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  1. I found a box of a ton of ROH DVDs ranging from 2002 to 2006. I'm slowly putting them all up. Some of them are super rare, like the Punk/Raven Beating the Odds cage match show. I'm also putting up a ton of figures in the next couple days. http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/david.tuthil...QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ
  2. please buy them. everything (unless otherwise stated) is unwatched and still in its original shrinkwrap. i love you all. pay my bills. http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZdavid.tuthill
  3. Wow, that's some classy journalism right there, insinuating that the ROH staff created message board names to bash this guy on their board. Wow. Gabe has gotten caught fake posting on the ROH forum more than once, so I wouldn't have any trouble believing he was still doing it.
  4. r4g

    XPW Highlight Videos

    Paging Jonathan Barber, Jonathan Barber please pick up the white courtesy telephone on Aisle 5. . .
  5. r4g

    Updated CZW Only the Strong: Scarred for Life Card

    That explains the 136 IWS guys on the show, with SMV and IWS' relationship and all.
  6. r4g

    Updated CZW Only the Strong: Scarred for Life Card

    FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. But anyway, this card looks ehhh. I get that the IWS guys will drive themselves down and work cheap, but it's starting to get ridiculous. Some of these guys are good, others are ok, but ALL get knobslobbed by the internet WAYYYYY too much, with the exception of Generico.
  7. r4g

    New tag team signs with WWE

    Whoever's telling you they suck is lying. I've been watching them develop in Florida for years. They're the fastest 280+ wrestlers I've ever seen. Slugs? You MUST be shitting me. Most 200 pounders have trouble keeping up with them in the ring sometimes. I can understand why some people don't like their work since because of their agility they're not very crisp with their moves, but when they're on, they're fucking ON. They play monster heel tag team very well, hopefully they'll be well utilized. I wouldn't get my hopes up, but whatever. Still they're very talented guys, and certainly not TNA rejects, as TNA was (and still continues to be) a complete joke of a fed back in their early stages when they brought in the Shanes with that terrible penis gimmick.
  8. r4g


    ....YEARS? What happened to your big conclusion being 5 years to the day of when XPW had their first big megashow or whatever during 12/99?
  9. r4g

    Just saw amazing MLW tag match from '02

    I remember that match, and while it was nowhere near the level of Barely Legal 97, I remember marking out all match because it was so awesome.
  10. I'd just like to say that none of these matches are as good as Kenta Kobashi vs. Yoshihiro Takayama for the GHC Belt on the 4.25.04 NOAH Budokan Hall show. But American indies still rule. Yeah. Go Indies.
  11. You didn't lose a period in that last sentence, way to show your intelligence! Woah! An, gee, lets' see if my Gabe-'Cide comment was a sarcastic joke.... hmm.... *waits for mention of 'Cide-Gabe relationship in DVDR thread* Are you done yet?
  12. Yeah, its a fucking shame Gabe didnt put Justin Credible over in the tournament. Shut the fuck up.
  13. r4g

