 from Outer Space Level. Crowd chants “BOOGIEMAN”. He goes after some little kid in the front row, and goes out the emergency exit BACKWARDS as Cornette screams to go to break! Okay here comes Bolin Services. Here's Kenny “Starmaker” Bolin, Ms. Blue, “The Giant Killer” Mike Mondo on Big Guido's shoulders FBI-style, Blaster Lasheley, “The Golden Boy” Ken Doane with Desiree and the TV title trophy. Whew. Dean Hill is doing this interview. He says Bolin Services will have all they can handle at Six Flags this weekend. When it comes to Randy Orton, Ken Doane can handle anything. This Friday night, Ken Doane will prove why he is the best in the business today. He says Orton's record will be dust in the wind. Bolin says he's a ruthless heartless CEO and he could care less about the wrestlers' pain. He'll never wave the flag. He asks Mondo if he wants him to wave the flag and Mondo says he'll never surrender. Don't ever utter those words again. You want a war, you've got a war. You want a fight, you got a fight. It's going to be a dog fight, because we're going to punch and kick and do whatever it takes to survive. Ms. Blue hands a Boxing Pad to Bolin and Mondo throws some punches at it. At Six Flags, there's going to be no whistle-blowing, bring everything that you have, I'm going to show you guys what gutcheck time is. Blaster Lasheley says wave that flag in his squeaky voice. God, he sounds like Michael Jackson trying to talk in a deep voice. He says as far as the flag goes, we don't need a flag. Bolin says he brought in Big Guido to be his bodyguard so that nobody could make him wave the flag, and he swears on his father's grave he won't wave it this Friday! Next: Ken Doane v.s. Elijah Burke for the TV title. Elijah Burke v.s. Ken Doane (w/ Desiree and Kenny “Starmaker” Bolin) Burke's right eye is bandaged up. Burke throws Doane into the ring and punches away on him. This should be good, with two guys who should be at least WWE midcarders in a year or two. He punches away like crazy. Head to the buckle. Doane tries to bail but gets punched. Whip to the buckle, backdrop! Cover, 2 count. Scoooop slam. Shade comes to ringside to guard Elijah Burke's corner. Burke goes up top... but Doane knocks the ref into the ropes and Burke falls violently off! 2 count. Doane stomps away. Head to the buckle. Punch to the back of the head. 2 count. He pulls off the bandage around Burke's eye. Burke tries to fight back but eats a knee. Head to the buckle. Scoop slam. Stone Cold elbow drop. 2 count. Head to the buckle blocked, Doane to the buckle! Doane comes back with a thumb to the injured eye. Doane acts like he kicks Burke on the apron, but he misses by a mile. Burke still rolls out of the ring. Burke thrown back in the ring. “Porky” chants. 2 count. Elbows, kicks, stomps in the corner. Bolin attempts to choke Burke in the corner but Deuce Shade chases him away. Kneedrop, 2 count. Man, this kick has the WWE style down already. Whip to the ropes, elbow. Reverse chinlock, cranking on it Orton style. Burke fights back. Whip to the ropes, clothesline ducked. Double crossbody at the same time and the ref counts to 10. Both men up. Burke gives him some big punches and kicks, chops, clothesline. Atomic drop. Flying forearm. 2 count. Whip to the buckle, Doane moves out of the way but Burke grabs him and whips him into the buckle again (that looked like a blown spot). Burke misses with a splash into the corner. Spinebuster by Burke! Bolin distracts the ref. Shade gets Bolin. Desiree hits Burke in the nards. Ring the bell, that's a DQ. Here comes Mondo and Lasheley. Cornette says “This Whole Arena has GONE WILD” as the crowd is dead silent. Shade triple teamed. He tries to fight them off to no avail. Powerslam on Shade by Lasheley. Burke in the ring with a kendo stick. By Gawd! He's laying it to them. It's going to be a war this night at Six Flags. Okay, not as good of a show as it looked on paper from Ffing through it. Is this the end of Jim Cornette? We'll find out VERY soon.
  18. Fro

    No Surrender

    2 Live Kru v.s. Outlaw/Brown
  19. Fro

    The Boogeyman

    Well, he's in his 40s already and I get the impression he may have been trained in wrestling before TE 4. In the 3-4 moves he did in OVW, he didn't look any worse than Nathan Jones, so they'll try him. I'm just really glad this lame ass gimmick was WWE's idea and not Cornette's.
  20. Fro

    Backlash on Terrorist Angle

    Add the NY Post: http://www.nypost.com/entertainment/49899.htm I expect more of the right-wing media to pile on now that it's on the Drudge Report this morning.
  21. Fro

    The Boogeyman

    I wrote that OVW report. It's pure wrestlecrap. This past week, he had fake horns on his head and a big Moses stick and half the crowd was laughing their ass off.
  22. Fro

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    The Michaels collapse was a little better than this (that fooled almost everyone), but this is a very, very close 2nd.
  23. Fro

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Nah, Michaels will drag a very good match out of Hogan. You forget how good he is compared to say, the Rock at carrying people. This is the guy who had a great match with friggin Yokozuna on Raw.
  24. Fro

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    They should have cut his mic and cut to commerical as they were cuffing him, but other than that, very very well done. Matt did a great job of selling this work.
  25. Fro

    Matt Hardy backstage at RAW tonight

    If this were legit, this would be all over the place. I also think they'd be hiding Hardy from everyone backstage like they did with the draft picks.