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Everything posted by SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

  1. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    55th Annual Primetime Emmy Nominees

    Man,that sucks ass. I agree about The Shield getting ripped off. It should have been nom. Best Drama.....I hope Michael Chiklis wins for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama though....just to show that the show rules ass.....
  2. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    That makes 5!

    Last night was my first so, I cant ge the (hopefully Russo lol) poster. I am gonna continue to watch TNA even though my dad thinks wrestling is stupid as shit and gives me shit about it EVERY week.
  3. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TNA DVD's

    I hope they sell them in stores, Lastnight was my first TNA, I taped it so ill rewatch it and put up some first impressions over the weekend.
  4. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    techtv's top womam

    Yeah, I would have to agree with that.....
  5. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    NWA-TNA Preview for July 16th

    ...I am hoping this one will be good....(Crosses Fingers)It will be my first NWA:TNA and if I like it I will continue to order them, or if I dont, I will just order them by what sounds good to me. Im looking forward to X Title Match,Skipper,Raven v. Douglas(If it happens and just to see Raven) I would love to see AMW and XXX but I doubt they will show.....
  6. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    You can't BBQ JR without applying some of his own

    I think it was funny as it was! Anyway, I like the BBQ sauce idea a lot. Although the best way to do it would have been to catch him on fire, then pour a mystery souce on him. Then the camera can zoom up to the bottle and it will be Kane's New BBQ Sauce Staright From Hell. And it would be spicy an stuff so Kane would take a bite of JR then run around in circles yelling for a bottle of water when some guy with a black mask gives him one. Kane drinks the water when the man in the mask says "No. like this" Then the man takes off the mask and its Triple H!!!!Triple H takes a sip of water and spits it into the air, most of it landing on JRs burnt crispy body. Triple H takes a bite, says Jr is a little too crispy for him then repeats the water process as the camera fades to black.
  7. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Gary the Rat

    Because, obviously, they are just going to keep on playing re-runs over and over again for a while. They will play liek the four epsidoes that they did get done. I do like Gary the Rat also.
  8. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    King of The Hill DVD

    Yeah, you should get it. I agree with most of what Marshall said. Although I think the extras arnt bad. 50 Deleted Scenes, an Alternate endding, some commentary and some more. I think you should def. pick it up. I got it last week but if you need more convincing check the review out at www.ign.com
  9. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Weekend Box Office Report - 7/11/03 - 7/13/03

    NOTE-By bad, I meant if the movie sucked, not if the content was not approprite.....
  10. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Weekend Box Office Report - 7/11/03 - 7/13/03

    Also,ANYONE can see Finding Nemo, and parents would take kids even if it was bad. Secondly, alot fo young children, some of them the target audience fr Finding Nemo can only see G rated movies and PG rated. Plus, some parents are really freaked out about that IMO,cuz I know a family that doesnt let there kid watch PG rated movies until lthere like 11. PLUS, With PG-13 or R movies, the whole family cant go if there are small children, but with Nemo, when adults and a whole family of children is going, the ticket prices add up fast. Plus, parents will want Finding Nemo to be the movie to take there kid to go to if they have to because its actually good. Im not saying anyones wrong, Im just sharing my oppinions on the matter, but what the hell, thats what Message boards are for.
  11. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    MTV Bash

    No, that was maya, Ill be watching it because its different. Atleast for the first 15 mins. or so....then ill go to bed cuz right now im tired as hell.
  12. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Pirates Of The Carribean

    I have seen it twice now, once Friday night and Once Saturday mid-day and I thought tiwas great both times, kicked ass in my oppinion, and I really didnt seem to even notice that it was a Disney movie(Already knew form previous knowledge but it didnt seem that way to me) I thought it was great, cant wait for the DVD release or the sequel(crosses fingers)
  13. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Worst MMA cut I have ever seen...

    Yeah, thats nasty as shit.....I was gonna get that PPV but ended up not getting it in the end....Cant wait for 2003 Pride Grand Prix
  14. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    ROH question

    Uh...Rohfanatic right? I tried looking you up but didnt come up with nay results and I would like to DL that from you if possible. What is the file name?
  15. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    My first time watching NWA:TNA

    My first TNA will prob. be next week. WHAt they SHOULd do is just leave enough time for the Main Event, if they show it first then it makes the rest of the show seem bad(sometimes).Thats not a good thing at all.
  16. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    NWA:TNA Downloadable Matches

    Does anyone know where I can find them??? I am getting a DirectTV receiver in my room in a couple of weeks and I wanted to know where I could download a couple of matches from NWA;TNA before I started to orfer it weekly. If anyone knows please PM me or just reply to this topic. Thanks I really appreciate, Stephen(SFJEB)
  17. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Worst Show You Have Ever Seen

    Ah, I would have to say Survivor, or Big Brother...I HATE reality shows....unless Battle Royale becaomes a real series...yes, it was a VERY sick idea I am aware of that.
  18. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    NWA:TNA Downloadable Matches

    Alright, what site?
  19. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Your Favorite Directors

    Uhh....Lemme see, in no order.. Akira Kurosawa Christopher Nolan Martin Scorsese Peter Jackson David Fincher Shinichiro Watanabe
  20. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Pirates Of The Carribean

    I CANT WAIT TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!Im seeing it tomorrow night...
  21. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Something I just thought of

    Dont worry BB, he will go to Raw soon enough and as soon as HHH goes near him he is DOWN AND OUT. And Vince wont save his one legged self then.I do think that your being an ass hole for calling him a one legged bitch though. For one leg, he DOES have talent. Who cares if he had 2 legs HE DOESNT and he will never have two real legs ever again.......so he has one leg and IMO he is doing fine with what he has. BB, why don't you fucking cut off your leg THEN try a moonsault? And in WWE, he wont be living shit for long.Unless his dream is to be in a fed thats storylines suxk most of the time AND in a fed where one man is ruler of the world(WHHHore)
  22. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    New WWF magazine

    Teddy Long is my hero....I agree, hes coming to my birthday party too.......hope mines not on the same day as yours.....oh yeah, and we all already knew HHH was The Man.
  23. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Coolest thing you've ever done in a video game

    Well I would say in GTA VC when I crashed my helicopter into the poilce parking lot when I had 5 stars and killed like everyone there. I cant think of much else.
  24. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    If the television title was brought back...

    I agree they should bring it back and give it to Rhyno....then have him and RVD feud it would be entertaining and I woulkd rather see an ECW repeat than something thats a WWE original ANYTIME now a days.
  25. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Waterworld 2

    HAHHAHAHA, I like that idea about Ecks vs. Sever 2. It would see it 15 times ATLEAST.