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Everything posted by SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

  1. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Hills Have Eyes

    Dude, this gimmick you're doing, the one where you're a fucking idiot, it's pretty good. I mean, you're doing it well. So congrats. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. If you don't think it looks interesting, don't fucking see it at all. Don't just go into a theater and ignore the film. That is honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
  2. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    Wow. I have nothing else to say, but wow. Just wow.
  3. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    All I have to say is that T.O. certainly did more wrong in this situation in my oppinon, just from the team aspect. I realise that high school sports aren't professional sports, I do realise this, but I know what it's like to play with people you don't like. The point is, you are a team. While you may not like the other teammate, you are both on the SAME team, and you share that in common. Like I said, I realise it isn't the same in high school as in professional sports, but I played football last year for my school's team(i'm still in HS) and I played TE and DE. I personally don't like the person that starts at quarterback and strong safety for my team. Same guy, I play with him on both sides of the ball, and I realise ,I'm not getting paid or interviewed by the media, but the point is, I don't talk shit about him, I don't even question him. He does what he does, I do what I do, and yes, at times the two directly correlate. Also, I understand completely that a lot of people want more and more and more money, that's natural. But still, in the end, even if you REALLY don't like someone, even if you despise of them, unless you're extremely selfish as an individual(and most likely a player) you'll atleast deal with them if not form a slight bond with them because they are your teammate and when you're on the field, you should be working together, period. As I see, T.O. doesn't care who is his "teammate" because he doesn't seem to buy into the "team" theory. In the end, T.O. is certainly an amazing talent, and although aging, still has the potential to be one of the top three receivers(if not top period) in the league. With this said, he's not at all a team player, he's a selfish, centered player, and that works great for him sometimes, but at other times, you need to be a team player because just like everyone else, T.O. can't win games by himself.
  4. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    I would def. say that this season has the best cast, and the best acting overall as well. I'd even say it's probably the best written, I dunno, I guess I just have a sweet spot for the Money Train. This season is awefully good though.
  5. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    24: Season 5

    Okay. This season is getting good again(In my oppinion anyway). At first I was thinking I just didn't care, but now I'm interested again. Raines better hide her ass because Jack is coming back there and we all know an emotionally fueled Jack does nothign better than wreck house. I'm not too concerned with Palmer's brother running away. I mean sure, it's pretty cool, but how the fuck did those guys in the van get past the military detail? Plus, it's not like we don't know what will happen. Palmer's brother will call Jack. Jack will kick a bunch of ass. Done deal. Or he'll just meet Mike in the woods and have a chat, then get killed off I'm assuming. But will Palmer's assasination really go anywhere else??? What is there left to say about it?
  6. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    This season has been good and tomorrow looks great. I know the season isn't over but where do you guys think this season ranks among the others?? I say it's either 1st or 2nd behind the season with the Money Train(a personal favorite of mine).
  7. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    24: Season 5

    I'm kinda dissapointed with the show this season. To me anyway, other than the last 5-10 minutes, I haven't been to excited or entertained by much of the season recently. I just hope it picks up I guess.
  8. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Sopranos-Season 6

    I'm almost positive it was actually Meadow on the phone. Her voice anyway. Dunno bout Carmella
  9. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Prison Break

    Hmmm...Don't have much to say after that. I'm glad it's back, I'm sure of that.
  10. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TSM mock draft

    Alrighty, sounds good to me.
  11. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Sopranos-Season 6

    Nevermind, It's in the article.
  12. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Sopranos-Season 6

    Anyone know what the song was at the end of the episode?
  13. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Sopranos-Season 6

    I actually enjoyed last nights episode a lot, although many people haven't. I've enjoyed this season and I'm certainly happy with it so far.
  14. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Yeah, I'm weak as shit. I read the spoiler too and I'm hoping it's the first rather than the second, but either way, I'm still really excited for tomorrow night. Should be an awesome episode.
  15. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TSM mock draft

    I'd love to take Baltimore as my second team if that's cool with you. If not, then you can have it.
  16. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    And I would have to say I'd probably take the package of Randle El,Lloyd,Carter and Archuleta over T.O. Is T.O. a superior player compared to any one of them? You can certainly say that, and I'd agree with you somewhat, but as a whole, I'd rather have those 4 than T.O. on my team. We don't know how T.O. will act OR play, and if he can't get along with McNabb I don't see how things will work with Bledsoe but who knows.
  17. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Coolest person ever?

    Kenny Redd Clint Eastwood Denzel Washington Samuel L Jackson Dave Chappelle Yao Ming Especially Yao Ming.
  18. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

    I've already reserved it for 360 and I'm extremely excited about it. Hope there arent any major problems or bugs in it cause I really still don't trust 360 games yet.
  19. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    V for Vendetta

    I enjoyed Constantine and still havent seen V but am going to soon. Havent read any of the comics, although I'm thinking about maybe doing that
  20. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    As a Redskins fan, this news doesn't bother me at all. For some reason, I'm actually happier that he went to Dallas rather than Denver.
  21. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    V for Vendetta

    Ill be seeing it this weekend although im pissed as shit that I cant enjoy it in IMAX. But whatever.
  22. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    Damn. I'd say that would be a hell of a deal for the Saints. Vilma and they move up what? 4 spots?
  23. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TSM mock draft

    Oh ok. Then Yeah, I guess I'm in.
  24. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    TSM mock draft

    When would we do this draft?? The weekend of the actual draft or after or what?? Eventhough they'll end up having like one pick, I'll take the Skins depending on when we're doing it.
  25. SpikeFayeJettEdBebop

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Next week showed Vic holding the baby, although I still don't think it's his. Next week will be completely out of controll and I really can't wait. Tonight's episode is my favorite of the whole series other than maybe the season finale with the money train. Very very good stuff.