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Everything posted by SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

  1. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Medallion

    Its worse than that....FAR WORSE.....
  2. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Okay, I give up.

    Ahh...im okay with the baby thing, but hey Myzel..leave him alone...only cuz imagine if you were his age, and were offered a shit load of money to be a cocky COCK...you would do it..or your an idiot...Hell I would say that shit on a Nike commercial for free.....
  3. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    By Survivors Series end

    I agree completely with just about everything Mr Jag0 said. Although I doubt it will be that way, Eddie would be an AWESOME world champ.
  4. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Wrestling DVD's for Sale..

    First of all, what do you mean a copy of the Wrestlecrap site????And you should lower the prices...Seriously....you can find those DVDs at alot of places for like 5 bucks. I say lower them to 15 each and sell them 2 for 25 bucks.....HINT HINT....I MIGHT WANT 2 OF THEM!!!
  5. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop


    Why are you asking us????Just wait and freakin see, I doubt Dames FORGOT about it...just wait for it...Patience, although I dont have any, is a good thing....
  6. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    One And Only TNA Thread For 8/13

    Really??That's pretty impressive if it was free, but again even with 25, I am sticking with my point that they have the potential to do great things, they have 25 great matches out of how many shows???61 or 62????(I dont know what number its at)Now, I have no problem admitting that TNA can deliver the goods,every once in a while. And for 10 bucks, they need to deliever it ALL the time.
  7. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Did it before, I'll do it once more

    Uh.....that's kinda hard to do. If its availible to rent or buy, someone has seen it......so...you guys(or gals)Tell me, gimme like five choices of things to review....ill find something...I can review Neo-Ranga Volume 1 or 2 also because im borrowing them from a friend. Also,I don't consider DBZ anime anymore, but that's just my oppinion.....So, any rec. on what to review in the next few days will be helpful. I am planning on doing my review over the weekend or early next week so please hurry with the reccomendations so I can get to the review...ALSO, if ya want ill still review FLCL at some point. I might re-watch it before I do.....ill review Jin-Roh or Cowboy Bebop the movie, it doesnt matter...just throw out something to review please....
  8. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Names In The X Tournament

    Yeah,I forgot about Mad Mikey....Plus I HATE him because of the whole Shawn Michales thing..but thats what TNA wants so im playing there games now.Why can't Red walk and HAH, they could have put Skipper in it, but NO! they need him to interfere costing Lynn a victory...WHY?Because after all its still Russo's show. And in my oppinion, since you said that, he will do it....hes gonna start HEADLOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yes....I can't wait..im ordering just to see some Michael Shane headlocks......
  9. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The "development boys"

    You actually view Benjamin and Haas as better than XXX? I would say XXX is better than them but they are easily second best. But since XXX is defunct we can say ....well we can say whatever we what.....I saw Benjamin live last year. He was great and he was the onyl thing that made the match e was in good. It was Justin Credible/Somebody vs. Tommy Dreamer/Shelton Benjamin I believe. Or it maye have just been Credbile vs. Benjamin...DAMMIT i cant remember, anyway, he really stood out compared to the other WWE mid/lower-carders.
  10. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Best Match 8/13

    Yeah..>DropToeHoldOntoChair is right...nothing on the show came close to Ki/Styles
  11. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    One And Only TNA Thread For 8/13

    For the shit we are getting TNA needs to lower their prices...Seriously....10 bucks a fuggin week?????What a freakin rip off. I ahve bought two shows, they were god ,but in my oppinion not worth 20 when your not guarenteed anything. Not a good match, nothing. On Smackdown your not guarenteed anything either but its FREE. NWa:TNA should atleast lower to $5 a week. If they are charging 10 a week per person to see a 21/2 hour show (Without comercials yes)then I doubt they will EVER get a TV deal. I love the possibilities TNA has because it has some EXCELLENT wrestlers....WWE doesnt have amny of those. I REALLY don't like the whole TNA money deal and I really dont think people who pay a penny(Which fuck, anyone will be able to do for a Best of Show)And the penny show will be worth it...BUT, as I was saying, I doubt anyone that orders that will start,or will even have enough income to,or to want to, order TNA every week or even every once in a while for 10 bucks. If TNA got a TV deal and they screwed us every week, with what they're delivering, fine, but for 10 bucks, what they are delivering PLUS screwjobs DOESNT WORK.10 is too much and they need to lower it...if they dont,fine, they can keep making,IMO, sucky ass matches....If you notice TNA is charging 10 a show, and for $520 a year.....how many REALLY good matches has TNA delievered since they started????Maybe 5 or 6. Now granted, that may be more than WWE, but also take into account, they are fucking charging us 10 bucks a week. WWE can deliver an excellent match every once in awhile, and usually its FREE. Unless your watching TNA with a friend, your not getting shit for free, and your friend is one generous son of a bitch.
  12. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Names In The X Tournament

