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Everything posted by Fro

  1. Fro

    Stephanie McMahon sent down to OVW.

    It's the most entertaining wrestling program I watch every week... very well-booked, decent wrestling (not great usually but sometimes good), great announcing. There's usually a *** match about every couple weeks and 2-3 **** matches a year on TV. Sometimes it's just solid, sometimes it's very good.
  2. Fro


    Ripped from OVWrestling.com
  3. Fro

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    Matthews, Nitro, and Melina. Although if PWInsider's spoilers are correct, it's going to stand for Mercury, Nitro, and Melina (since Joey Matthews is going to be Joey Mercury). I doubt anyone of you will remember Nitro as Bischoff's lackey or John Hennigan, Tough Enough 3 winner in a few weeks... that's how much the gimmick works.
  4. Fro

    Molly Holly released

    I'm sorry to go off-topic, but IWA-MidSouth is a JOKE, why would anyone go from WWE to a latchkey indy fed full of garbage wrestlers and never-will-be's. Don't even reference Zach Gowan, because we know why he was used in WWE...cheap heat. Molly will not go to an Indy Fed, she will end up in Japan wrestling other talented women, and making comparable money to what she made here. I'm guessing you haven't watched IWA:MS in about 4 years... they put on great shows with hardly any "hardcore" matches anymore and they book the best indy guys in the Midwest. I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to work some indy dates and get paid... Japan wrestles "tours" instead of 52 weeks a year.
  5. Fro

    Stephanie McMahon sent down to OVW.

    MNM (Johnny Nitro, Joey Matthews, Melina Perez), Jeter/Capotelli, Brent Albright, Matt Morgan, Jillian Hall, Alexis Laree are all people I would call up now if I were running things. Out of those, I think only MNM and Matt Morgan were the only two WWE was planning on bringing up anytime soon. I think one of the OVW women will get a shot now that Molly quit, probably Jillian Hall as she's an excellent heel character. Blaster Lasheley might get fasttracked but there's really no hosses left down there (and Blaster is a marginally sized hoss). Mordecai might get another shot. No sign of the Shane Twins on OVW TV yet. Lance Cade is down there too at the moment, and I imagine he'll probably get his roster spot back. I really need to do some profiles on all these guys at some point, sort of like how they do minor league rankings in baseball and project their WWE ceiling.
  6. Fro

    Raw is stagnating already.

    Like Cena or London Sadly, being cruiserweight champ doesn't elevate you very much anymore. They have to find a way to keep their talent fresh... they have most of the same guys on the roster they had 7 years ago plus a handful of OVW grads.
  7. Fro

    Molly Holly released

    Keep waiting, it's not going to happen... they're all about making money and fooling their money mark stockholders that there is big growth potential in getting up to 24 PPVs a year with 2 different brands. If they ever recombine the brands, the stock price is going to plummet.
  8. Fro

    Molly Holly released

    *paging Jillian Hall, your table is ready. Jillian Hall, your table is ready* If there was any sanity, they'd call up her and Alexis Laree already. FWIW, I think most of the Diva Search losers who are still around are training in OVW, so Fit doesn't have to deal with them all the time. Good thing they've started the new Atlanta territory because OVW's beginner training classes are full with all these rejects plus a lot of the TE4 guys trying to train and another wave of talentless eye candy on the way in a few months.
  9. Fro

    Raw is stagnating already.

