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Everything posted by SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

  1. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Child Criminals

    I say inflict physical pain in some way or another. Treat them like a BIG piece of shit child. Stone them(With rocks I mean), or caine them, or whatever. Make it non-lethal, so they can sit arounjd and think about it for the rest of their lives. Also, make them go to school every day, with a shirt that says "I smoked weed." and continues on the back wiht "The School kicked my ass"
  2. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    More kids killing each other

    Im 14. I say kill the fucker.
  3. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Porbably the weidest thing you'll read today

    How would a "hand job rape" work??? I've been thinkign about that for the past 20 minutes. Also, they should give him 2 weeks of counselling, find out his problem, tell us all, then stone him to NEAR death. Then, we send him to Asia and report that he keyed our cars. ALL OF THEM!
  4. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    "What If God Were One of Us"

    Topic. Also, if you have proof, then thanks, if not, then its cool.
  5. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Network TV to change...

    I think HBOs shows have ALOT more chance that 67%. I mean not only is most of their stuff good, but they can show whatever they want, and HBO just has a "Good TV" Aura to it(To me atleast lol)
  6. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Song from "Underworld" Movie

    I have no idea, go listen to samples from the soundtrack. I just dunno whats on the trailer so I canmt answer you. Anyway, is Underworld any good???
  7. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TV shows you like well enough to own on DVD

    Hmm...I wouldnt mind gettting ALOT of shows(Too many to list) But i will list the ones I own LOL. Sopranos 1-4 24 1-2 Simpsons Season 1(REALLY want Season 3) King of the Hill Season 1 Family Guy Season 1,2 Mr Bean. Anime-(Hey, they're TV shows too!) Evangelion Hellsing Trigun FLCL Boogiepop Phantom Cowboy Bebop
  8. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Reliable/Trustful Download Manager

    I need one. If you know of any please give me a link. I got dial up, so it is sort of a necesity. Anyway, I want one LOL, so if you know of any good ones please just reply.Also, it must be free. Thanks, SFJEB
  9. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Reliable/Trustful Download Manager

    LOL Thanks. I'nm already DLing it though. I got impatient and found it myself, but again, thank you.
  10. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Album of Albums

    agreed, me too
  11. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Hulk

    I like all the marvel movies.I own em all except the Hulk, Im prob. gonna pick that up tomorrow or Wednesday. I enjoyed the Hulk, and I really am not sure what Marvel movie I think is the best. However, complaining that Daredevil was jumping too high, you can't just ignore Hulk. Hulk was practically fucking FLYING. Anyway, I have enjoyed all the Marvel movies. Punisher is actually looking like a b-movie to me, but I hope its alright, to hold up the Marvel movie name.
  12. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The 3rd Annual TheSmartMarks Movie Awards...

    - Best Movie- Pirates of Carribean:Curse of the Black Pearl - Best Male Performance In A Film- Sniper AKA Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Kiefer Sutherland in Phone Booth. - Best Female Performance In A Film- Uma Thurman in Kill Bill Vol. 1. - Breakthrough Actor Of 2003- Johnny Depp - Breakthrough Actress Of 2003-Kiera Knightly - Best Director- Tarantino - Best Comedic Performance In A Film- Jack Black-School of Rock - Best Action Film- Kill Bill Vol. 1 Bonus: - Guilty Pleasure-LXG - Worst Movie Of The Year - Best Sequel- X2:X-Men United - Biggest LetDown - Once Upon A Time in Mexico
  13. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Viewtiful Joe

    I like this game alot. I dunno if its the best GC game so far. It is pretty hard on Kids though. I get stuck every once in a while so I just take a 2-3 Week break, then I start playing again.
  14. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Give me some advice...

    I don't Alias either. I just bought 24 Season 2, and I got Season 1 for Xmas, I am happy with Season 1 so far. Got an awesome portible DVD player for Xmas too, so SCORE for me!!!!WHOOO!!!
  15. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Beating the system...

    I don't think this would work around here either. I might try it in a few weeks though, I could save a SHITLOAD doing that with Anime titles.
  16. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Out of Print Fight Club for Sale?

    Fox was SUPPOSED to rerelease this be-hotch on 11/15. They never did, and im still pissed LOL. Im gonna get it soon from my local video store though.
  17. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Best movie villan of the year

    I would have to agree with The Sniper in Phone Booth
  18. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Shadows Fall-The Art Of Balance

    I was extremely bored, so I decided to post this here. Im planning on getting this CD this weekend or next. Hmm, should be exciting. (Hmmmm...im just KIND OF expecting Lazarus to reply to this topic.....)
  19. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Manhunt coming to Xbox, PC

    It's a great game and it doesnt matter to me if its released on other system. I have an Xbox but I REALLY doubt ill be buying Manhunt again unless its got some crazy ass extras.
  20. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Chappelle's Show - Season 1 coming to DVD!

    Awesome, and yeah, Jan. 21 is when the second season starts.
  21. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Max Payne 2:Fall of Max Payne

    I am looking foward to this game but I am a bit confused. I thought that awhile back Sony said that they wouldnt have any nudity on their console(Therefore editing BMX XXX) but I was looking at EB Games and it says that Max Payne 2 has nudity. For those who habe played the PC version does it have nudity? And is it worth 50 bucks? I might get it this weekend but I know that it really isn't that long(Reviews for it have been good for Xbox so far)Please respond with any comments at all. Thanks. SFJEB
  22. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Max Payne 2:Fall of Max Payne

    You do in Max Payne and MP 2(On all other difficulties other than easy).
  23. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Max Payne 2:Fall of Max Payne

    Not for long. I TOTALLY dissagree abnout the no-save games. I wouldn't pay $50 for a game that would only take 2 hours to beat. And I wouldnt buy a game that would take over 3 hours to beat that couldn't be saved. Anyway, just my two pennies.
  24. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Sopranos season 5 set for March!

    Old news to me. I have known this for a while. Anyway, the new season should be awesome. HBO has a scene on there website from it. And no, it's not over. There will be Season 5 and then Season Six(Season Six will only have 10 episodes) That's all though(For now, Chase has wanted to leave since the end of Season 4) Plus, in my oppinion, the wait is alright, the shows have been excellent and obviously HBO has to work out allotta shit to get em on(Salaries wise and such).
  25. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Get rid of Don West

    I dunno, last show i got was the D'Lo, AJ Cage Match(Awhile ago) but when I got this show(Or maybe it was a few shows before that) Don West just went absolutly APESHIT. I thought it was halarious when there wasn't even a match on or anything. Good entertainment from what i saw, the commentators didn't bug me that much. Oh, and by the way, STYLES is pretty much (In my oppinion) God on the Color Commentator side of things. He may go a little crazy on certain things, but his ECW days were excellent in my oppinion(Although, Him and Gernter as a pair were pretty strong from what I remmeber, so it coulda just been the pair rather than him).