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Everything posted by Fro

  1. Fro

    Impact taping results.

    It looks like the best show yet with Shelley on there. Only bad match is the Monty Brown squash.
  2. Credit to Donald on #wwe and #iwwf on Dalnet IRC, the same people who brought you the Mordecai practice entrance video. Highlight the text to get to the link, since the video name is a spoiler of itself. http://iwcw.net/undertaker_kills_bearer_preair_satellite.wmv The effect is created with some sort of projector they're using inside the glass "crypt".
  3. OVW isn't getting the job done. How can you say the company is doing a good job when almost all the call-ups seem to have a major learning curve once they get onto tv? I for one hate watching guys learn as they go loike Orton, Cena, Batista and most of the others. It's beyond me that we have to talk about guys being green when they were in OVW for serveral years. I mean you had powerplant guys showing up on WCW tv more solid in the ring than a lot of these OVW guys and it was a SCHOOL and not a development fed. Who from the Power Plant had as good of matches as Lesnar had? Who has had as good of matches as Orton has had? Whichi Powerplant tag team as good of matches as Haas/Benjamin? Who from the powerplant besides Goldberg has gotten as over as Cena and Eugene? They're not going to turn out guys that wrestle like Chris Benoit (actually, Doug Basham and Dinsmore could come pretty close if they were allowed). The problem with the developmental system is that Vince has a hoss fetish and signs a bunch of them and calls them up too early, not OVW. They also sign people based on charisma and having good bodies instead of being good workers. There's only so much Cornette and Danny Davis can do and if WWE wants to take people who aren't ready and throw them on tv, there's not much they can do.
  4. Yep, Doug Basham used to wrestle in USWA... he's certainly paid his dues. I think Danny (Damaja) has been wrestling since around 95 or 96 (same with Dinsmore and Conway).
  5. What about the Bashams? Give them a personality and team them with Dawn. They have personality if the WWE will just allow them to use it. Since personality will allow them TV to learn the basic style and give the company another solid heel tag team. But for goodness sake, give Damaja a better name than DANNY. I wouldn't mind seeing Jackie back with the Bashams like she was in OVW. They had quite a bit of charisma together.
  6. I think it's pretty clear Eddy's going to win the belt back before Summerslam. I don't have a HUGE problem with this switch, but doing it on a show that was already this awful was bad, and doing it with a Dusty fnish was even worse. If JBL is champ beyond Summerslam, then I'll start really complaining.
  7. The key is to push the CWs and Tag division with at least a couple feuds going on in each division at a time (title and non-title feud). Here's what last night's card could have been: Eddy v.s. RVD (w/ Heyman) --> Ladder match Cena v.s. Booker T v.s. Dupree Taker v.s. JBL Dudleys v.s. Rico/Haas Gunn/Holly v.s. Bashams Rey v.s. Chavo Noble v.s. London Mordecai/Suzuki/Luther Reigns v.s. Funaki/Spike/Kidman Torrie v.s. Sable Here's a card using the same announced uppercard and using all the guys who worked the PPV. Eddy v.s. JBL bullrope Cena v.s. RVD v.s. Booker v.s. Dupree Dudleys v.s. Taker Rey v.s. Chavo ---------------------------- Gunn/Holly v.s. Bashams (an actual tag team match) London v.s. Noble (workrate match to get these guys over) Mordecai/Suzuki/Luther v.s. Funaki/Spike/Haas (gets all these guys over without a straight squash match and hides their limitations) Torrie v.s. Sable Heat: Nunzio v.s. Kidman You could add Akio/Sakoda to Noble's team and Kidman/Moore to London's team, then replace Kidman in the Heat match with Scotty. The problem is the booking is very poor on the show. The roster isn't in great shape as far as the positioning of guys goes, but it's nothing that's impossible. I've just put on a much stronger undercard and pretty much everyone is going to come out on the undercard better off.
  8. Well, I guess we know Dave Scherer is lurking *waves hi*
  9. Fro

    Brock Lesnar's Regrets

    On that topic, there's no doubt in my mind that Guerrero does steroids. He's extremely jakked now compared to what he looked like in 1997. Brock looked quite a bit smaller on the ESPN segment than he was in WWE, so he may already be off or toning down his useage of whatever he was on. It's pretty clear he's naturally a pretty big guy anyway. But passing a steroid test doesn't mean much because there's a lot of undetectable steroids out there that are unknown. Meltzer has said on his radio show that the stuff with Balco was just the tip of the iceberg.
  10. Fro