    Raw is stagnant and has been that way for years. Batista may be champ but he's got *nobody* to feud with besides HHH, Edge, and Orton without turning a bunch of people. Remember, he squashed every heel on the roster in the lumberjack match a couple weeks ago except HHH and Orton. Christian/Benoit/Jericho/Edge/Benjamin/Kane are all just trading jobs at this point like they have for the past six years to some extent (except Benjamin). Hassan has been getting a good push but you can't do too much with him after Hogan/Michaels squash him. Plus he's just not a good wrestler at this point. La Resistance and Regal/Tajiri are sorta there as tag teams. HurriRosey both just got squashed by HHH and are Heat 4 lyfe at this point. Beyond those guys, good luck finding any roster depth at all. WWE better hope TNA folds soon.
  10. Fro

    Two More Releases

    They called him Will Jones in OVW. He's in his 40's a shadow of his formerself... plus he looks like he couldn't whoop Spike Dudley let along Hassan. Yeah the WWE are morons... Trust me, the WWE are morons for a lot less, and you know that just as well as anyone else. Anyway, it's better to keep Chilly Willy on and get an enjoyable story steeped in reality rather than keep some of the other nonentities hired. Pointless firing, and this is just another reason why the WWE are idiots. He hasn't been fired, he's just had his developmental deal taken away. He will prob continue to wrestle for OVW... Why's do you think he's going to keep training in OVW? He's barely been on OVW TV and he's not going to get a developmental deal back for a couple years. Considering OVW is running an amazing 3 house shows this month, I doubt that's enough to pay the bills by itself. You have to understand, you don't just "go to OVW" and get put on TV... there's a ton of homegrown OVW trainees, WWE developmental guys, and experienced indy guys there trying to get WWE deals and get on OVW tv.
  11. Fro

    Rhyno and Matt Hardy release

    According to Meltzer, Matt has a 90-day no compete. TNA needs both these guys ASAP, considering they may not be around in six months if things don't go well.
  12. Fro


    No results this week as I taped The Ultimate Fighter Finale and wasn't around to watch OVW.
  13. Fro

    Top Creative Team Member Leaves WWE

    It's still going to be Vince, Stephanie, and HHH at the top of the food chain, so unless someone talented can get their ear there's going to be mostly the same problems. It isn't rocket science to book wrestling... the rocket science is wading through the political minefield to sell everyone on your ideas. You look at guys like Cornette and Heyman and they've both failed on the writing team because they didn't have the political skills to stay on top as head writer/booker. Bill Watts had the same problem in WCW. You also have to be very organized or have a great memory. Heyman's got a great memory... Cornette has a great memory and wrote down all the shows he worked on over the years in notebooks and what the finishes, results, houses were. One of the first things they need to do is quit scripting out every damn detail of the shows and let the talent make up their own interviews and give them some bullet points to hit instead. Let the guys cut more promos and show them during the commerical breaks to the live crowd so they can get some more practice talking.
  14. Fro

    Did anyone else notice this?

    It <B>is</b> stupidity by HHH, because he and his wife write the show. It's not as if he's just another wrestler in the back playing political games... he's running the show.
  15. Fro

    Hassan- World Champ within a Year

    Magnus isn't good in the ring... he was carried in OVW a lot by Dinsmore, Conway, Bashams, etc. The reason people get worse when they get called up to WWE from OVW is 1) OVW books to wrestlers' strengths and 2) WWE ridiclously protects moves of their guys, where everyone has 4-5 moves everyone else "can't do".
  16. Fro

    Just how big time is the WWE/Wrestlemania

    Obviously, it is, just because of the payday and the exposure. The only thing that really compares would be main eventing the Tokyo Dome in Japan (and that doesn't really get you anywhere outside of Japan... main event WM and you're over in US, Canada, UK, Australia at least). It's not necessarily a great achievement because it's at the whim of Vince McMahon, but there's no comparable event. There's not been too many people who have main-evented Mania than aren't set financially for life.
  17. Fro

    Backlash main event

    I posted that... it aired at about 12:30 as I was waiting for Impact to come on. The ad says some things like "THIS GAME IS NOT OVER" and "They have unfinished business" etc etc. It definitely was billed as Batista/HHH II like it was a boxing or MMA match.
  18. Fro


