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Just call me Dan

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Everything posted by Just call me Dan

  1. Just call me Dan

    OAO ECW on Sci Fi thread - 06/26/07

    So now some complete stranger who just joined this board is explaining to me exactly what my understanding of wrestling is. Groovy. Sting going 45 minute broadway with Flair, THAT'S "the rub". Nitro getting beaten and pinned just like everyone else? How does that make him look tougher? Yes, he lasted longer than Khali. That's because the WWE refuses to let a Khali match go more than a few minutes, with good reason. They really don't have SHIT for babyface challengers. Punk is the only one. Dreamer and Mahoney are just jobbers now, and everyone else on the show is a damn heel. They're gonna have to either turn someone (but who?) or import someone from another brand. I see what you are saying here, but look at Nitro vs Cena at the beginning of the year. Is it at all feasible for him to beat or go 45 minutes with Cena at this point? This was the logical next step in his growth and status. Your grievance only makes since if you are upset that he was given the title at this juncture in his career.
  2. Just call me Dan

    OAO ECW on Sci Fi thread - 06/26/07

    The booking of the title vs title match was flawless. Cena could nt job here. He came into the match basically laughing at the guy; he left with respect and a look of concern towards a future meeting with the much improved Nitro. Look at ANY of thier previous matches, and then how Nitro was booked tonight for the difference. Pretty solid match, Nitro got the rub there, no doubt.
  3. Just call me Dan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Honestly dude, your retraction shows a lot more respect than most of what I've seen come from this folder. We know you weren't trying to treat this tragedy as a joke. Cheers, bro.
  4. Just call me Dan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    You're absolutely right, bro. Think about this real hard for a minute. You've just heard tragic news about someone you knew. 3 people are dead, two were murdered, one was a seven year old boy. Now go back and read some of your posts. What does this say about you? How do you think those who love or look up to you would react to your comments?
  5. Just call me Dan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    You guys are all class.
  6. Just call me Dan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I feel as if I must comment on the passing of someone I looked up to as a man and a performer that I cannot help but feel a connection to after following his career for years. This is one of the saddest things I have ever heard in my life, outside of wrestling included. I cannot comprehend what would have driven this man to commit such a horrible act. I thank God that his other children were not present, and that he did not seemingly torture or painfully drag out the horrible events that occured. Benoit will no doubt leave a legacy behind as one of the, if not THE, greatest in ring perfromer of all time. I do not believe, personally, that I will ever lay eyes on a more crisp, technically sound, and story telling wrestler in my lifetime. The man could have a wonderful outing with anyone up and down the roster, and it never failed that he would bring the best out in everyone. I will forever hate the way he was used , especially late in his career, but be thankful for those years he was booked strong, and the championship reign he most heartily deserved. Wrestlemania XX will forever be one of the greatest moments in my life. I want to give my condolences to the wrestlers in the WWE, especially Chavo, Vickie, and Malenko, who I know are even further traumatized by this tragic unfolding coupled with the personal pain they endured through the Guerrero death. Also all those guys who respected and knew him as a man must be severly broken as of now. I cannot imagine what it is like to lose a brother you go on such a rugged journey with so many days out of the year to an apparent breakdown of mental functions and sanity. I certainly hope that those of you who make jokes of this situation do so in order to help yourself cope with what is surely devastating news, but you take a HARD look at what is disrespectful and what is a diversion. Put yourself in the grieving family's shoes, and remember that, even considering these grave circumstances, Benoit was a hard working man who sacrificed his body, his mind, his spirit, and a normal life to entertain you. There was NO ONE who worked harder. I shed a tear for a man I will always respect and miss, and a man who, in the end, I know let us all down. He obviously had the weight of the world on his shoulders and he crumbled. Sadly, it caused thier families and the world a great deal of pain. I think we can all lay to rest tonight and learn from this, as I hope the WWE can as well. I will miss you, Chris Benoit, and I pray that all is at peace now. Daniel and Nancy in no way could have ever deserved this, may God rest thier souls. Goodbye, Crippler.
  7. Just call me Dan

    28 Weeks Later

    Someone describe those gore scenes for me, always makes me want to se it more. Thanks in advance
  8. Just call me Dan

    The Undertaker tears his bicep.

