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Everything posted by SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

  1. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Official Preview! 9/3/03

    Uh....alrightie then.....
  2. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Hollywood Tells Hunter: You're No Austin or Rock

    I dont think so....I cant think of any right off the top of my head though.....
  3. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Hawk's Interview on the WWE and other things

    Well,you could also just watch Raw and come to the same general conclusion....
  4. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    the 2 gun thing

    uh....no answer was ever reached here........and I dont have one....
  5. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Best Buy 2 for $20

    YES!!!!I'm getting "Snatch" and "Desperado"
  6. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Underworld: When the battle begins

    Triple H
  7. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Some good WWE news for once!

    If its any WCW or ECW stuff then thats awesome. But....does nayone give a fuck about the AWA?
  8. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    News From The 9/6 Torch

    I just did,now...you call mine!
  9. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Bad Blood the crappiest PPV ever?

    I havnt ordered a WWE PPV since like Wrestlemania 16 I believe.....and im happy that I havnt actually....
  10. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Negotiations for TV coverage in Japan

    Awesome...too bad I don't live in Japan...man this sucks, I should move there. They have the whole deal considering wrestleing...and they dont get much WWE as far as I know(I am prob. wrong though)
  11. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TNA signs on RAW

    Am I the only one that thinks something like "Down With the Brown" is a funny sign for Raw??? Your 6th sign should either say "I'm Down with the Brown" or it should say "Where is Angle?". Infact I got a whole batch of good signs for ya.... "Suck It!" "nWo 4-Life" "Hulk Still Rules" "Doink should be cHHHamp"(or just champ) "Where is Sparkplug?" "Bring Back Stasiak" "I came for Meat and Testicles" "HHH is the Ultimate Warrior" "HHH is strong" "I came for the Elimenation Chamber" "Where's Tony Atlas?" "Where am I?" "Macho Man BETTA DAN Kanyon!" "Who betta dan Kanyon?" "Where is Kanyon?" "Raw is Porn" "Kanyon betta dan Raw" "Dub Dub who?!?!?!" I just came up with those...Im sure I could ocme up with more but I personally think I struck gold with a few of them including "Hulk Still Rules"
  12. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Snatch or Pulp Fiction???

    Well, after the weekend, I have seen "Fight Club" "Gangs of New York" "Pulp Fiction" and I still need to view "The Limey" and "Snatch" Although some may not agree with me, I believe Fight Club to be an EXCELLENT film, and that is the film that I would normally purchase first. Because I can't find the double DVD edition anywhere, I will just wait till 10/14 when it's rereleased. I really did like Pulp Fiction though. I can't get the "Bad MOTHER FUCKER" wallet part out of my head. If anyone can find a picture of that for me I would apprecitae it(I know someone has it in thier sig....)Anyway, since I don't just wanna sit around untill the FIht Club re-release, I am going to purchase Pulp Fiction most likely tomorrow, or sometime soon. I still can't stand Reservior Dogs, but thought Fiction was PURE GOLD!!!!Anyway, thanks for the reccmendations...my completly time wasting movie waching weekend has been fun.
  13. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Snatch or Pulp Fiction???

    Now, let me explain this. I bought some stuff last weekend, and I don't wanna spend too much this weekend. SO, I am only going to buy one of the aforementioned DVDs(Mentioned in Topic) I bought Lock,Stock,And 2 Smoking Barrels last week on DVD for $9.99 so I really thought I would LOVe Snatch. Then again, I havnt yet seen Pulp Fiction and it really looks good to me also. I have a problem here though. I have read extremely good reviews for Reservior Dogs AND Pulp, and I have seen Reservior. I didnt like it that much and thought it was EXTREMELY overrated. I am afraid that the same thing will happen with Pulp Fiction. I really want to see both, the only thing dividing it, are my oppinions of the directors other films that I have seen : Reservior Dogs and Lock,Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels I went into Lock,Stock thinking ti would be good, and I really liked it, and it fulfilled my expectations. How-ever, as I said, I also heard very good things about Reservior Dogs and I was very, sorely, dissapointed after viewing it, and I didn't find it to be what I thought it would be (quality wise) and I am thinking the same might hapen with Pulp Fiction. For some reason , isill have a diff., good, feeling about Pulp, so I came here to ask you guys, although im sure you'll say PF.
  14. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Replys of the 1 cent PPV