    OVW TV report for 4/2/05 Taped from the Davis Arena in Louisville, KY 3/30/05 LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR!!!! Our Hosts are Jim Cornette and Dean "The man, the myth, the mustache" Hill Welcome everyone to OVW TV, where tonight Jim Cornette will tell us tonight's matches. Tonight, Aaron "The Idol" Stevens/Beth Phoenix v.s. Danny Inferno/Trudic DeNucci in a Jersey Shore Streetfight, MNM v.s. the Thrillseekers in a rematch for the Southern Tag Team Championship, but first. BRENT "The Shooter" ALBRIGHT v.s. "The Giantkiller" MIKE MONDO (w/ Kenny "Starmaker" Bolin and Miss Blue) - Beat the Champ TV title Match This should be boss. Dean Hill lets us know that "Ray Ramsey is your referee, kickin' things off on the WB". Why doesn't Lillian have a catchphrase like Dean Hill? Lockup, waistlock by Albright and a take down, another one, another one. Mondo grabs his back and pain and stalls. Mondo shoves Albright, slaps him. Albright ponders the slap and then SPEARS mondo. Punches and fists a fury, whip to the ropes, overhead belly to belly suplex by Albright. Mondo throws Albright out of the ring. Bolin has the suitcase and sets up to to nail Albright, but the ref actually catches him! That's something they need to bring back in WWE. Mondo however kicks Albright in the midsection field-goal style outside the ring, then throws him in. 2. count. Stomp, kick. Mondo whips him in to the buckle and throws shoulderblocks at Albright. 2 count. Mondo locks in the octopus stretch on Albright, mistakenly called an abdominal stretch by Dean Hill. Man, is Inoki gonna be pissed when he gets his OVW tapes this month. Mondo runs into an Albright boot, double clothesline. Cornette says Albright is undefeated since he became TV champ. Ablright kicks Mondo, clothesline, whip, elbow, t-bone suplex, gets 2. Whip, reversed, overhead belly-to-belly again. 2 count. Mondo barely kicked out of that one. Punch, whip to the corner, Albright misses chargined in after him. Mondo his the gutcheck (gorilla press---> lays down on the ground with his knees up gutbuster) for 2. Mondo goes up top. Albirght up, turns the slash into an armbreaker. Crowbar (armbar) is locked on! Blue distracts the ref who doesn't get much play according to Cornette. Mondo taps like crazy, but the ref doesn't see it. Mondo accidently hits Blue who goes flying into Bolin and they go down like bowling pins. Crowbar locked back in on Mondo... Mondo taps!!! Another $1000 for Albright Crowd chants "YOU TAPPED OUT", and Albrihgt says it on the house mic. "You just tapped out to the best damn wrestler on OVW today, "The Shooter" Brent Albright. BLASTER LASHELEY, resident OVW hoss and Bolin Services's muscle runs out to the ring and challenges Albright. Albright runs towards the ring, but about a million refs stop him before he hits the ring. Winner: Brent Albright Fun match, probably ** 1/2ish. Albright always brings the wrestling. -- Ad Break- OVW INVADES cloverport KY and reclaims it for the Rasslin Territory States of America! 7 big matches!! Sat April 9th. Belltime is 7:30. OVW in E-town at the Community center, April 22th and 8 pm. Elijah Burke, Thrillseekers, Matt Morgan, etc. We are back and Cornette is in the ring. He says Rasslemania is tommorrow, and 3 OVWers will be in the main events... Randy Orton, John Cena, and Batista. Batista gets a big pop. Cornette says come to Derby Park Expo 5 for OVW matches at 6, WM at 7. Now let us take you back to last week... wait a minute, what a serve... live in the ring here comes MATT MORGAN. He is super roided up like he is going to be called up to TV in a few weeks. Morgan rips on Orton, Cena, and Batista. He says he's the baddest and has the most potential of anyone who has come through this damn arena. He says all the hicks know it too. He wants to know who's fault it is that he's not at WM. He says Cornette called Morgan a Wrestlemania Moment waiting to happen. He blames OVW, WWE, and Cornette. Cornette says he'll tell you whose fault it is. He says take the silly mask off and look me in the eye. Cornette says he's not going to threaten him, but he'll tell him the truth. He is 7' 300 lbs. He says he has the most amazing skills of anyone who has come through OVW. He says Morgan has beaten everyone, and has more upside than anyone in this industry. He says Morgan has been held down... by MATT MORGAN. Morgan goes crazy. Cornette says it is your fault, because he has all the tools