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Everything posted by SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

  1. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop


    Yeah, he's right, it was announced a little while ago, but hey, I just reserved it today, so im not angry for another topic about it......
  2. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop


    I just pre-ordered the set at Suncoast today for $5.......If you pre-order it and pick it up, when you pick it up you get 3,000 free replay points just for reserving it.Just thought I'd mention that!
  3. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    From The Inside 7/18/03

    WHOOO!!!!100th Post!!!!!!!!!This post goes to hoping tonights TNA show kicks MAJOR ass....Hope my 100th post was worth it.....
  4. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    From The Inside 7/18/03

    Yeah, he's probab;y talking about Benjamin and Haas. I would think atleast. No one else comes to mind.......
  5. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Official Preview For 7/23

    BUT, they CAN't have him take the pin then slap the submission on. The matches will be spread out throughout the evening and not consecutivly so I would say that it will INDEED make it to the Ladder Match. I am almost positive, and I think that TNA is going to try to make all three AJ,DLO altercations good-great onight because they are giving them time to rest in between there matches. Im looking foward to more Skipper stuff and I hope Amazing Red is on the show too. I actually wanted the Red/Skipper stuff to continue...guess we will have to wauit and see for that. I wanna see the Tag Title match and 6 man match. Hopefully they will hav some X Division Title stuff too.I think this show is looking pretty awesome....Cant wait to order it tonight!!!!!!!
  6. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Problems WIth My Xbox

    First of all, I just got Burnout 2 and Star Wars:KOTOR and both are awesome. Anyway, my X-Box seems to have problems playing ALL of my games. Its not the games either because I take really good care of my games. It always says the games are Dirty Or Damaged when they are not. I think the lens may be messed up. I have tried using a DVD/CD/PC lens cleaner but it really doesnt help much. All my games always freeze up and it REALLY pisses me off. All my new games right now are for my Xbox and I wanna play them but dont have 200(Nor do I want to spend 200) on another Xbox. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should do??? I was thinking about Microsoft Customer Support but they will prob. just blame me although I may still do it tomorrow. ANy suggestions are apprecated. Thanks, Stephen(SFJED)
  7. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    From The Inside 7/18/03

    Are you sure, I took it as, they were doing one Wed. night then another the next week. If they are all on one show then I will be DELIGHTED because next week is the last week I can get TNA before I go on Vacation(If anyone can send me a tape of the 7/30/03 TNA after it happens i would GREATLY appreciate it, as I will not be able to order this while I am on vacation and I am trying to actually WATCH every week from now on)Thanks....(If you thinhk you MIGHT be able to send me a tape just PM and ill talk to you in some way)
  8. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    From The Inside 7/18/03

    I dunno, I really dont think spreading them out is such a good idea. For three weeks straight, or atleast for three shows it will be AJ vs. DLO OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Now if they are put on consecutivily one show after the other, then it could be good,but if they do AJ vs. DLO, then next week Russo/DLO shit then next week AJ vs. DLO, then im not digging that sucka. I dont know, I was really hyped when I thought the whole showdown would be ONE huge match. Im not as excited but fuck it...it still looks awesome. And I agree, the longer ANYONE is in NWA:TNA, it's helping there career...I dont care who, it doesnt even matter...its he;lping EVERYONE.
  9. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Grave of the fireflies

    By IMO I meant In My Oppinion....Jin-Roh is a movie set in Japan where the government is trying to take over but many civilians are rioting and so on. The group that is against the governments uses girls named "Red Riders" to go on Suicide missions and blow up bombs because they think that the soldiers will not kill them. One of the soldiers falls in love with a Red Riding Hood. I don't want to give away the ending but its a really excellent movie.
  10. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Grave of the fireflies

    I really did not think it was THAT great. It was good but its far overratted IMO. I am going to watch it again next week but I don't think my oppinion will change. Jin-Roh is an EXCELLENT movie and IMO its just as good, if not better than GOTF, but GOTF is good also. LONG LIVE FUCKING ANIME!
  11. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    100 Reasons why Goldberg is better or worse than

    I hope someone drops a bomb on the arena once everyone leaves right before the HHH vs. Goldberg match. Thats why it MUST be last.
  12. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Problems WIth My Xbox

    Mr. Tom someone told me you live in Fredrick....is this true????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Cuz I live in Maryland too!
  13. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    sandman in TNA?

    I hate that Fatass. Man, without Norman Smiley in that match, it would have been theonly moving piece of shit other than HHH that I would have ever seen.
  14. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    NWA:TNA First Impressions...