    Official NWA Florida Thread

    Credit Alan J. Wojcik NWA FLORIDA presented Against All Odds on Saturday, September 18th as the promotion returned to the Brandon All Stars facility to a crowd of over 150 fans. (1) Vordell Walker defeated Josh Rich in the opening encounter. This was Walker's debut in NWA Florida and he impressed the fans with his ring skill matching Rich move for move. Rich kept Walker grounded by working on his back. Walker fought back was hit with a 2nd rope Tornado DDT but only got a 2 count. Rich kept on the offensive but a 2nd rope bodyblock was turned into a Catatonic by Walker for the win. (2) Most Valuable Playas (Eric Stevens and Luther "Bodybag" Jackson w/Big Daddy Pimp) defeated The Shane Twins w/ "Hardcore Giant" Ron Niemi via DQ. This was Mike Shane's return to the ring since tearing his tricep at the Peterson Cup so he and Todd needed a little time to get their chemistry back against the younger MVP's. Once that occurred the Twins used their power and triple teaming skills (thanks to Niemi) on Jackson for what seemed like forever. Jackson was able to tag in Stevens but the Twins hit double exploders and a TKO for the win but they continued to beat on Stevens after the bell so referee Richie Rich reversed the decision giving the win to the MVP's. Fellow 911 Inc. members Bruce Steele and Rod Steel joined the Twins in beating down Stevens and Jackson. Jerome Hendrix and Bo Tayvian tried to help out but they too fell to the strength of 911 Inc. (3) Jerrelle Clark (NWA World Jr. Heavyweight Title) and Mikey Batts (NWA TNA Contract) defeated Mikey Tenderfoot (NWA Florida Tag Title) & Justice (NWA Florida Tag Title) in an all or nothing 4 way dance. The stipulation of this encounter was the winner of the pinfall obtained whatever his opponent came into the match holding. From the beginning it became unofficial tag team match between the tag champs and Clark/Batts who are a team in TNA Wrestling. For several minutes all four men went for the kill which each move and each had a title or contract in their grasp. Tenderfoot and Justice both did planchas to the floor taking out Batts and Clark then returned to the ring to fight each other. Clark returned to the fight and hit Tenderfoot with what could be called a reverse huricurana off the top rope. Batts recovered and was able to get back into the ring and "hit" the Code Red Tenderfoot as Clark rolled up Justice at the same time. Referee Star Stevens counted both pins and ruled that Clark and Batts are the new NWA Florida Tag Team champions. (4) Roderick Strong defeated Kid Romeo in a special challenge match. After a delay due to sound issues Romeo barreled past NWA FL staff and demanded Strong come to the ring to begin the match. The former X division champion took his aggressive style right to the former WCW star but it was returned by Romeo. Romeo threw everything he had at Strong including fighting on the floor but he couldn't pin Strong who hit one of his thousand backbreakers to get some control of the match. Strong got his second wind but Rom eo hit a DDT to cut it short but it didn't lead to victory. Romeo became frustrated and took his eyes off Strong long enough for Strong to put Romeo in a modified torture rack for the submission victory. (5) NWA Florida Heavyweight champion Steve Madison defeated former TNA World X champion Michael Shane. Both men used chain wrestling to try and gain an early advantage but Madison got control of the match with side headlocks that Shane kept walking into. Shane was finally able to gain control of the bout by countering out of a headlock with a back suplex. For several minutes Shane attacked Madison in and out of the ring at one point sitting in a chair in the middle of the ring and putting Madison in a side headlock. Each time Madison seemed to be getting his second wind Shane found a way to cut it off until Madison and Shane ended up trading fists. Madison's second wind took the fight back to Shane but Shane cut it off once again with a hotshot. Shane went to the top rope and hit a cross body block but Madison rolled through getting a two count. Madison hit the RKO and went for a Riki Lariat but Shane countered and went for the superkick. Madison countered and rolled up Shane for the pin. After the bout both men shook hands but Shane cheap shotted the champion to the deafening boos of the crowd. (6) NWA Florida X