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Everything posted by thuganomics

  1. thuganomics

    Zach Gowan Working Tonight For...

    Is it wrong of me to envision this man locked in a steel cage with the Rottens? That would be entertaining.
  2. thuganomics

    Zandig Officially Out of Ideas

    CZW's truly desperate for talent, isn't it?
  3. thuganomics

    Your hottie of the moment...

    April Hunter's boobs really are too different sizes. She's admitted as much. As a side note, it's pretty easy to run across April on the Yahoo Groups mailing wrestling mailing lists. She's big_boyz69 or something like that. It's pretty hard to miss her.
  4. thuganomics

    New School Question Thread

    To reiterate what someone said before, Kane used "Slow Chemical" at least once (I believe twice actually) before his injury. It was the bonus track on a few Best Buy copies of Forcable Entry. I believe it had a music video at the time of Forcable Entry's release as well.
  5. thuganomics


    These issues were cool, except for the death of Cavalier at the end. It depresses me that a great silver age villain's career was condensed to 3 issues in the modern era.
  6. thuganomics

    Kanyon released

    Kanyon always did some innovative stuff in the ring. I'm proud to be able to say I saw the re-debut of Mortis in a dark match at St. Louis, and I'm still disappointed that they never took off with him. Here's hoping that Kanyon can make a name for himself in TNA or Japan. It might actually get me interested in TNA again if he appears.
  7. thuganomics

    Ernest Miller Released

    OVW has four to watch. Nick Dinsmore is a madly talented technical wrestler, but doesn't have the looks. He'll get Rob Conwayed I would guess. Nova's still there. He'll get promoted soon, hopefully to the cruiserweight division. And the tag team of Adrenaline are good. Chris Cage and Tank Toland probably need some more training though. And that isn't to mention Seven (who is good) and Bane (who is so-so at best) They're Tomko and Fertig for those not in the know. I pray they get to keep their OVW gimmick, but I doubt it. As to Ernest Miller, I pray we never see him again.
  8. thuganomics


    This just makes me sad. MLW seemed ready to actually make a splash in the wrestling world finally. Their death just makes wrestling programming look that much worse to your average cable network.
  9. thuganomics

    RF in legal trouble?

    What's there to discuss now?
  10. thuganomics

    Jonny Fairplay on CBS Early Show

    This hopefully will bring some much needed public attention to TNA. Maybe they can start producing some better shows to tie in to that as well.
  11. thuganomics

    Pictures of Taker

    Ye Gads! The Undertaker is Alive!
  12. thuganomics

    Exciting new WM match (possibly)

    And it's probably likely that both Paris Hilton and Donald Trump will show. WWE loves its "in" pseudo-celebrities. The Miller Lite thing sold last year, why wouldn't this? Whether we smarks like it or not, there are a lot of people who watch WWE for this kind of cheesecake crap.
  13. thuganomics

    MLW going down already?

    Maybe Funk decided he's not retiring now that he's a regular on NWA TNA? I'm guessing it was just too hard to schedule talent against ROH, so they rescheduled. More talent=more drawing power=more money and all that.
  14. thuganomics

    Monthly Wildside invasion

    I've also heard good things about Ray. Looking forward to seeing him pop up again.
  15. thuganomics

    Survivor Series 2000

    While Survivor Series did take a sharp downfall from the previous 10 PPVs of that year. It wasn't terrible. In fact, I liked it better than the next months Armageddon with its atrocious 6 man hell in a cell.
  16. thuganomics

    So Chyna Debuts 2/18

    This may be one of the single best ideas TNA has had in the past few months. While some of the other "media darlings" wouldn't that favorable, Joanie still has a lot of friends on "E.T." and "Access: Hollywood". Her feuding with another pseudo-celebrity like Fairplay could pull in the media attention that they hoped for with Fairplay. I just hope they're smart enough to hype this up properly outside of their website and the standard wrestling media. That seems to be TNA's major pitfall since day one.
  17. thuganomics

    Guns N' Roses at Wrestlemania?

    Guns N Roses would definitely invoke some interest from the media though. Especially MTV. There are A LOT of people waiting very, very impatiently for Axl to get the new album produced and in stores. Rap version or no, this would gain some media attention. Dirk Benedict would be great. He could run out and help Rikishi retain the tag team titles. And than Tazz can try to explain why.
  18. thuganomics

    Marvel vs. DC

    I also need to know if this happened recently or did this happen during the Anagram/Zero Hour time period. I need to own Lobo vs Wolverine. You're looking for Marvel vs DC #3. You didn't really miss much though. The fight between the two lasted approximately 2 pages. They're both at a bar. They trade an insult or two, then they start fighting. They fall behind a counter, and a panel or two later Wolverine sits back up and picks up his stogie. Probably, the worst fight in the whole series, but with limited page count it was pretty much the only way Wolverine could beat Lobo.
  19. thuganomics

    Marvel vs. DC

    Captain Marvel would cream Thor, because Thor wouldn't be smart enough to attack him from a distance. In a hand to hand fight, NO ONE is as powerful as Captain Marvel, Superman included. Lobo's main weakness is he ain't too bright. Wolverine's cunning would win out in a scrap between the two, and Lobo would go down.
  20. thuganomics

    Getting back into comics

    Good Marvels: X-Treme X-Men (soon to be replaced by Excalibur) Supreme Power Hawkeye Good DC: Outsiders Teen Titans Fables Human Target Good Other: GI Joe Strangers in Paradise Savage Dragon
  21. thuganomics

    Helpful WWE links and resources

    I'm a big fan of Steve's Wrestling.com. Recaps of all the news stories from everywhere else + complete histories of events, wrestler debuts, and various other pieces of wrestling history.
  22. thuganomics

    Alien/Predator novels

    They suck. Problem solved. The only decent Aliens/Predator book ever was a 12 issue comic maxi-series Claremont wrote years ago. I haven't even been able to find every issue, and it's never been reprinted as far as I'm aware.
  23. thuganomics

    Pics of the ROH Pure Wrestling Belt

    I seen much, much crappier belts. All in all it ain't terrible. And it's still not as ugly as the WWE US title.
  24. thuganomics

    A Crazy rumour......I heard somewhere

    I think they should bring Nash in as Oz, and instead of wrestling, he can just throw munchkins at people.
  25. thuganomics

    All divas...all the time

    Ivory is easily one of the best wrestlers WWE has. Only Molly Holly and Jazz are even close, and they don't have the years of experience she has.