    The guy will just NEVER get an extended title reign. EVER.
  9. Just call me Dan

    UFC 69: Shootout

    Hughes smiling was quite dickish, but how could he NOT smile watching the WW title fall right back into his fucking lap with this crazy outcome? He was smiling as if the belt just got put right back around his waist.
  10. Just call me Dan

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    It is quite obvious that Khali/Kane is slated for Wrestlemania. Orton will be the last pick, he will beat Carlito for it to play up to the Flair/Carlito angle.
  11. Just call me Dan

    Impact Spoilers going into Destination X

    I don't know, with both faces ending the last show with thier finishers locked in, seems to me heels cheat to win in both cases. Surely not.
  12. Just call me Dan

    Mike Awesome dies

    Thanks so much for posting that, UndertakerHart. I had never seen that match up until this point. I hate to hear things like this. I truly wished Awesome could have been given more by the bigger companies, he sure impressed me over the years. RIP.
  13. Just call me Dan

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    MSNBC Sports did a good, albeit short interview with Travis Lutter, and it's on the front page of UFC.com. Nice read. He seems very humble and apologetic. Doesn't whine much at all.
  14. Just call me Dan

    TSM List of Fallen Posters

    Lots of memories from that list... I'm quite late, but thanks, CWM
  15. Just call me Dan

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Is Angle's quick reign with the World title (from Booker T) even acknowledged as real? What about all the Rock's days with the World title?
  16. Just call me Dan

    TV/Movie deaths that made you jump for joy

    End of Old School when Dean Pritchard was fishing and Craig Kilborne flew off the bridge right on top of him. Great. He wasn't that annoying, but I HATE Kilborne.
  17. Just call me Dan

    Bam Bam Bigelow passes away

    RIP, big man. You will be remembered.
  18. Just call me Dan

    Couture to come out of UFC retirement

    My DVR went AWOL last night. What all did Captain America tell us?
  19. Just call me Dan

    UFC 66 (12/30/06): Liddell v. Ortiz 2

    I thought it was a fantastic show. Great way for newer UFC fans to get acquainted with a lot of bigger names all in one card. I had a lot of people over to view the fight, and I think the show will keep them coming back especially with how hyped I am for the 67 card that looks tremendous. Bisping looked great to me. He made mistakes and Schafer worked hard to capitalize, but the result always seemed pretty much a given as The Count would just get himself out of any trouble with relative ease. Glad to see him be so over. Arlovski was brilliant, but I would have liked to see him a little more aggressive. Cruz REALLY got stuck on the ground. Watching it in slow motion was hilarious because of the long pause before the punch with Andre scouting the perfect time. Griffin/Jardine was a heartbreaker. It was a nice exchanging fight but I hatred to see Griffin blasted like that. Jardine's right hands in the mount were VICIOUS. McDonald looked pretty damn smooth here again, proving he is the undisputed king of redheads now with subs on Leben and Herman. I don't see him doing a whole lot moe after this, but that's just my take. Liddell/Ortiz was very fun to watch. I got the same vibe as the Hughes/GSP II matchup whereas when the bell rang, one guy had already lost the fight. Chuck gave Tito a LOT of respect with the standup as he looked as though he could have just gone for the kill on several occasions but held off. Tito was game, but the takedowns just WERE NOT happening. Chuck's defense continues to be wonderful. Hated to see Tito strung out like that and seemingly never going to get his title back. Oh well, he fought hard and was classy throughout, which was nice for a change. VERY excited for the next show, and I really hope to see Chuck walse through his long awaited rematch with Jackson. I don't see that as much of a fight these days, but who knows. Cro Cop should be huge in UFC. Overall, worth the buy. Very entertaining. Really hoping Griffin and Ortiz come back with better showings in the future. Hated to see both guys end the night with such heartbreak.
  20. Just call me Dan

    OAO 11/2 Impact Thread

    Yikes, this thread makes me sad because of an apparent lack of viewership. Impact was OK. Sabin looked great as a heel, he just really needs to hit a stride with his look because something just isn't there. I liked Sting's message, but his point wasn't very clear and it should have been scripted better. The end with the Angle/Joe stuff is always fun, but this is seriously a monumental matchup they they should promote HARDER thn JJ/Sting was. They are dropping the ball so far. Reminds me of Rock/Brock Summerslam 2002. Rushed booking, great match, but just one and done and it was over before you knew it.
  21. Just call me Dan

    TNA entrance music

    It is actually an instrumental of an Evanescence song from thier 1st album. Waterproff Blonde is a ripoff of thier music, and WWE went the next best thing route in using Waterproof Blonde. TNA has no qualms about taking songs, removing the lyrics and changing a chord or two, much like WCW would do (DDP, Raven)
  22. Just call me Dan

    New Sting look

    He has said himself he can't go back to the blonde short hair look because of his hailine. It has noticably receeded since his days in WCW around '00-'01. There is not way he can pull it off. He's what 48 for cryin' out loud.
  23. Just call me Dan

    New Mr. Kennedy (Kennedy) Shirt Poll

    # 2 looks pretty good to me.
  24. Just call me Dan

    UFC 64

    No one else sees this going the Silvia/Arlovski route and a rematch happening early in '07? As is Silva's 1st defense?
  25. Just call me Dan

    OAO Impact Thread - September/28th/2006.

    What's the deal with Steiner anyway? Am I the only one who notices him gone?