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Everything posted by SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

  1. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Killers...

    I enjoy the Killers album. It's nothing too great, but i dont regret buying it.
  2. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Warped Tour Permission Problem

    I might be able to go to the Warped Tour but i need help convincing my father that I can go.He was told by my uncle(Who is selling clothing at a booth on WarpedTour)that it was a very "rowdy" crowd. My father isn't a very unreasonable person and I just want to know how the tour has ACTUALLY been so far(From anyone here that has gone). Keep in mind that I am only 14 but I consider myself mature and I'm surely not stupid. Also, im not small, I'm 6'3" and about 180 so I don't think my size will be a problem at all. Anyone who can tell me anything will be appreciated.
  3. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    How Old Are You???

    I just thought of this, as I was thinking, that I didn't think many people on this board were as young as I am. Anyway, I was just wondering at first if anyone was younger than me, but then, I figured I would make it more broad and accesible, so now, I just ask what your age is. I'm 14.
  4. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Pearl Jam Live Bootleg CD

    I am loving these live bootlegs, and as great as they are, they seem to be a double bladed sword. I only own the Chicago Show on Oct. 9,2000 and also the NY Pack with the July 8th and 9th shows. Anyway, I loved the first bootlegs so i bought the NY ones. While I like the NY ones almost as much, I dunno whether to be pissed or to derive GREAT pleasure from "Yellow Ledbetter" and the condition Eddie's in. Is he drunk or is he just...."tired"???!?! I mean i honestly tried to listen to part of the lyrics in YL and jeez, he mumbles out of CONTROL on some of them. Although pretty much crazy shit, I really enjoy these bootlegs, and I think they add alot, and are, in a way, just as good, if not better than the studio recordings. I don't know really, but I do enjoy them. If you own any, what shows do you own, and also what do you think of them?
  5. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Greatest Love Songs Of All Time

    Sorta like the other lyric threads around here, except only love songs. Doesn't need to be traditional or anything, far out shit is cool too. Anyway, ill start it off. "Lovesong" by The Cure. "whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel like i am home again whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel like i am whole again whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel like i am young again whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel like i am fun again however far away i will always love you however long i stay i will always love you whatever words i say i will always love you i will always love you whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel like i am free again whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel like i am clean again however far away i will always love you however long i stay i will always love you whatever words i say i will always love you i will always love you"
  6. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    HAHAH oh yeah, i almost forgot. Vic-"No Ebonic speak shithead!" I just loved it. Absolutly loved it.
  7. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I liked the episode. I also liked the moment with Dutch sitting their by himself in the parking lot. However I thought it was easily a good episode, esp. how i was psised about no 24, and how 24 and Sopranos will be on at the same time. Fucking Bush. LASTLY, I really liked the ending of the episode. "There's gotta be a way"
  8. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Pearl Jam Live Bootleg CD

    What official bootlegs would you reccomend the most?? I'm thinking about buying some more.
  9. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    Ok this sucks balls. I refuse to put anything but Sopranos on on Sundays at 9. Therefore I have to miss 24. Or just watch a replay of Sopranos. Either way, it sucks balls.
  10. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Matrix Films

    Maybe im the only one, but upon rewatching the Matrix films from a pure sci-fi/action stand point, and not really expecting anything HUGE or magnificient like I was the second time, I have come to realise that I really love the trilogy. Not only that, but I think as pure sci-fi/action films, they're fucking amazing. Some of the best out there. Sure, my expectations werent to be shocked the second time, and i found that I really enjoyed the films, this time knowing that nothing big was coming. Anyone else feel differently(Or the same) after recently rewatching the Matrix Trilogy?
  11. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    Thats awesome, although, if you're watching last nights ep tonight, just fast foward through the entire thing except the last 10 mins.
  12. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Musicians' gear babble.

    I got a Fender practice amp and a Strat just a few weeks ago. Like no one around here plays much, which sucks balls. Anyway, im tired, ill chime in later maybe.
  13. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    What do you look like...

    If you remind me of anyone, its Dan Andriano from the Alkaline Trio. Esp. the second pic. Hes the one on the right in my sig. Also, a more recent pic is prob. better, since his head is shaved now.
  14. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Guilty Pleasure...

