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Everything posted by SpikeFayeJettEdBebop
Question about Explicit Contet stickers
SpikeFayeJettEdBebop replied to kkktookmybabyaway's topic in Music
I don't listen to Audioslave because I don't like them much.BACK ON TOPIC. If it is a small band on a small label, they will most likely NOT get PA(Example:Look at Alkaline Trio) "Fuck" is said one way or another and nearly every song is about death on ALL of their albums. NONE of them are parental advisory. It's weird. Sometimes the RIAA is REALLY strict, and other times they don't seem to care. Fuck can be "dropped" so to speak MANY times in a record with out a parental advisory, atleast 5 or 6 times. It is odd though, because on most sites, "Lateralus" by TOOL is listted as "explicit" when in reality it contains NO (I mean NONE) harsh language what so ever. RIAA is weird. -
Justin Timberlake Accused of Being a Racist
SpikeFayeJettEdBebop replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Music
Agreed. Plus, people are allowed to be racist, it's too bad Justin doesnt like black people, and I guess that dudes black. Too bad, CRY ME A RIVER. -
Shadows Fall-The Art Of Balance
SpikeFayeJettEdBebop replied to SpikeFayeJettEdBebop's topic in Music
Man, just got AOB and OOB, me and my buddy are both looking for SETTS. Jeez, these cds kick so much ass.CoreyLazarus, continue the SF support, rock on, and thanks for making me notice the damn band. Also, What the fuck??? I have a HUGE library near me and it has NOTHING musically good(In the way of metal or lyrical music). Nothing I would normally listen to. I don't know what library you go to, but I'd like to see it. -
I have no idea. If you can't delete it straight from the memory card a the Browser screen, then I guess just save over it with a diffrent game.(If you wanna just dlete it then I really am not sure how to, sorry) Great game though.
Kid posts on internet about killing teacher...
SpikeFayeJettEdBebop replied to Addy's topic in Current Events
It's weird, I was free basing with the word. I prob. wont use "ghey" much ANYMORE, and it really has nothing to do with this post. And yeah, I could have used it alot less, but fuck it, I was pissed at the time, and I really wasn't concentrating on creativity. But it doesn't matter, no ones perfect. -
The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread
SpikeFayeJettEdBebop replied to Spicy McHaggis's topic in Television & Film
Didn't they say it was the father at some point??? Maybe not, I was thinking it did, if it didn't then I guess I just assumed it RIGHT away. So, yeah, I think it's the father too. -
About 7ft. fake tree. Im not sure but im 6' 3" and its taller than me, so I would guesstimate about 7 ft.
FDA Debates Sale of Morning-After Pill
SpikeFayeJettEdBebop replied to MrRant's topic in Current Events
Well....I don't really care, as Im not going to be having sex on a normal basis for a few years so, im sure they will be a better alternative for my friend-of-the-moment. Otherwise, I don't care, as I can't get pregnant, and Im not really planning on getting any sperm up in me. -
Totally agree with you Prototype. I was taught/am constantly reminded(I am only 13) what is and isn't real. It pisses me off when my parents bug me about it, but I realise they need to do it I guess. I can easily tell the difference between real and fake, and right and wrong too. I seriously can't think of ANY reason why ANYONE would go out and do some stupid shit that they saw in a form of ENTERTAINMENT. And half of em are older than I am. I'm not sure if it's maturity, common sense or just lack or good parenting, but kids who do that shit are SERIOUSLY fucked up. If they cannot tell the difference between reality and a video game, then in the REAL world is not where they belong. Lock the fuckers away. Sure, that doesn't solve many problems, as they're will always be the kids who think they are the shit(**cough**FreddyFan**cough**) and they think that they will get away with anything. I'm positive it has to do with the level of maturity, and also you have to factor in if they were spioled as a chiuld(Although I was, and I have turned out just fine, so I guess its the attitude of it all). The problem is that immature kid's have things that they shouldn't.(And Im not talking about GTA games here folks.You would have to do some serious damage to kill someone with one of those.)
Yeah, I agree, the season finale was REALLY good.(Absolutly loved it) If thje finale wouldnt have been how it was, I don't think I would be watching Season 2.
Cirtcuit City have any deals this week that are similar to this???? Im looking for a gift for my dad and I wanna pick something up tomorrow when I got some free time.
Yeah, it's cool that they're carding, but the blaming won't stop. I am 13(I am 6 ft. 3 though) and I bought a rated R movie(Along with plenty of PA CDs) by myself without parents or anyone and they didn't do anything about it. Anyway, I doubt they will card 40 year old(my mom is 40 LOL) but it wont matter my mom knows about ESRB ratings and everything and she's cool with it.
