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Everything posted by slimm44

  1. slimm44

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    Maybe it was HBK or Benoit that attacked Edge at No Way Out last year and they are going to swerve us with a different turn...Just thinking outside the box, but I doubt I'm right
  2. slimm44

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    Head shaved stip for Eugene-Bischoff
  3. slimm44

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    Jericho's idea...Mr. McMahon went with it
  4. slimm44

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    I guess it isn't rigged if HBK did win the vote. I didn't know about it before this afternoon, although I voted for Benoit
  5. slimm44

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    Is anybody else noticing a Bad Blood repeat? Benjamin in an IC match, Edge/Benoit vs La Resistance, HBK vs HHH in the main event
  6. slimm44

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    I've been reading some of the news and it is hilarious to read. They are saying how they are hoping the votes will be in favor of Benoit, but if not they are willing to work with HBK and Edge. They keep contradicting themselves with all the matches.
  7. slimm44

    Vote for Stevie for Taboo Tuesday

    Why waste a vote? Remember his 'match' at Unforgiven, maybe if he had come out during RAW last nite, but I already voted so I guess we'll see what happens.
  8. slimm44

    The "what did you vote for" thread...

    Supposedly they are taking the voting very seriously, owever it is internet rumor, so yeah we will have to see later tonite.
  9. slimm44

    The "what did you vote for" thread...

    HHH's opponent Benoit Jericho's oppponent Christian Diva's battle royal outfits School girl outfit Christy Hemme vs Carmella DeCesare stips Evening gown match Snitsky vs Kane stips Pipe Bischoff vs Eugene stips Shaved ead Flair vs Orton stips Cage match 2 of my roomates voted the same way
  10. Isn't it funny how last year Christian(and Jericho) trying to kick Austin out and now he is voting off Jericho
  11. Kiss a baby!!! (clap clap clap clap clap) Kiss a baby!!!!...
  12. They actually had the voting page set up two minutes before the countdown was over
  13. They could do what WCW did in'98 at rOAD wILD. It was Hogan/Bischoff against Jay Leno/DDP with Kevin Eubanks. They could do Kimmel/Orton vs Flair and Batista Edit: Sorry I havent been keeping up
  14. Thats what Orton said on Kimmel, he was incorrect
  15. Good to see they edited the Kimmel thing, Orton messed up on naming one of the matches.
  16. Funniest segment. Grisham has no authority, Benoit said Taboo Shoes-day. HBK hardly kicked Grisham and he went down
  17. slimm44

    Wrestling dreams

    How wierd I just had one this morning. Eric Bischoff changed the main event from Edge vs HBK vs Benoit to HBK and Benoit vs Flari and Batista with Edge and Triple H in their respective corners. I woke up after that. I've also had some with TNA guys like Killings and Jarrett but I can't remember them very well.
  18. I don't see a clean finish if Benoit wins the vote. Actually knowing Triple H and his PPV finishes, I see a DQ Finish no matter who wins.
  19. slimm44

    Smackdown Taping Results

    I'm guessing they will do the same thing they did last week and edit out the Taker match until Survivor Series
  20. slimm44

    Is there anywhere to find out information...

    That has to be fake. Why would they put Carlito's theme when it is a 40 second loop. I call BS on the current track list
  21. slimm44

    TNA Notes

    Credit: WrestlingObserver.com - Apparently TNA is very close to moving Impact to Saturday nights on FSN. - There’s a lot of talk going on about bringing in DDP with The Outsiders, however nothing is confirmed right now. - TNA will be holding a weekend long festival in downtown Orlando up until the Sunday night Victory Road PPV. They are expecting to draw up to 10,000 fans. Apparently, it is looking as if TNA will become a major part of the Orlando local scene. - Even though Vince Russo made it seem like nothing in wrestling bothered him, it was no secret that he was very frustrated with his lack of input to the booking in TNA. Dutch Mantel and Vince Russo have two very different styles of booking, and Russo was vocal about not having as much control as he wanted. Russo said he wouldn’t talk publicly about the situation right now, out of respect to Jeff Jarrett, who is going through a rough time under the pressure of running the company, and his wife going through another battle with cancer. 10,000 fans! Can Universal hold that many people??
  22. slimm44

    TNA Notes

    I agree it is very unclear. They expect 10,000 but in order for people to come they have to pay 49 dollars for the package. Nowhere on the website does it mention any other way to attend the saturday event without buying a ticket to the PPV on Sunday. They better get their act together.
  23. slimm44

    Taboo Tuesday Webcast Extras...

    Why put cruiserweight matches in when it is a RAW PPV, they feature no cruiserweights