    But the thing is BPS(And everyone else)They could have done so much better....Low Ki,Amazing Red,hell, even Elix Skipper. I seriously think they did pretty bad with this.
  13. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Names In The X Tournament

    Yeah, that does look shitty,I'm hoping it changes soon, because i it doesnt, then I am not ordering....
  14. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Did it before, I'll do it once more

    DOUBLE POST DUMBASS^^^^LOL im just kidding.....I also rec. Vampire Hunter D..but man you sound pretty stupid Rurouni Kenshin and Samurai X are the same thing....Except the character is much more violent in the Samuria X OVA's. Rurouni Kenshin is still good though...If anyone reccomends DBZ I will be SUPER PISSED! ALSO-It's nice to know there is an Anime community here.....I will be posting my review for the FLCL series soon.........
  15. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Simple Post, Simple Question..

    Yeah,they are awesome DVDs,Awesome show too
  16. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop


    If Jeff was Wille the Worker we wouldn't have been able to understand the damn columns....[iNSERT EXPLAINATION USING RANDOM DRUG JOKE HERE]
  17. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Rock being " bald "

    The tatoo came from a needle and some ink.....
  18. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Did it before, I'll do it once more

    Hmm let's see here. GTO-Comedy series that I fell in love with after watching the first episode... Cowboy Bebop/Cowboy Bebop The Movie(Both good In my oppinion) Jin-Roh-Excellent movie, better than most in my oppinion, one of my top favorites..... Boogie Pop Phantom-Confusing as hell, confusing through the whole thing and still not crystal clear at the end, but it's a great series. Trigun-At first I didnt like it but I also couldnt stop watching it untill it was over...so its awesome! FLCL-Comedy style Anime that is short, in only 6 eps(Hey it's an OVA)but extremely good. Crazy in an Excel Saga type of way. Excel Saga-Crazy like the above, although this is 26 episodes Hellsing-Vampire anime that is also full of style. It has been one of my favorite series recently and I can't reccomend it enough. Berserk-Good action anime, although the first episode is really the last one in chronological order,so you will already know what the end is when you start the series..... Neon Genisis Evangelion-Highly overrated in my oppinion but still good. Not as good as others in my oppinion, but the movie closes up the series nicely, in a different way than originally. Rahxephon-HIGHLY OVERATTED,It's good but it didn't blow me away or anything... X The Series-In my oppinion, not overratted,An EXCELLENT action series with excellent art work all the way through.... MOVIES- Cowboy Bebop:The Movie Jin-Roh Akira(Overrated in my oppinon,but still good) Ninja Scroll X The Movie(Not as good as the series,obviously, for time constraints,but loosly follows the same plot with the same characters) Ghost IN The Shell(I really liked this movie and reccomend it to all) Perfect Blue(An alright movie, although much overated in my oppinion...its still good though)
  19. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Medallion

    I think the next 20 Jakcie Chan movies are going to be giving reasons WHY he has "powers" but in reality, like you said, we all know whjy he has powers...He was bitten by a genetically altered spider. Anyway, If it is adied in some way, he has done stunts like that on walls that big so go rent an older Chan tape and show your friend that he is WRONG!!!!!!CHAN=THE MAN!
  20. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Hurricane and S.H.I.T.

  21. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Just how bad will Jersey Girl be next year?

    I know, but we wont know that untill its out. Gigli will probly be mentioned in some reviews in the film but it could still do well, although The Ben and Jen Gigli impact. I DO think it will impact the film.
  22. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Russo puts Killings in trouble danger

  23. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    I just wrote a walkthrough for FeeDVD4Me.com...

    It depends.......Hvae many of you read everything on the offers????I don't blame you....2-3 Days on some.....I have no ideas on others..but i have not done the offer yet and I just picked up the Sopranos 3rd Season.......for 80 bucks. See, I payed and got EXACTLY what I wanted and im not paying physcics(Spelling sucked on that one)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Just how bad will Jersey Girl be next year?

    Ehh....Ill wait till it comes out!
  25. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Freddy vs. Jason

    Not too sad.........Im going to see it!!!!I dont have my tickits yet though.....