OFF TOPIC: Lazarus I have been wondering for some time now, who is Joseph Sylvia??? You talkin bout the Smoke Jumper guy???? Also- I would have to go with Lazarus in the above question. I personally don't like Led Zepplin ver much(if at all).......Now im just waiting for the bashing...although I doubt ill be waiting too long.
Seriously, Manhunt is FAR overated, its not THAT violent. You get over the violence after playing like two levels and its all about the stealth. I think it's stupid, Mature is a fine rating for the game, and if someone is MATURE(As am I) then they have the right to play it. That's all. Plus, Mature says 17+ right on the fucking cover, its not hiding anything. I am personally only 13, but my mother buys all my M rated games for me to buy. Why? Simply because she IS doing her job, she feels I am mature enough to play them, so I do play them. I don't go around and brag that I am playing M rated games, or any shit like that, if they suck, then they suck, and in my oppinion, Manhunt would still be good without ANY violence. However, if the violence was taken out it would make the game VERY different. Lastly, the violence didn't hit me as much as the language did. You can expect to hear "fuck" "shit" and references to drug use from the hunters, including the narrator using "fuck" on more than one occasion. I would also like to bring up the point that the guy above(Whoever wrote the article) obviously does'nt know what he is talking about concerning the violence in Manhunt. Manhunt really isn't any bloodier than any GTA games, its just the darkness of the game and the attitude towards killing. In my opinion, its more the hunters begging for their lives than the violence itself that is the big deal. The playable character kills other characters in MOST games out there(maybe thats a little too much, but alot of games atleast) but I think Manhunt deals with this better. The man isn't killing for pleasure, or money, or anything else(The hunters are though). He is fighting for his life, a life that he doesn't deserve, as he is a BAD person. The hunters, although other bad people(Killing for money/pleasure) are going after him, trying to kill him, because they want the above stated goods and because he isn't a good person. No one in this game is a good person, and I think that's the big reason for the controversy. You are james Earl Cash. You play as a man who is a bad man, a man that SHOULD be dead for what he is done, yet you are killing others to keep that same BAD man alive. As to say that bad men can become better by killing for the lives. I personally have nothing against this game, or any other M rated games that are GOOD(Alot of them, BMXXX comes to mind right away when trying to think of horrible ones.) Other than BMX XXX, Mature games are made for Mature players. The huge deal all around is that immature kids are getting these games and they SHOULDN'T be getting them. That isn't anyones fault but the parent's and the child's. See, if a player isn't mature enough, they SHOULD not play, as simple as that, but I guess it's not that simple these days. Games are not to blame for ANYTHING that happens. It's always a person to blame, games have never told anyone to go and kill anyone in the real world, and I can't think of why anyone would think that it is okay to do so. Just imagine, if video games were really as they are treated, we would all be dressed up by gorillas, throwing barrels at Italian Plumbers. That never happens. So, you know, people just need to get over it. If a kid stabs another kid, then put the first kid AWAY forever, dont blame fucking video games. It's simple and I think mostly everyone here knows it, but I just needed to vent, as this whole problem pisses me off(As most of the people who make a fuss have NO FUCKING idea what they're talking about). Anyway, Thanks For Reading. SFJEB.
Hmm...if no one has Fight Club, BUY THE DAMN MOVIE. It's an excellent movie and should be seen, plus if you dont like it, throw it awa or sell it, you only wasted 10 bucks. I would have it but im waiting to get the SE from some magic places that have OOP shit like that.
About a boy with special powers(He can heal people, but must take lives to do so) who is picked up by the Carnivale. Many weird things happen while he is there.Lotsa freaks and stuff. I really enjoyed this show at the beggning and the end (Got kinda stale in th middle I thought) but I don't like the Lesbian storyline, I think it's pretty damn stupid, although, I am glad it was renewed, and I'll atleast start watching the second season. Also on a related topic, "Sopranos" gets more viewers because its more exposed AND because it owns MUCHO more ass. Sopranos>Carnivale. Half the time in Carnivale I was thinking it was some kinda Fantasy Soap Opera(Not in any kid of good ways either.) Anyway, I think Sopranos Season 5 starts in January, is this right because im really looking foward to it(Just finished watching Season 4 on DVD last weekend). Shields looking awesome too. Sorry for getting so much off topic. SFJEB.
I'm not sure, as im not TOO great with computers, but I would say, if you like the internet, then NO, don't delete it.