    First of all, I found the arena to look MUCH smaller than any WWE arena, which by the end of the show, was great. I thought the smaller arena was weird in the beggining, but by the end, I actually thought it made the show better for some reason. I don't know, its just my impression! I found that the music for the individual superstars isnt really too impressive but I got over that quickly also after watching the Last Man Standing Match. Nothing really bugged me, and although I am SURE this wasn't the best NWA:TNA show, but just the X Division Title match, the LMS, the Red/Skipper stuff and the 3 Live Crew made the whole show worth it for me and worth my 10 bucks. I agree that Killings should be wrestling but the Pimp part and the "*Sniff,Sniff* Yeah, that's what I thought of too when I saw Nashville, they sent me to rehab for that" It was entertaining and overall, a good show, better than the WWE crap on TV. I don't care if its 10 more, it is much more worth it. I CANT WAIT for next week or for Daniels return. SAY YOUR PRAYERS!
  15. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Crash Holly Headed To TNA

    Man, I am REALLY pissed now, I was gonna go to SSMC 03' but I wasnt able to so now, I will never be able to see MCW live. Suck-alicious.........I really do think that Crash coiuld make the X Division better, hopefully, I mean DLO and Raven have only improved TNA.
  16. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    NWA:TNA First Impressions...

    Thanks for welcoming me...Second of all, that was no way near Raw IMO. Anyshow that contains beatting up Sucky wrestlers with Hulk hands is AWESOME. Now Raw would be a must watch if HHH was getting the shit beat out of his with Hulk hands...But NOOO!!!!!!!That doesn't happen so Ill stick with TNA.
  17. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Problems WIth My Xbox

    Yeah, I got mine at Launch........do you think Microsoft will do ANYTHING or should I just go ahead and try to get a new one????
  18. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Question about LOTR The Two Towers

    Man, thats stupid IMO, a 12 disk set would be MASSIVE and it would just be absolutly STUPID. Now seriously imagine your whole Entertainment System being taken up by one DVD cleection...THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!! They should just bring the 4 Disk out in Aug. but whatever. As long as I can still get my dirty paws on it eventually than its cool with me....
  19. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The I 'Just Bought' Thread

    KoToR and Burnout 2....along with Elder Scrolls 3 for $19.99
  20. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TNA Next Week.....

    Im def. getting it. It will be my second one but after that i am goin on vacation so I have to skip one, but IMO, this one looks awesome.IM poretty sure this is the card announced so far- AMW vs. Simon/Swigner-TNA Tag Titles Raven/CM Punk/???(I don't remember who they said it was) vs. Douglas/Slash/Brian Lee D'Lo vs. AJ Styles-NWA:TNA World Championship,2 Out Of 3 Falls(matches) Im really looking foward to all of those plus hopefully some more Skipper/Red stuff....and some more Kazarian/Sabin stuff too(Although not as much as The Skiper/Red stuff lol) What do you guys think about this card and about next week in general????
  21. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Reservoir Dogs

    Yeah,I love the movie but a Reseviour Game WILL suck. Kill Bill may be alright, but I doubt it. The Italian Job game sucked and mostly, as we all know, so do mostly all other movie based games.
  22. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    new Texas Chainsaw Massacer trailer up

    Well I got 56k...Ill tell ya my thoughts in a week or two.....
  23. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    WCW returning?

    I hope WCW returns...I actually liked them alot compared to WWF/E. I always had throught they were better. Better Light weight division IMO too. Althought WWE did have and ultimatly MIS-USE Taka.Damn.......My TNA First IMpressions will be up later tonight.
  24. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop


    Was it actually a deal with Viacom????If so then it would count for MTV too. Meaning that maybe TE4 will come on TNN???? I still don't get them leaving MTV for Heat when MTV is Viacom also. But I guess the deal was just to be on SOME viacom station. IMO, FX is one of the best networks on TV right now(The SHIELD BABY!!!!!)Anyway,TNA should go there and beat the SHIT out of WWE. I mean any wrasslin show on ABC or CBS would be stupid....and HBO wouldnt give many ratings.....
  25. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TNA Next Week.....

    Yeah BPS, other than the two weeks this summer that I am going on Vacation to NC, I am going to order them every week. I might ask a relative or friend(Although I have none that get TNA) to tape the week after AJ/DLO and another week and either give it to me or if someone could make a copy of a tape of TNA from two weeks form now(Obviously after it happens) and send it to me I would be EXTREMELY appreciative......Im going to see Johnny English with my little brother tomorrow LOL,that should be fun......Ill post a review for it once I get back.....