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Everything posted by thuganomics

  1. thuganomics

    ECWA Super 8 Results

    Dux injured himself during last week's Velocity taping. Daniels was really the best choice for the win, although I would guess Dux would have taken it if he hadn't been injured.
  2. thuganomics

    TNA Deal Seems likely

    At least 90% of America gets Fox Sports. I know we get Fox Sports Chicago and Fox Sports Midwest (AKA St. Louis) here in Iowa.
  3. thuganomics

    New Releases for 3/31/04

    Both GI Joe & GI Joe Reloaded, and Poison Elves, and that's just about it.
  4. thuganomics

    David Arquette apologizes...

    I think the important thing is David Arquette has all but disappeared from television and movies today. Even the films he does star in don't advertise his presence at all. I guess it's a good thing he married Courtney Cox when he did.
  5. thuganomics


    I can't disagree that Bob Sapp will almost certainly help the company make some money now that he's champion. But with Inoki's booking I fear it at the same time...
  6. thuganomics

    Jindrak Set For Huge Push

    I'd much rather see Jindrak and O'Haire. If we throw them in to the mix, Smackdown at least has the semblance of a legitimate tag team division...
  7. thuganomics


    You're just figuring this out now? Inoki has been psychotic since sometime around 2002. Absolutely freakin nuts! He spent time dressed as a homeless man for fun for godsakes!
  8. thuganomics

    John "Bradshaw" Rules...

    This is a damn good gimmick makeover. Bradshaw went from a one-note face that the fans were utterly tired of, to being a heel that is fascinatingly different from what's on Smackdown today. It's old school, bears resemblance to JR Ewing, and will do nothing but build heel heat. If he can step up just a little in his ring work (which I'll all but guarantee he will. Bradshaw has shown he's a above average hoss before), he'll make a decent throw away feud with Eddie before moving in to a feud for the US title with John Cena.
  9. Booker T v. Rob Van Dam won't occur until they're ready to take the World title from Booker. Holly will probably be fed to Booker over the first month or two, than I expect to see him feud with Guerrero, where he'll win the title, eventually. Rob Van Dam will be the man to take it off Booker. Now if Smackdown can just come up with a reason to do Rob Van Dam/Rey Mysterio, I'll be a happy camper.
  10. thuganomics

    Fabian Nicieza talks about Cable & Deadpool

    Blech. If they wanted to get fans behind Cable, bring back Robert Weinberg, whose run on the book was massively popular. But Marvel decided for some insane reason to replace him with David Tischmann for no good reason. I don't see a reason why anything Nicieza creates with Liefeld will be as good as it was last time. That being said, I hope they prove me wrong, but I doubt it.
  11. thuganomics

    Brock the football player

    Don't be surprised to see Brock picked up by a team just for the story behind it. It's good advertising.
  12. thuganomics

    WWE 24/7

    I still don't know why they don't connect with Viacom or even go out on their own, and launch this as a full-fledged cable network. They could use their tape library as well as new programs like confidential, the recap shows, and even OVW to fill the programming with no problem whatsoever.
  13. thuganomics

    Notes from Smackdown:(*Spoilers*)

    Bradshaw=Hardcore Holly version 2.0 Hopefully, he won't turn Eddie in to a whiny bitch that leaves the company to go play baseball or something...
  14. I'm just happy to see that the story will continue with trades tonight on Smackdown. Makes me feel that Smackdown isn't being treated like quite the bitch the lottery setup made it.
  15. thuganomics

    Most powerful villans ever in DCU

    Kick Prometheus & Neron's asses off that list. They didn't amount to a heck of a lot. #1: Anti-Monitor: he ate universes for goodness sake. #2: Parallax #3: Darkseid #4: Extant #5: Mordru: at least pre-revamp the guy was the biggest villain of an entire millennium.
  16. thuganomics

    Wrestling Rumors

    May I recommend Steve's Wrestling[?URL]. They're my usual choice.
  17. thuganomics

    Maximum Pro Wrestling

    They have a really cool logo, so I've played as them in EWR quite a few times. Otherwise I know pretty much nothing about them.
  18. thuganomics


    Gave up on Nightwing's book months ago. He's good in Outsiders still.
  19. thuganomics

    La Resistance

    La Resistance: Rene's going solo so he can show off whether he's as talented as he seems or just a pile of crap. Rob Conway will be left to carry Sylvan through the gimmick and Sylvan will still probably suck. But he'll also keep sucking Pat Patterson, so I doubt we'll see him fired. Bashams: Doug's an amazing damn talent. Break them up, let him grow some hair back, and ditch his need to copy Damaja's "I'm gonna punch him" style, and he'll shine. Damaja can form a team with Rodney Mack and disappear in to the Heat abyss.
  20. thuganomics

    Should Farooq Come To TNA?

    Yeah, this would do absolutely no good for the company, especially considering their apparent "wrestling first" attitude. He's old, he doesn't want to wrestle anymore, and he isn't all that charismatic. I think they have plenty of wrestlers in TNA that could say "DAMN!" on call.
  21. thuganomics

    Splitting up Haas & Benjamin

    This probably wouldn't be a surprising circumstance. I see Shelton moving in to a singles feud though, while Charlie will find another tag team partner, maybe Nova.
  22. thuganomics

    New Robin...

    From what I hear she'll be in Teen Titans as well. I'm not sure whether I like the idea or not, and I really don't like the fact that she bears an uncanny resemblance to the DKR Robin. The way it sounds though it will be a semi-permanent change. My guess is there'll see how it goes and if it works, launch Tim Drake as a new character.
  23. thuganomics

    favorite Stephen King books thread

    THE mother fuckin STAND The Green Mile The Gunslinger Firestarter Night Shift and Kingdom Hospital is a damn fine piece of television.
  24. thuganomics

    Le Marquis du Sade

    meh. de Sade ain't that great. I prefer Anais Nin for my classical perversion.