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Everything posted by slimm44

  1. slimm44

    Randy Orton may not be all that over

    That Teddy Long shirt is genius
  2. slimm44

    Randy Orton may not be all that over

    Both are really cool shirts
  3. slimm44

    Foley/JBL Debate Report

    They have the video on wwe.com I just got done watching it and I found it to be pretty good. Bradshaw was comical. The student debaters were definitely nervous, and I would be too no doubt about it. Pretty good stuff. Tonight's debate won't be as good but I'll have to wait and see.
  4. slimm44

    Impact! spoilers

    Alright, Victory road is in Orlando. That's good because now I have a chance of seeing it live. Hopfully it won't be at Universal. Possibly the TD Waterhouse.
  5. Umm I don't know why everyone was so upset. I agreed with Carmella. I would pick her over Christy anyday. So what if Christy can do the splits? Carmella is so much hotter
  6. slimm44

    WWE News & Notes from the 9/27 Observer

    The Hogan return angle was already done when he came back with the nWo and then became Hulk again.
  7. slimm44

    Notes from Taboo Tuesday Press Conference

    I see Benoit or Orton getting the match. It would be dumb for Michaels and Edge to get a shot when they are involved with the Jericho/Christian feud.
  8. slimm44

    Wrestlemania Ticket Pre-sale

    I keep checking ebay...hourly, lol, and I found someone selling their hotel reservation for Wrestlemania weekend. Very strange.
  9. The preview on Yahoo says What will Ric Flair do after losing to Orton? Maybe they will have Flair vs. Orton at Taboo Tuesday
  10. Well they already have 2 Jeff's why not continue to add talent that won't get over or win a title match featuring Jeff Jarrett
  11. slimm44

    rare or oop wwe/wwf dvds

    Thats why you should always buy the DVD when it first comes out, I can get every wrestlemania that comes out on DVD for just about 20-25 dollars.
  12. slimm44

    Star Wars Trilogy DVD Set

    I didn't see this mentioned but I notice they edited the sound at the end of ANH where Luke yells out 'Carrie' instead of 'Leia'
  13. slimm44

    Wrestlemania Ticket Pre-sale

    Ebay has the premium travel package for $3000...it is ridiculous especially since the guy selling it is from England. Hopefully I can get tickets tomorrow
  14. slimm44

    rare or oop wwe/wwf dvds

    I own every WWF/E DVDs that have come out, with the exception of the international tour ones, rebellion, global warming and insurextion.
  15. slimm44

    WWE 24/7

    Is it a channel or is it one of the selections for the On Demand portion of your cable system?
  16. slimm44

    The OaO Smackdown thread

    I agree the whole womens match segment was brutal. But what made it was Teddy Long dancing to the music. Hilarious!!!!
  17. slimm44

    The OaO Smackdown thread

    Smackdown moment of tonights show was not the dart, or the frogsplash off Bg Show, it was Mark Jindrak...running with scissors....hahaha Is it just me or did Luther Reigns remind you of Reno when he hit that neckbreaker on Eddie?
  18. slimm44

    Wrestlemania Ticket Pre-sale

    I was looking around ebay, and people are selling the password online. The funny thing is people actually are buying it.
  19. slimm44

    More politics and power struggles

    Everytime this comes up it gets out of control. I'm betting Shane will replace Vince when the time comes. Or he can give it 50/50 to Shane and Steph, that way Shane can have 50 percent, and triple h/ stephanie will have 25 percent. I don't know it's still 5 years down the road.
  20. slimm44


    I said the same thing a few days ago. I was impressed after the first commercial break. I will definitely continue watching.
  21. I don't see how it eliminates him, God (or Vince) forbid Jericho wrestle 2 matches in one night...you would think since it being named 'Taboo' it would make more sense for him to be a candidate.
  22. slimm44

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    Chip and Kim are evil! I hope they win
  23. slimm44

    Star Wars Trilogy DVD Set

    Just got it at Best Buy. I am not a huge fan but I have the older versions on VHS. If I don't like it, there is always eBay.
  24. Great choice...I'll tell you what made her win was during the promo competition and doing the splits. PLus, Carmella was more of a a hazard with the bar fight and stuff. The plus side is...it is finally over.
  25. What was with the hero music playing during the recap last week?