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Everything posted by slimm44

  1. Simon Dean = Time filler aka break to MNF...why is he wearing a earpiece mic, and talking in a mic?
  2. Who let Jimmy Olsen tak over Todd Grisham's interviewing duty? O wait, that is Todd, in one ugly tie
  3. There is a loop hole in the whole Orton never getting a title shot while HHH is champ. HHH can lose to one guy, Orton can beat that one guy, then we have Triple H vs Orton at WM 21 except the roles of challenger and champ are reversed just a thought
  4. Eric Bischoff's bad-ass side is so cool
  5. Gene Snitsky controlling RAW for one night definitely equals ratings!
  6. "By Gones be by gones my Oklahoma Backside!"
  7. Well it seems the writing team has regrouped seeing as there are announced matches ahead of time...too bad, they definitely had something going on...not something good, just something
  8. slimm44

    WWE Releases Billy GUnn and A-Train

    He was traded to RAW in March and since then has made a rare appearance or two.
  9. slimm44

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    I went to Gamespot and checked out a couple video interviews and other vids and I must say I got really excited about the game and forgot all about the negative stuff said about the game. Hopefully I can find it in the next day or two.
  10. slimm44

    TNA to run a bus to Victory Road from Nashville

    That's a rip-off for those who actually do that. I mean yeah, it may be cheaper than a plane ticket. But it will be slower and the ticket will be 10 dollars more than that of those who paid for the whole event package. Plus they have to provide their own lodging and stuff
  11. slimm44

    Piper on Impact

    Piper really makes me laugh. I think I laughed more at Nash's comment about being in the WWE before it was WWE...'Before the dress code' I can't wait until next week.
  12. slimm44

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Absolutely, who cares that guys like Richards and other jobbers are not in the game. Why would you use them anyways? I already said why I would be buying the game but the legends are also a reason for me buying the game.
  13. slimm44

    Next week's Impact main event spoiler

    well it makes sense to be the follow-up of what happened this week...and it is the final ppv hype show. The preview also has 'another match added to Victory Road' which is funny because on the main page they say the final card is up.
  14. slimm44

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Sorry about the confusion over belt swapping. I was thinking earlier that maybe wal-mart or other stores that carry video games that around November 2nd after midnight the game might go on sale. Just a thought, I'm probably going to check it out. I don't know if it will be all wal-mart or k-mart like stores, just those that are open 24 hours
  15. slimm44

    South Park

    South Park was great as usual. Drawn Together was not the best follow up. But of course I will keep watching it
  16. slimm44

    Smackdown! Thread!

    WooHoo! Orlando vs. Booker T to paraphrase Tony Schiavone 'that'll put butts in seats'
  17. slimm44

    Best Damned Wrestling Show Period Spoilers

    Haha of course it was predictable, it had the same brawling into the crowd spot that they did in their first confrontation. Plus he,Jarrett, runs the company
  18. slimm44

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    I'm looking forward to this game. Even though there is a limited roster, I think the challenges, CAB and CAPPV will be great. Especially the fact that if you put the belt up against your friend and lose, the other player is able to save the belt to his memory card.
  19. slimm44

    Best Damned Wrestling Show Period Spoilers

    Another note is that nobody came out with their respective belts as not to spoil Victory Road
  20. slimm44

    Best Damned Wrestling Show Period Spoilers

    I was there yesterday/earlier whatever. Very fun time. Most of the BDSSP crew went around and said hi to the fans. Tom Arnold was hilarious as always. Cox and Rose did pretty well in the ring. They taped some interviews backstage but they were not seen during the taping. Great show where most of the faces won. Jarrett was more over than Hardy in the main event. Great job by both parties, hope they do it again.
  21. slimm44

    Raw rating

    Thats awesome...they write a show while it is in progress and the ratings go up. Keep the system like that and see how you do.
  22. slimm44

    *Impact Spoilers*

    Doesn't sound like too bad of a show IMO. Is anyone going to the BDSSP taping tomorrow night? I am planning on it but I'm afraid will get lost looking for the Soundstage 21 entrance.
  23. slimm44

    D-Von Dudley involved in altercation w/ fan

    wow sounds like security needs ot lighten up on their power trip. However if the fan was suffering from a back problem, he probably should not have started yelling at him. Obviously he was all talk
  24. slimm44

    Lex Luger returns to TNA

    Very interesting news
  25. slimm44

    Chaos strikes backstage RAW

    I thought it was a comedic show last nite. I kept making fun of everything from beginning to end. The ending of the show was pretty good too. I'm curious to see the ratings