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Toshiaki Koala

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Everything posted by Toshiaki Koala

  1. Toshiaki Koala

    TNA to invade Wrestlemania

    TNA reminds me of FUSION.
  2. Toshiaki Koala

    The OAO XNet News Thread!

    All we need to do is put each paragraph in a different garish and eye-sodomizing color, and they'll love us. I promise.
  3. Toshiaki Koala

    SWF Minis!

    I dunno, it might be hard to wrestle in one of those. But if Petey can duke it out in a penguin suit...
  4. Toshiaki Koala

    PROMO: A Pubic Service Announcement

    Yes, please!
  5. Toshiaki Koala

    Lockdown predictions~!

    Pretzler does not pass judgment on others. He's a fair man.
  6. Toshiaki Koala

    The New Chat Thread

    Apparently I have been 'de-oped.' What the fuck does that mean?
  7. Toshiaki Koala

    SWF Storm Card, 3-25-05!

    Late at night, or the next morning on occasion.
  8. Toshiaki Koala

    Albert has arrived!

    A Champion Carnival featuring Jamal, Bull Buchanan, Chuck Palumbo, and Albert? Just further proof that AJPW will no longer exist five years from now. And is there any place Taka can go where he won't get squashed by hosses?
  9. Toshiaki Koala

    A Tna Videogame ??

    All I can say is this: Time magazine is about to get a run for its money!
  10. Toshiaki Koala

    SWF Minis!

    Oh, you just right-click on the picture and select "properties." I'm not sure how many buttons those wacky Brit mouses (mice?) have, so here's the address of your picture: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v12/Burn...is/toxxmini.gif Now... who shall I create next? The other Martial Law members, perhaps, plus maybe Sly and Francis. And there will have to be a Legends set eventually - tell me a fingernail-sized Kibigami wouldn't be just as scary! EDIT: I see you've been shown the way, but I'll leave the directions up in case anyone is unfamiliar with the finer points of right-clicking.
  11. Toshiaki Koala

    SWF Minis!

    Assuming I know what hosting is, you can just copy the URL of the picture (which is on my Photobucket page) and use it as your avatar or what have you. Unless the issue is more complicated, in which case I'm clueless. And by the way, FUCK! Why aren't the others transparified?
  12. Toshiaki Koala

    SWF Minis!

    Already hosted and ready for use!
  13. Toshiaki Koala

    ROH/WWE Talent agreement made

    Look out, Samoa Joe - Chris Masters is coming for YOU!
  14. Toshiaki Koala

    Smackdown! Non-Spoiler Listing

    Honestly, that sounds like one of the worst shows ever. And I was really looking forward to watching it, since I won't have any homework...
  15. Toshiaki Koala

    Best wrestling outer wear

    Vader's helmet in NJPW. That whole entrance, with the outfit, the music, and the steam shooting everywhere, still scares the shit of me to this day.
  16. Toshiaki Koala

    A Wrestlemania survey

    1) What is your favorite WM, top to bottom, of all time? Wrestlemania X-7 2) What is your least favorite WM of all time? Wrestlemania IV 3) What is your favorite WM match? Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior, WMVII 4) What is your least favorite WM match? The Undertaker vs. Sid 5) Name some honorable mentions for favorite match: Bret vs. Owen, WMXX Three-Way, Rock vs. Austin 6) What is your favorite WM venue? Pontiac Silverdome, WMIII 7) What is your least favorite WM venue? Couldn't say. 8) Going in, which WM card do you think looked the best on paper? Wrestlemania X-7 9) Going in, which WM card do you think looked worst on paper? Wrestlemania IX 10) What do you think is the most underrated WM of all time? Wrestlemania VII 11) What do you think is the most overrated WM of all time? Wrestlemania IV 12) What is your favorite WM moment? Savage/Elizabeth reunion at WMVII. 13) What is your least favorite WM moment? The ending to the main event of WMXVI. 14) Who would you pick as the top three Wrestlemania performers of all time? 1. Bret Hart 2. The Undertaker 3. Hulk Hogan 15) How many of the previous 20 Wrestlemanias have you seen? III, IV, VII, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XVI, XVII, XX 16) What was the most surprising WM moment to you? Crowd chanting "Rocky sucks!" during the main event of X-7. Just surreal. 17) Who was your favorite "special guest" at a WM? Pete Rose at XIV, XV, and XVI (and XX, I suppose). 18) Which WM have you seen the most times? Never seen one more than once . But I do plan to watch my tape of X-7 soon, and I must get my hands on a copy of WMX. 19) Which WM commentary team was your favorite? Jesse/Monsoon 20) Above all, what do you want to see at WM this year? JBL kicking out of the F-U at 1 and hitting Cena with the lariat to end all lariats to retain his title. Also, Paul London being in a match. And Shelton finally doing the 450.
  17. Toshiaki Koala

    Shelton Benjamin

    I don't know about no 6-man, but that dive he did in the tag match last night was indeed awesome. So, will we finally see the 450 at Wrestlemania?
  18. Toshiaki Koala

    SWF Storm Card, 3-25-05!

    And here I thought you were just selling the WR... *Reads Smarkdown, sees that Wildchild obliterates Pretzler with both a springboard Tornado DDT and the Wild Ride.* Oh, that too. But I think writing a thesis hurts more.
  19. Toshiaki Koala

    Smarkdown 03-21-05 Comments

    I'm trying to read Smarkdown from a computer at school, but the profanity filter won't allow me to. In that case, it must be good!
  20. Toshiaki Koala

    SWF Storm Card, 3-25-05!

    I'll be back in action for the next show - I probably would have given the OK for this one had it not slipped my mind. But I do have part of a thesis due on Thursday, so it's all good.
  21. Toshiaki Koala

    SWF Smarkdown for Monday, March 21, 2005!

    *Runs everyone over with tank and ends fun.*
  22. Toshiaki Koala

    3/19 SWF Lockdown HOLT Report

    ^ ^ ^ Yeah, I've got to agree with this. Still I'm quite honored even to have people think I'm getting that much heat!
  23. Toshiaki Koala

    SWF Smarkdown for Monday, March 21, 2005!

    Nice to see that my PM arrived on time. The promo should be good, and I *might* even manage to chuck a match together for IL vs. Wildchild. But probably not.
  24. Toshiaki Koala

    Lockdown Comments 3-16-05

    I apologize for the coat-hanger abortion of a main event. Between getting home at 7:00, having to eat dinner, being forced to get into a bath that my mom ran without telling me before it got cold, and my brother doing his homework in MS Word... everything was working against me. I literally had five minutes to tack a finish onto the middle of the match. (I did at least try to make Todd look strong by having Sean whack him with *3* chairshots instead of just one.) But, since the play is over this weekend, you will soon be seeing a new and improved Scott Pretzler - one who actually participates in fed storylines and writes complete matches! Hard to imagine, I know. And all will be explained in the SD opening promo. I assure you of that.
  25. Toshiaki Koala

    SWF Lockdown Card 3-16-05

    I'm very sorry to hear that, and I hope you feel better soon! However, I am slightly relieved, in a guilty way, as this gives me the chance to wuss out a bit in the wordcount department. The school play is coming up (yes, I'm a Theatre Fag), and we've been practicing like nobody's business for the past few forevers. So I haven't had much time to work on this match. Almost none, actually. I'm sure your match would have demolished the one I'm writing, and I look forward to seeing it in the Losing Matches thread. Again, take it easy and heal up so I can start whipping you in a more competitive fashion.