and skills. He says Morgan wasn't content to wait, Morgan tried to go to WWE before he was ready. He said Morgan turned his back on OVW and the OVW fans, his trainers and everyone. YOU Matt Morgan are your own worst enemy. He says Morgan's worst enemy is look in the mirror, it's you. Morgan grabs Cornette like he is going to destroy him. Morgan says calmer heads will prevail. He says he wants one more match against Elijah Burke. Cornette says Elijah Burke has never backed down from a fight. Next week, Cornette will give you an answer on challenging Burke. Morgan says with or without that mask, Morgan will show why he's the Blueprint of OVW. Great segment. Next, Tag Titles on the line - AD BREAK SEE WRESTLEMANIA FOR FREE ON OVW'S DOLE... er for $10 but it's cheaper than $50... and you get to watch it with toothless white trash ruining it for you!! Holy fuck, a cell phone commerical during OVW? White trash have cell phones? Ok, here's a gun show ad... that's more like it!! YEAH!!2nd poker ad of the ad break!!! w00t! We are back... M-N-M (JOHNNY NITRO & JOHNNY MATTHEWS w/ Melina) v.s. THE THRILLSEEKERS (JOHNNY JETER & MATT CAPPOTELLI) for the Southern Tag Team Titles Melina will be cuffed to the ringpost, TONIGHT. No sign guys tonight for MNM due to lack of mark trainees to hold signs. Is everyone gone for springbreak? No splits under the bottom rope for Melina tonight.... the refs handcuff Melina to the ropes. Crowd doesn't like no splits. Melina is "handcuffed" to the post. The Thrillseekers come out looking like a bunch of thugs. Ref is Rob Briscoe, the lost Briscoe brother. The Thrillseekers' white boots look really bush league tonight like they bought them at K-Mart. MNM try to release Melina. MNM hide by Melina. Refs break them up and try to get the match start. Matthews and Matt start. Matt cleans house, Matthews, whipped into the corner. Matt slides under Matthews's attack in the corner and goes outside the ring, kisses Melina. Matt back in with a sunset flip from the apron, but blind tag made to Nitro. Trade punches, whip, reverse, clothesline ducked. Nitro chase Matt around the ring. Nitro goes for a sunset flip from the outside but he hits nothing but air. Double elbow, Jeter in. punches to Jeter. Matthews in, whip, double clothesltne ducked, double clothesline to MNM. whip reversed, forearm, dropkick by jeter. Hiptoss. Neckbreaker. 1, Nitro breaks it up, Nitro punched out of the ring, whip whip reversed. Nitro back in and backdrops Jeter over the top rope !! HOLY SHIT... that was a sick bump. Nitro throws Jeter into the ring, 2 count, Nitro tags in. - AD BREAK. That was a 70 seocnd ad break instead of a one minute ad break, Cornette = A LIAR. Don't rust that carnie scum. Back in the ring, knee to the gut, two count. Nitro taged in, double suplex. 2 count but Matt breaks it up. Jeter in trouble. SCOOOOOP slam.. 2 count. WB logo fucks up in the corner of the screen and swells to take up the whole screen for a minunte. Double breakbreaker in a nice spot, sort of a rockbottom on both knees. Double arm whip into the corner and Jeter does a flair flip to sell. Stomp by matthews, Matthews chokes Jeter on the ropes. Nitro punches Jeter on the apron. Backbreaker by Matthews... now a bow and arrow submission on Keter. Jeter knees out. Nitro tagged in, grabs Jeter. Jeter tries to fight his way to his corner for several seconds. Enizugri, a TSN-style quick cut away to the crowd so the spot must have been fucked. Matt in cleaning house, many clothlesines, jumping leg lariat. Matthews flajacked onto Nitro (!)... nipup. shakey-shakey legdrop. 2-count! Matthews suplexed in... reversed into a crossbody... long 2 count.! Jeter baseball slides Matthews. Matt/Nitro in, but Jeter is back in too! DOUBLE SUPERKICK. Matthews makes the save. Boot to the the gut... jeter thrown outside. Matt throws Joey out out. Matt up to the top... Matthews back in, throws Matt off the top to the outside! MNM call for the snapshot. Jeter in to bust it up... double rollup by the Thrillseekers on MNM gets 1-2-3! MNM go crazy! Double superkick to MNM. Melina is unhandcuffed and in the ring. She tries to hit The Thrillseekers with the handcuffs but it doesn't have much effect. They go to spank her but MNM blindside THe Thrillseekers. Massive beatdown. Snapshot (It's a 3-D, but the guy holding the neck does a DDT instead of a Diamond Cutter) on Jeter... Snapshot on matt. MAC JOHNSON is back along with his partner SETH