    Man, I got DirectTV, and the damn "Best if the WORLD title" isnt gonna have the XXX/AMW match....shit...im not paying 9.99 for a preview of the DVD.....
  15. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop


    It's not that bad in my oppinion, and yes, this may be the begginign of ESPNs downfall, but the show isnt complete crap, AND it doesnt nearly have ANY sort of language like The Sopranos. Plus, I did feel like they were trying to show what they could air...the coach was like "This is the biggest damn game of your damn life" now, thats sounds STUPID and it is uneeded. Although they also had in "dick" and "shit" sveral times. I wasnt suprised by "shit" though, after watching Shield. I cant wait for season 3 of The Shield though.....I dont find anything else on FX to be of much value....
  16. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    From the outside?

    Yeah, and they've got all the time they need to set up, and take down the cage. Hey WTF, if they screw a spot, they cant start the match over andbegin taping again! Only queston is...who will bei in the cage match?I am assuming it will either be Daniels/Jarrett OR the finals of the Super X Cup....
  17. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Bowling for Columbine...

    Ah...ill rent it and judge for myself, as some people seem to hate it and other like it....
  18. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TNA signs on RAW

    hmmm..here are my top 5 in no order... "HHH Makes Mikey Mad" "I'd Rather be in the Asylum" "If You See this your an idiot"(Just came up with that) "Vince on Wednesday BETTER THAN Vince on Monday"(Just came up with that) Or this one would work if they will only let you have WWE signs.... "I wish WWE was $10....I love the McMahons...."
  19. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    K-1 signs Mike Tyson

    I think Tyson will take him out right away. Then Tyson will come out liek a monster again and his next fight, who ever against will be in America after TONS of clips of him being a "monster is seen. Then, since America loves monsters, they will buy tyson all up. THEN, Tyson will get his head kicked inside out by ANYONE else, and thn finally, the side-show can retire!
  20. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Rowdy Roddy Piper's Interview Since His Release

    Uh....he didnt say that EVERYONE who got the title didnt draw money, he said that only people ho dont draw money need the title. And,Austin didnt NEED the title. Michaels dropped it to him..... Anyway, great interview......
  21. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TNA signs on RAW

    Yeah, I like that, and HHH makes Mikey Mad is GREAT. Def. use that one....
  22. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    This week's TNA newsletter

    I might order it this week, although I will def. order the $9.99 DVD preview thing....
  23. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop


    It's on right now, its awesome in my oppinion, and right now its fucking commerical FREE!!!!!My must watches are Shield and Sopranos but this is prob. another one....I hope this series ends before January when Shield starts...I also cant believe its TV-MA at 8 PM.
  24. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Casual fans of WWE

    "I highly doubt any TV deal would lead to TNA giving WWE a "run for their money." I dont doubt it at all. Alot of people, including myself, follow TNA but dont buy the shows becasue 1. They dont have PPV where they live or 2. They dont wanna shell out 10 bucks a week. I buy the occasional show and have nothing against TNA. They may be doing screwjob finishes but they just put on a GREAT match last week (Styles/Ki)So, I really think TNA has a big chance, if it had main stream exposure, and the fans that would then be able to get it for free, plus its hardcore fan base that USED to pay for it, it would eventually overcome WWE, or atleast force them to make there product better.
  25. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TNA signs on RAW

    I think that "I'd rather be in the Asylum" is an excellent idea...I think most of those are good ideas.....Ill be watching Raw next week(Which I dont do much anymore) just to look out for the signs...You should do.... "TNA for $10 Better than WWE FOR FREE!" or something to the effect...I really cant think of anything shorter....