Shadows Fall-The Art Of Balance
SpikeFayeJettEdBebop replied to SpikeFayeJettEdBebop's topic in Music
I wasnt planning on getting the self titled one. Plus, there is only two places around here that sell used CDs. One is a video store that has CDs in NO order and it would take you 4 hours to find what you want(Plus most of the CDs are thrashed and in shitty quality). The second is better, but at both places the used ones are like 7.99 or 8.99 when I can get a new CD at Best Buy for 9.99-13. I dont see how the $4 is going to help much.But, thanks again for the reccomendation. -
I have 56K and it DLed in 10 mins max, you should be able to watch it if you want.
Thats fucking gay. Niceway to represent that(above). It's not that fucked up, it's just stupid, and no where near funny.
Damn, I thought this show was an improvement of others. They didn't even edit out the fuck-up. Ashton just said "Can't win everything" type of thing, then said that Punk'D was over, and know it was "our" chance to Punk people. I'm not so sure this will be coming back, but for a last episode, it wasn't bad. Nice way to go out. Just makes me wonder, did they save the Goldberg one for last??? It strikes me odd, that the LAST Punk'd stint would fail, but none of the others would.
Kid posts on internet about killing teacher...
SpikeFayeJettEdBebop replied to Addy's topic in Current Events
I wouldn't have in the first place but I thought alot of things(Gay,Fag, and so on) would offend someone, but it seems Ghey has offended someone too. Doesn't matter though, hopefully I wont get as much shit for ghey than I would have for gay. Just trying to be careful not to offend anyone, that's all. -
Kid posts on internet about killing teacher...
SpikeFayeJettEdBebop replied to Addy's topic in Current Events
My god, im reallt glad someone reported this,but I know I prob. wouldnt have. Why? Because this kid is the GHEYEST kid EVER.Now, let me explain. 1)This kid thinks hes the shit, in reality he is the gheyest kid EVER(With exception of McCulley Coulkin) " have a lot of issues that I have to settle. And I will settle them with a vengeance." Okay Ghey Kid, shut the fuck up. Ohh no, he will settle them with a VENGEANCE!(He thinks he's like AHNULD) This kid is GHEY. BUT, I am not done. "I'll kill the god damn local authorities damn it. I won't kill u guys though. u guys rock. I might kill myself if I piss myself off. wat a battle that would be." Okay you stupid fuck, I would like to see you do it. I see that now you are in custody, WOAH, you killed them! WAY-TO-GO~ 2)The kid says he is not going to affect Horror movies with this although he says(As said above) "...settle them with a vengeance". Well, if you don't sound gay enough, I would say that, announcing your kills, and writing about taking others lives with a "vengeance", well, that just fucked up your plot not to blame horror/bloody movies, as I would blame it right away. GHEY KID TRIES TO EXPLAIN HOW HE WILL SAVE HORROR "If they blame it on the horror movies I'll tell them that horror had nothing to do with this." Oh yes, and Im sure they will take your word, dumb crazy fuck. "I won't be in deep shit because I'll be killing everybody who stands in my way." HAHAHAHAHA. AHNULD LINES STRIKE AGAIN! You stupid ass. Im sure you will take down all the forces, especially you know, with your knife against their FIRE ARMS. I mean,hell,I'll take your word....FREDDY FAN. Man, this kid is a DUMBASS. "If I get killed then I'll be happy with that" Me too. "Another thing is that I'll burn in hell because God sucks." No, you'll burn in hell because you suck. "Where was God when I needed a friend? This needs no joke. "These questions are unawnswered but I'll find the answers" Yeah ok fucker. Just remember, when looking for answers, don't drop the soap. "I'll show them how strong I am. I'll make them fear me." The AHNULD Lines just keep on rushing out, like a bad case of you know what. "Just goes to show ya that u don't piss me off." It certainly shows. "I'm going to kill my teacher tommorrow and a lot of other people in my school. I'll probably kill a lot of people." HAHA,NO YOU WON'T YA STUPID FUCKER! "I am only settling this on the people that have made me do this. not innocent people. I have to take a stand. That is final. nobody, and i mean nobody, will change my mind." Im still deciding on whether to make this comment about more AHNULD jokes, or maybe about how much he sounds like a terrorist. But, let me just tell him, he HAS TOTALLY earned my respect, actually he is my hero, because he WON'T BACK DOWN, he MUST TAKE A STAND! Wonder if the the police could change the fucks mind? Well in a closing statement, I would just like to say, The Wonder Years are over my friends. -
Shadow's Fall,Killswitch Engage,Turbo Negro, Alice in Chains(Yeah it took a while, but I as young when they were popular) NOTE-I already knew about all of the above bands, only recently have I been listening to them/buying their shit.