SKYFIRE!. Big dropkicks for everyone .. they clear the ring and make the save. Mac Johnson says MNM put him in the hospital and now they want 3 things M-N-M. You put me in the hopsital but you didn't put me 6 feet under! Winners: The Thrillseekers Really fun match, probably in the *** 1/4 neighborhood. AD BREAK Summer Sizzler Series is coming at Six Flags! Ancient "Disney's Greatest Hits" commercial How come OVW has some sponsors all of a sudden that weren't pawn shops/poker/dating services? We are back and the Heartbeakers/Mo Greene are selling gay sex in the crowd in exchange for money for the WHAS Children's Crusade. Let us take you back to last week after we went off the air. TES! TOMMY DREAMER is in the ring. He says he works behind the scenes in WWE. His job is to see who is going to be the next Rock or Stone Cold. Dreamers says people who come out of OVW are the top guys in this business, from Randy Orton to Rob Conway to Eugene. "Now for business I wanted to come out here and make an announcement". M-N-M come out and intterupt. No sign marks last week either. Nice to have your own red carpet ready for your run-in. We do get our splits from Melina on in this segment... sweet. Matthew says these people don't want to hear your special announcement Dreamer. Matthews say we're kind of a big deal around here. He says we're the stars... we're the reaons people come out here. He says we're the reasons the OVW TV ratings are through the roof. He says it's 2005, we make the headlines... Dreamer is maybe 1995. Dreamer says I don't mean to interrupt the great MNM. Dreams says the 400 people here think you're an ASSHOLE. Matthew says Dreamer is a hasbeen, washed up. He says he sucked in WWE, and sucked in ECW. He says as much as we hate your fat stinkin guts, there's someone in the back who hates you even more! He does the NWO point.. It's LANCE STORM~!~! Storm has either done nothing since he retired but lift or else he's on the juice for his comeback, because he looks much bigger than he ever has in his career. "IF I CAN BE SERIOUS FOR A MINUTE. You're out here braggin about all the young talent you've hired. You want a real superstar. You go hire someone from CALGARY, Alberta Canada." Does this mean Ted Hart is on the WAY IN? I'm marking like crazy at this point. "Let's face it Dreamer. Let's face it dreamer, when ECW folded you were nothing." Storm says he went onto WCW to be a 3-time US champ.. he held the Hardcore, US, and Cruiserweight titles all at once. He says in WWE, while Dreamer was curtain-jerking on heat... he held the IC title... and was a 4-time tag champ. He says the only time Dreamer was anything in this business was in ECW, and "I was kicking your ass there too!" Dreamer is going to come out of retirement and have his "alleged" last match here in OVW. He said he was going to have an open challenge, bu the has two friends who would like to be his tag team parnters. The DUDLEY BOYS are out and the crowd goes crazy and we have a six-man tag team match! ECW ECW ECW ECW THE DUDLEY BOYS (BUH BUH & D-VON) & TOMMY DREAMER v.s. MNM (JOEY MATTHEWS & JOHNNY NITRO) & LANCE STORM(highlights) It's an ECW PPV preview with five former roster members in a match. Dreamer does the uuuuultimate warrior rope shank. Dream has a red OVW t-shirt proving he is the biggest company suckup ever. Snip and Buh Buh slaps Matthews in the corner. Pulls Matthews hair and goes for anosther slap. WOOOO. Matthews rolls out of the ring. We cut and D-von and Storm are in. D-Von an house of fire. Storm gets shoulderblocked. Nitro backdropped . Flapjack to storm. More clothesline. Melina in the ring. Slaps buh buh, but Buh Buh blocks. Buh Buh pulls down Melina's skirt~!, revealing her luscious booty. SWEET. Matthews and Buh Buh in. slam. Wazzup headbutt. We cut to Storm doing the job. Matthews comes back out with a tennis racket and beats everyone up them up. The Thrillseekers make the save. Buh buh says for the past 10 years. He says they have the honor of being in one of the best teams in pro wrestling. He says that the Thrillseekers will be one of the best teams in pro wrestling. he says they are the future of tag team wrestling. Dreamer says there is another great tag team in OVW. They are... THE HEARTBREAKERS (w/ MO GREENE). It's Raining Men and the Heartbreakers come out in street clothes and doing a bunch of gay dancing. They hop on the dudleys and start humping them. Dudleys clear the ring. Buh Buh grabs a