Division champion Sedrick Strong defeated Naphtali & O.G. Scarface w/ Ana Mosity. All three men exchanged offensive moves in, out and above the ring keeping the fans on the edge of their seats. Every time one person had an opponent in a submission move it was broken up. Naphtali hit the Polish Power and the Garvin Stomp but Strong stopped the elbow from being delivered and did it himself. Scarface hit Naphtali with Double Penetration but Strong broke up the pin. Naphtali paid Strong back with an Otani kick. Naphtali went for the win but Strong went for a spear hitting Scarface instead. Scarface and Ana went for a double team chair shot on Naphtali but he escaped and in the commotion Ana ended up being hit by Scarface's body and a Shining Wizard from Naphtali. In the end Strong got the chair and as referee Richie Rich checked on Ana, Scarface was hit by the chair. Strong got the very tainted victory. After the bout Naphtali and OG S carface challenged Sedrick Strong to defend the title on October 9th in a TLC match. "The Hardcore Giant" Ron Niemi led the 911 Inc. members Rod Steel and Bruce Steele to the ring. After Niemi made several lewd comments about Johnny Fairplay, Steel addressed the coming anniversary of the closing of IPW Hardcore. Steel claimed everyone but 911 Inc. left the sinking ship. Steel and Steele brought up their non title victory over Mikey Tenderfoot and Hot Ass Amy Love at "Back For More." This brought Amy to the ring to confront Steel and Steele and for a moment she held her own but 911 Inc was too much for her to handle on her own. Just when it looked like the end for Amy Love, the Ladykillers hit the ring with referee Billy Dalton right behind to make a tag team match. (7) Bruce Steele & Rod Steel (w/ "Hardcore Giant" Ron Niemi) defeated the Ladykillers (Ricky Romeo & Kevin Devine). The Ladykillers caught Steele and Steel off guard but 911 Inc. recovered and double teamed Romeo for several minutes until Romeo hit Steel with a Spinebuster. This allowed Devine to tag in. As Devine fought with Steel, Steele hit Romeo with an F5 to take him out of the match. Next they hit Devine with the 24/7 to get the win. ( NWA Southern Heavyweight champion Scoot Andrews (w/So Cal Val) defeated Lex Lovett. This bout was a rematch from the last NWA FL event that saw Andrews defeat Lovett for the held up championship. Lovett took to the offensive attacking Andrews' left arm despite several attempts at slowing Lovett's momentum. For a moment it seemed Lovett was more interested in hurting Andrews instead of winning the title. Lovett hit several running kneelifts but Val interrupted one attempt and that allowed Andrews to hit a sitout power bomb. And rews proceeded to use every dirty trick and weapon in the book but he couldn't beat Lovett. Andrews went for the Forces of Nature but Lovett countered into a powerslam. Lovett hit a Michinoku Driver but Andrews kicked out at 2. Lovett went to the top rope but Val tripped him allowing Andrews to climb up and bring Lovett off the top rope. Val distracted referee Richie Rich as Andrews took a baggie of baby powder out of his tights. But Andrews could use it to his advantage; Lovett grabbed Andrews hand and tossed the powder back into Andrews' eyes. Andrews flailed around and walked into a Lovett Blockbuster and a pinfall. However Richie Rich saw the powder on Andrews' face and reversed the decision not realizing the powder was brought into the match by Andrews. ------------------- NWA FLORIDA Presents: Right Now! Saturday, October 9th, 8:00 P.M. Brandon All Stars 9940 Currie Davis Drive, Suite C-02 Brandon, FL (If Using Mapquest Use TAMPA, FL) NWA Florida Title Match "Modern Miracle" Steve Madison (champion) vs NWA TNA's Onyx NWA Florida X Title Match: Tables, Ladders and Chairs Sedrick Strong (champion) vs Naphtali vs OG Scarface w/ Ana Mosity Special Challenge Match "HartBreaker" Mikey Tenderfoot vs NWA Wildside's Jay Fury And Much More to Be Announced This Week to Include the Return of Billy Fives! Tickets are $ 12.00 in Advance and $ 15.00 at the door and Kids Under 12 Get in FREE! Tickets are available via PayPal at http://www.nwaflorida.com or at the following locations: Brandon All Stars 9940 Currie Davis Drive, Suite C-02 Brandon, FL Jimmy's Sod Company 2308 Kathleen St. W Tampa, FL (813) 876-7933 Artistic Floors 1761 W Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL
  14. r4g