    Just about every pop song out there.Plus Limp Bizket and Linkin Park(Oh yeah and Blink 182 and GoodCharlotte)
  15. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    What is wrong with America?

    As do I, but I dont see it going anywhere really. There will always be more idiots than intelligent people out there.
  16. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Girl Next Door

    don't bother. Watch the 1836th running of The Mighty Ducks 2 instead. HeyZOOS, is it really that bad??? Apparently, I will MAKE 24 hold me off...Oh yes it will....holding me off till next Tuesday, in which i will get about 45 more seconds of my lovely Elisha.....
  17. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    10 year anniversery

    Then again...Pearl Jam kinda took themselves out of the mainstream. Riot Act isn't their best work...but Binaural is fantastic. Eh...the song on I Am Sam is just Eddie....and it's a Beatles song. I agree about Riot Act, although I really didn't know about the whole I am Sam thing. Anyway, I've been listening to the Live Bootlegs.
  18. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Girl Next Door

    Damnit, is it good or not? And actually, it's been getting pretty good reviews from what i've seen. I sorta wanna see this, but I sorta dont.Elisha Cuthbert is always stunning, infact I will go look at pictures ofh er and also moving media in the form of my 24 DVDs. This shall hold me off. I guarentee you it will.
  19. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    10 year anniversery

    Uh yeah......Pearl Jam>Nirvana. Anytime, anyday in my oppinion. I still listen to Pearl Jam live stuff, I have already sold the 2 nirvana cd's I used to own. Nirvana's stuff just comes off as obnoxious to me now. Also, as much as I love PJ(And I really dont consider them just grunge) the whole grunge scene didn't do shit for music. It WAS A FAD. You don't see many grunge bands these days, I mean hell, I don't know if i would want to(but of course, this is up to heavy interpretation, as anyone can call just about anything grunge.) Anyway, I think some of Cobains stuff was good, but none of it was amazing. I love Pearl Jam more than alot of bands out there, but even they aren't the saviors of music here. Cobain will never equal Lennon. EVER. I would agree w/ Banky on just about EVERYTHING, except I like PJ, so i refuse to shit on their stuff. Also, out of the four bands named(Aic,PJ,Nirvana,Soundgarden) three are disbanded and half of them had to stop due to deaths. As much even as I like AIC, they're stuff IS overrated. I believe the whole "grunge" scene is overrated due to the deaths of Layne Staley and Kurt Cobain. One last note: Soundgarden is no longer together, however their lead singer(His name slips my mind right now) ISNT doing grunge. And really, he isn't doing anything great. Now whether that has to do with anything or not, I just thought i'd mention it. Grunge no longer equals cool, so they're isnt much of it. Hence, Grunge=Fad.
  20. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Weiland Ready for Revolver Trek

    Yeah except John Frusciente(Prob. spelled that wrong) kicks ass, so no, he shouldnt be with them. Otherwise, yes, it should happen, and I think "they" would love it. "They" MUST LOVE IT!!!!
  21. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Guitar freak simulators for the PC

    No but I wanna play this Guitar Freak, so can YOU give me some info on it?
  22. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Subservient Chicken

    Yeah, Im digging this thign too. Just say "Blow me now" and the box'll pop up. This thing is crazy as shit. WTF???!?!?! Just tell him "hotdog" and watch in amazement. EDIT: Now, put in "hump". That's crazy shit, IMO it's better than the blow me. Yes, this is fucked up, and i still love it.
  23. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Funny SouthPark Video

    Yeah, I cant tell for sure, but I dont think that was fan made. Coulda been though. I didnt think it was that funny, it was just....there.
  24. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    A tough one...

    Sorry about the fuckwad comment.
  25. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    A tough one...

    Who would that be? If your implying some fighting words my way, then I believe you've found yourself in the wrong town. Also, as a note why i said it. There was a kid who was about 14, with four of his other 14 yr old friends at the movie theatres. They were sitting right behind me sharing one cigarette for about 25 mins before I did anything. But still, I despise of those stupid ass kids. Anyway, after that incident, and part because how I have been raised, smoking to me just represents dirty shit. Hell, it was how I was brought up. If you wanna sling some more shit, we can have some fun with it, otherwise, accept my explanation, thats all I gotta say.