kendo stick and tries to hit them. Dreamer says they're good people. Dreamer says he's seen the Dudleys do everything in this business, from barbed wire to TLC matches, but he's never seen the Dudleys dance. He tells the sound guy to hit the music again and "It's Raining Men" fires up again on the PA. Everyone except Dreamer/Dudleys start gay dancing with The Heartbreakers. Hilarious. Mo Green and the Heartbreakers start grinding on D-Von Dudley until he starts dancing in about 10 seconds. Everyone urges Buh Buh to dance.. he holds out for about 20 seconds. .. he does some crazy super white boy dancing. Buh Buh does the WORM. D-Von, does a spinarooni. Mo Greene marks. They get Tommy to dance after much gay humping by all three Heartbreakers for about a minute. This is like some bizzarre hazing ritual by Cornette for the ECW guys. Dreamer busts out some even better, Napoleon Dynamite-style, white boy dancing. it's official, Dreamer is whiter than Buh Buh. We cut and everyone on the roster starts gay dancing with a bunch of little toothless kids JYD style (or they may have been midgets, who can tell in a 6 second clip) and PEDOmania runs wild. Did Rob Feinstein book that last part? Perhaps the greatest segment ever in the history of wrestling. Up next... the JERSEY SHORE STREETFIGHT ECW ECW ECW -Ad BREAKER 150th episode of Charmed... how the hell does that show get to 150 episodes? Singles line ad cuz all OVW fans are virgin losers Jersey Shore Streetfight AARON "The Idol" STEVENS/BETH PHOENIX v.s. DANNY INFERNO/TRUDI DENUCCI Inferno comes out with New Jack style plunder. PUnching. Girls are fighting on the announce table. Dean hill looks all horny at this display. Cornette leaves the table like the geek his is. Idol punches Stevens. women run around rinside. Trudi has a trash can lid. hits Phoenix on the head. Opens up a sack. it's hairspray. sprayed in the eyes! Another panties shot from under Phoenix's skirt. And people think Heyman's bad? Trudi puts lipstick all over Beth. She's got a oversized BRA. Choking phoenix with it. That looks like one of Synn's Chokes beth in the ropes. Idol in the ring, grabs Trudi by the hair. Oh yeah, the men were wrestling too off-camera Infero in.. lowo blow, slap, punch. Ref counts down Idol. Apparently this is yet another version of a "Jersey Shore Streetfight" where you just get counted down instead of having to get pinned before the ref starts counting. Gets to an 8 count before Idol gets up. Beth thrown out of the ring. Trudi punches agway. Idol Women fight to the back. Inferno gets backdropped over the top rope. Iodl grabs a mop handle and breaks it over inferno's chest. Phoenix back out. Throws coffee in Denucci's eyes. Everyone bounces heads off the annouce table old-school Raw main event style. women fight on the announce table and start rolling all over it. This is pretty wild here. Stevens grabs a broom from the janitor's closet and clocks infero. Dean is out of commission. 9 count and the faces are up. Heels take over again. both back into the ring. Dean is back now. Lots of punching. Double whip, double duck. Faces come back with punches in stereo. Both go down. Stevens tied up in the tree of woe. Trudi grabs Phoenix the hair. Phoenix goes into Steven's crotch! What a low blow. Cornette says "that's the most painful time she's been down there". Double whip. Double trash can shot. Chris Kay counts Stevens down. 10 count... Stevens is koed. Winners: Danny Inferno and Trudi DeNucci Really intense brawl, albeit with no much sense to it. Let's say about ** 1/4. Beth Phoenix in the ring. throws powder in Danny Inferno's eyes. DeNucci mounts Phoenix and starts wailing on her with punches. Idol has Trudi, and sets up a piledriver. Stiff piledriver looks wicked. DeNucci sells it Memphis style and lays motionless on the canvas. Cornette reminds us that piledrivers are ILLEGAL in OVW. The heels act like they may have crossed the line and went to far. - AD BREAK We are back abd Cornette talks in the serious "Owen died" tone that always pisses me off. Trudi getting stretchered out and still isn't moving. Cornette says this is tragic and we will update you on Trudi's condition next week. Really awesome show, after a couple medicore ones the last two weeks. All the matches were good, plus a kickass Cornette/Morgan segment and the ECW segment from last week after we went off the air. No replays of footage from last week makes me a happy camper.
  19. Fro