    Official NWA Florida Thread

    THE K5 REPORT by: Ace Simmons 9/16/04 • Scoot Andrews is petitioning NWA Florida officials to make Lex Lovett's shot at the NWA Southern Heavyweight Championship be the last for Lovett while Andrews holds the title. The Black Nature Boy feels that if he defeats Lovett for a second time in a row that he shouldn't be worthy of any more Southern title shots. Mike Sullivan has been the NWA official assigned to oversee the request, which has Andrews irate because he feels it is a clear conflict of interest. • There are also unconfirmed rumors floating around the offices that several men who have not been seen in an NWA Florida ring for months may be making their returns this Saturday in Brandon. No other details were available, but it has people talking. • As a clarification of the rules for the "All or Nothing" match this Saturday between Justice, Mikey Tenderfoot, Jerrelle Clark and Mikey Batts, the man who gains the pinfall on one of his opponents wins what the person pinned has put up for grabs in the match. Justice and Tenderfoot are putting up each half of the NWA Florida Tag Team titles, Clark is putting up his NWA World Junior Heavyweigh title, and Batts is putting up the rights to his NWA TNA contract. This is not an elimination match, so whoever gets the first pinfall wins his prize and the match is over. Title changes (including the tag team titles) will be sanctioned and TNA officials have sent word that they will honor the contract of whoever Batts may lose the rights of it to. Too bad Frankie Capone isn't in the States for this match because this might have been his only shot of getting a TNA contract since he's a stage breaker. • When Erick Stevens and Luther Jackson got together to form the Most Valuable Playaz tag team, both were excited about the prospect of taking on the best the NWA Florida tag division has to offer. Lucky for them, in their second match as a team, they get to take on the returning Shane Brothers. Mike Shane has promised that he won't tear anything in his arm this time, but can't say the same for tearing the MVPz apart. "Black? White? It don't matta'. It's all pink on the inside." The MVPz may enjoy their catchy slogan, but they might both be bleeding from the inside after feeling the wrath of Todd Shane, who is still fuming from losing his NWA Florida Heavyweight title to Steve Madison, and Mike Shane - who is ready to prove that he hasn't lost a step and is still a complete monster. • Rod Steel has reportedly been completely irate all week since being denied the #1 contendership to the NWA Florida Tag Team titles after Steel & Bruce Steele defeated Mikey Tenderfoot and Amy Love in Clearwater two weeks ago. The #1 contendership was denied by NWA Florida officials because Amy was the one pinned in the match, not Tenderfoot. He will have his hands full in Brandon, facing off with two-time Best of the Best participant from CZW, Chris Cash, this Saturday night. Cash is notorious for having one of the most explosive ring entrances in wrestling, to the point where he is seemingly blown up before the match begins. • This just in.. Sedrick Strong is a dick. He's the kind of guy who would anally violate your mother while pouring sugar in your gas tank. Thankfully we have a class act like him representing NWA Florida as our X-Division Champion. Strong will defend his title against Naphtali and O.G. Scarface in a one-fall three-way dance this Saturday night. In related news, if Naphtali wins the title, he may have to vacate it soon after as is he due on the set of "The Passion of the Christ 2: Jesus Strikes Back" early next month. • Rumor has it that "Ladykiller" Ricky Romeo feels that it is "no sexay" that him and partner Kevin Devine were not booked on this weekend's show. Unconfirmed reports have said that Devine and Romeo blew hundreds of dollars at Ybor City bars and clubs this past weekend, trying to woo scantily clad women with shots of Yager to come back to their hotel room. They struck out, but did manage to get some screen names and links to MySpace profiles to work from. • Here's the final rundown for Saturday night's "Against All Odds" show in Brandon: - NWA Southern Heavyweight Championship: Scoot Andrews © vs. Lex Lovett - NWA Florida Heavyweight Championship: Steve Madison © vs. Michael Shane - All or Nothing: Jerrelle Clark (NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion) vs. Justice (NWA Florida Tag Team Champion) vs. Mikey Tenderfoot (NWA Florida Tag Team Champion) vs. Mikey Batts (TNA contract) - NWA Florida X-Division Championship: Sedrick Strong © vs. Naphtali vs. O.G. Scarface w/ Ana Mosity - NWA Florida vs. CZW Challenge: Rod Steel w/ Ron Niemi vs. Chri$ Ca$h - The Shane Brothers w/ Ron Niemi vs. The Most Valuable Playaz - Roderick Strong vs. Kid Romeo - Vordell Walker vs. Josh Rich -Ace Simmons
  15. r4g

    Official NWA Florida Thread

    A NWA Florida X Division Title 3 Way Dance pitting champion Sedrick Strong against O.G. Scarface and Naphtali has been added to this weekend's show in Brandon. NWA FLORIDA Against All Odds Saturday, September 18th, 8:00 P.M. Brandon All Stars 9940 Currie Davis Drive, Suite C-02 Brandon, FL (If Using Mapquest Use TAMPA, FL) NWA Southern Title Match Scoot Andrews (champion) vs Lex Lovett NWA Florida Heavyweight Title Steve Madison (champion) vs Michael Shane NWA Florida vs CZW Challenge Match Rod Steel w/ "Hardcore Giant" Ron Niemi vs Chri$ Ca$h All Or Nothing 4 Way Dance Jerrelle Clark (NWA World Jr Heavyweight Title) vs "The Hartbreaker" Mikey Tendefoot (NWA Florida Tag Title) vs Justice (NWA Florida Tag Title) vs Mikey Batts (NWA TNA Contract) Special Challenge Match Roderick Strong vs Kid Romeo NWA Florida X Title Match Sedrick Strong (champion) vs Naphtali vs O.G. Scarface w/ Ana Mosity Tag Team match The Shane Brothers w/ "Hardcore Giant" Ron Niemi vs Most Valuable Playas (Eric Stevens and Luther "Bodybag" Jackson) Opening Match Vordell Walker vs Josh Rich Tickets are $ 12.00 in Advance and $ 15.00 at the door and Kids Under 12 Get in FREE! Tickets are available via PayPal at http://www.nwaflorida.com or at the following locations: Brandon All Stars 9940 Currie Davis Drive, Suite C-02 Brandon, FL Jimmy's Sod Company 2308 Kathleen St. W Tampa, FL (813) 876-7933 Artistic Floors 1761 W Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL 813-872-2749