    OAO 6/25 Impact Thread

    This was probably their worst show yet, although it's still worth watching. AJ and Abyss work really well together but the main event wasn't great with Dallas stinking up part of it. Team Canada v.s. AMW was good once it got going. The Monty Brown squash was bad and Red blowing all those spots really hurt the opening 6-man (which was sloppy). If I didn't read the PPV reports, I'd have a lot of trouble figuring out what is even going on as far as the feuds go. Still entertaining to watch though.
  11. The main event was surprisingly good and it was all Taker's doing. It was a bit slow in the middle, but the storyline and build were fantastic. I thought it put over Cena really strongly. The story was pretty clearly that Cena was outlasting Undertaker, and UT was getting frustrated and gassed up and had to cheat to win.
  12. Fro

    First round pairings for IWA-MS KOTDM Tourney

    Well since the H2W show on the same day is cancelled, you'll probably see Chris Hero, which will help the non-deathmatch stuff.
  13. Not on the next show, but on the next Six Flags SUPER SUMMER SIZZLER SERIES.
  14. Just watched OVW TV from last night, and no Magnus/Snuka Arab gimmick. Magnus has a good bit of charisma and can talk, but is only decent in the ring and needs some more OVW time. The funny thing is OVW had two really good tag matches this week that were better than any of the work any of the WWE regular tag teams have done in the last few weeks on free TV... and Nova didn't even wrestle in the Jersey Shore Crew's match (Idol/Danny Inferno did and were a lot better than I remembered them being). Alexis Laree is great and it's a joke that she hasn't been called up yet.
  15. I marked for the moonsault. As someone who's watched OVW, it was really nice to see Doug Basham and Luther Reigns get a little bit of mic time. Doug's good on the stick and could get he and his team over if given the opportunity. Like his match with London on Velocity a few weeks ago, he showed some flashes of what he's capable of doing in the ring if WWE would let him go all-out. I'd love to see Reigns become the new GM eventually, because he was *AWESOME* in the role in OVW. He's got a great presence and good mic skills as well. The show's been pretty watchable the last couple weeks. The cement truck thing with Paul Bearer is totally illogical and wrestlecraptucular, but I like the general basis of the angle (Taker being controlled by Heyman for a while, possibly for a feud with Eddy).
  16. I enjoyed the Raw, but I fastforwarded through all the recap filler (I watched Prior destroy Clemens). Good main event (although not great), 2 great angles (HBK injury, and Eugene/HHH), and Gail stretching Stacey is enough for me to give it the thumbs up. Way too much filler but there was enough really good stuff. The Lita pregnancy angle seems to be pure wrestlecrap though.
  17. Fro

    More WWE Gimmick News

    Magnus is okay. He's got the charisma and mic skills, but the ring work isn't up to snuff yet. You'd be really wasting him by giving him a middle-eastern gimmick (and he doesn't even look the part). He'd be a good guy to pair with Johnny Nitro in a tag team. And it is entirely possible to draw heat now... the problem is the people they have on top aren't getting mic time to draw consistant heat or they're not able to cut a good promo.
  18. Fro

    Old Gail Kim training video up for download

    She did most of that stuff when she debutted, but blew a lot of them. They're all rana variations so they're not really that impressive.
  19. Fro

    OAO 6/11 Impact Thread

    I full expect we'll see some longer matches once in a while, but while they're still introducing the roster, it's silly to take up that much TV time.
  20. Well, the Washington Post and NY Post both ran articles on the story... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...7-2004Jun9.html http://www.nypost.com/entertainment/22682.htm Not good press for Bradshaw or WWE. Those are two big papers.
  21. Fro


    I'd probably give it a 9/10... looked really professional... hot crowd, and the two X-Division matches were both very good. Too many ads. Sponsors looks to be some Country Music Labels, N-Gage, and lots of comped time for Universal Studios and Fox. By the way, on Fox Sports Midwest, they showed the program at 2 p.m. and now are showing a replay at 3 p.m.! Have to think they'll get some multiple airplays.
  22. Just got this on AIM... TNA Impact: This is TNA world heavyweight champion, Jeff Jarrett from TNA Wrestling. We would like to invite you to watch TNA Impact! on Fox Sports Net tomorrow at 3 PM Eastern! A lot of other people who post on another forum I post on got spammed as well... some kind of bot?
  23. Fro

    One And Only 6/2 PPV Thread

    Well, that means Randy Savage is our future :firing:
  24. Fro

    Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story DVD

    Big thumbs up... they hit most of the good stuff I'd like to see a tag match on there (something with Malenko from WCW or ECW) or a Smackdown Six or Benoit/Jericho match instead of v.s. Sid, but I really can't complain too much. Benoit has had too many awesome matches for a couple DVDs to hold them all. I am really happy they stuck the RR 2003 and WM XX mains on the DVD.
  25. Fro

    IWA Mid-South

    That tag team tournament show looks pretty darn loaded to me... probably have to get a tape of that one.