    Create a Tag Division

    Ok... Raw: Hurricane/Shannon Moore (traded) Stevie Richards/Simon Dean M-N-M The Peeps (Tyson Tomko/Kevin "Mordecai" Fertig [aka the Disciples of Synn in OVW]) La Resistance The Rockers (occasionally) Regal/Tajiri Edge/Christian (occasionally) Hassan/Daivari Smackdown: Bashams The Heartbreakers The Thrillseekers (Jeter and Capptoelli) The Dudleys The Basham Brothers Holly/Haas Cade/Jindrak Carlito/Jesus RVD/Rey Misterio Dupree/Nunzio
  20. Fro

    Jarrett meeting with Viacom

    Meltzer's Wednesday Update Spike wasn't very interested in TNA (at least in a good timeslot), since they think that they can get the same ratings TNA would do with reruns, and therefore more ad dollars. Keller was very optimistic about TNA going to Spike, and even said a top WWE star would jump ship if/when it happens.
  21. Fro

    Jarrett meeting with Viacom

    Well, considering they have to pay millions for WWE, and TNA would come basically free to them (or getting paid by TNA like FSN does), it's a no-brainer. They could hype the crap out of the new show during Raw and debut it after Raw goes off the air for the last time and then stick it in Raw's old timeslot for a couple weeks, then move it to the Velocity/Heat timeslot. The show would probably do 2.0s if promoted properly.
  22. Fro


    Let's see how much I can phone it in this week... Let the Bodies hit the floor! Your hosts are Jim Cornette and Dean Hill. The Heartbreakers (w/ Mo Green & a guy in an Easter bunny suit) v.s. Da Beast/Guy who looks like Gambit Da Beast is a big, mildly hossish guy. He's teaming with another guy I've never seen before who threw a bunch of cards like Gambit. No names because I'm feeling really lazy. Heartbreakers came out wearing bunny ears and hopping over each other and generally using gay antics. Winners: The Heartbreakers Let us take you back to last week where there was a big 8-man tag and M-N-M pinned The Thrillseekers. Let us take you to the ring where M-N-M come out for an interview. Let us note that M-N-M cut an excellent promo and the Thrillseekers' mic skills are still lacking. Next week, it's M-N-M v.s. The Thrillseekers, with Melina handcuffed to the ringpost. "The Giant Killer" Mike Mondo (w/ Kenny Bolin & Miss Blue and w/o Drill Instructor Gimmick) v.s. Random Newbie, Amateur Wrestler from Cleveland. Forget the guy's name. He was good. He won. Winner: The new guy Let us take you back to last week's match between Lance Cade and Brent Albright. Cade broke the crowbar and hit the ELBOW OF DOOM off the top rope. Albright kicked out, to the shock of Cade, and locked in the crowbar. Cade tried to reverse into a rollup, but Albright re-reversed back into the crowbar for the tap out. After the match, Albright says Cade "tapped out" and Albright is the "best damn wrestler in OVW". I want to see Benoit/Albright bad. Jillian Hall (w/ Melissa Coates) v.s. Alexis Laree (w/ new funbags) Laree's impants are actually a very nice size. Someone needs to tell her she looks better in dark colors instead of this purple and green junk. Jillian Hall is a bit buffed up since we last saw her, which unfortunately means her white trash chubby chin is back. Excellent women's match... Laree was great here doing a bunch of lucha/puroresu offense. Hall wins with Coates's interference... Passion comes out and gets the ref to ask the crowd what happened... ref restarts the match and Laree wins via rollup. Call these chicks up now! Winner: Alexis Laree Let us take you back to last week when they had a Jersey Shore Streefight under Texas Deathmatch rules that didn't end in a no-contest between Idol and Danny Inferno. The women interfere, Idol goes over the top rope onto a table that doesn't break. Idol gets a rag full of the LAME ETHER and kos Inferno with it. I bet Cornette did that finish just to piss off Heyman (who was there the week they taped this show). Let us take you to the ring where Danny Inferno and Trudi DeNucci are out for an interview. Thankfully Trudi doesn't talk this week. Inferno cuts a decent promo... next week it's going to be a MIXED STREETFIGHT between Inferno/Trudi and Aarol "The Idol" Stevens/Beth Phoenix. OMG, OVW is HARDCORE. Let us take you backstage for a promo from Tank and Chad Toland. Tonight, Tank finally gets his OVW title shot. We get comments from champ, Elijah Burke next, and despite having an insane amount of charisma, the guy sounds like he's reading his lines off a sheet of paper. No wonder he hasn't talked before. Elijah Burke v.s. Tank Toland (w/ Chad Toland) Tank Toland is really roided up... too bad he's like five feet tall. Seriously, he should go to Mexico and be a mini. Chad interferes, it backfires, Burke wins.
  23. Fro

    March, 17, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Yeah... that was pretty nice. It was good to see Jannetty busting out some stuff I don't remember him doing before. Very good match. I'm pretty sure that's not the last we'll see of him (you don't book a guy to go 20 minutes with Angle if it's a one-shot).
  24. Fro

    The Rockers!

    Sign him for four to six months, have him and Michaels get the tag belts (and make them worth something again), put a couple new tag teams over (M-N-M?, Marty does the jobs so Michaels doesn't have to), then they split, one of them turns heel, PPV/Raw match. Saying the guy's too old is nuts... how old is Flair again? How old was Funk when he won the ECW title? He can be a productive part of the program, especially since he seems like he can still work.
  25. Fro

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    no it has his current pics from last night... Plus the fact its the same 2005 graphic... did the WWF have a webpage back in 95? You're right. Guess I didn't look at the page close enough. What Looney said. I think Jakes too much of a risk to bring back. agreed bless his drugged out and drunk soul. We loved seeing the big lug. but there isn't much he can do for the company that even his pride would allow him to do. If he ever really got clean and sober... he would be an incredible booker and/or manager. The guy understands psychology like nobody else.