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Everything posted by slimm44

  1. slimm44

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    In addition to the Diva Search, they will be checking into the democratic convention as well. So look for only a few matches in the second hour
  2. slimm44

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    They will probably work off the Judgment Day Iron Man Match finish by having Eugene run in and beat Triple H, followed by William Regal, then Flair will come to take care of Eugene. But the Hurricane will run down and stop Flair. Then we'll hear immediately following the match we will have Hurricana nd Flair wrestle. But Flair won't be ready so he has to wrestle in his Florida Gators underwear. HAHAHA.
  3. slimm44

    Impact *SPOILERS*

    Match of the year, lol JJ vs. Shark Boy in Jarrett's Impact! wrestling debut!
  4. Tongihts show was pretty good live. Once again Jeff Hardy got the loudest pop ever in the Asylum. The cage match was excellent, the entire crowd was on their feet for the match, which is a first for the North side of the arena. Not as good as last years match between Triple X and AMW but it was great. After the show, The Naturals got up after a few minutes and left, however they did get a standing ovation, all four of them were applauded. Next week should be good too, Jeff Hardy gets to wrestle, hopefully it is a clean finish but with Jarrett around you never know. Ultimate X 4 should be real good
  5. slimm44

    New Bankshot

    Yeah I don't see the point of a 3LK DVD seeing as they have had more XPlosion matched than actual PPV. I can see them documenting how they began, their tag team title win and defense, maybe some of the Truth/Konnan tag matches, but not a lot. Plus maybe they will show the 3LK music video they taped at the beginning of the year and I don't think ever showed. Might be good, but not terrific.
  6. slimm44

    *Smackdown Spoilers* from Philadelphia

    Sounds good, too bad Eddie isn't on the show but Vinnie Mac is back! I wonder why they are playing the same storyline on both RAW and Smackdown between the Duds/ Kidman, London and Rhyno,Tajiri/La Rez. Oh well, looks to be a good show. Probably better than the Scrubs-a-thon on NBC.
  7. slimm44

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    Okay the girl and the midget are absolutely annoying, I cannot belive these two. The little one is really bad, and the taller one is too controlling. She tells her friend not to yell, then she starts screaming her head off, a little hypocritical. I wih they missed the flight instead of the mom and dad couple.
  8. slimm44

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    I thought RAW was pretty decent, no overhaul of Eugene, a decent match for next week, first match on the card too. HHH's promo was great, the main event was decent. I know where they are going with Edge's cheating to win streak. They are going to ave Evolution upset with Edge cheating to win and then Edge is going to give some Sesame Street promo about how it doesn't feel good when you cheat, or soething close to that by teaching Evolution a lesson.Although I'm not happy about it, I see Triple H winning next week and have him feud with Edge on the road to Summerslam and beyond. The rest was pretty good but not spectacular. September 13th can't come soon enough so RAW can stop taking a page from Nitro with the diva search.
  9. slimm44

    Windows XP freeze

    I had a similar problem with this back in December. I installed Norton Antivirus when I already had McAffee on it as well. It slowed my computer down and also froze at the Windows XP welcome screen. If your friend has the screensaver on, let it sit for a while. Then move your mouse or whatever to get rid of the screensaver. If that doesn't work, I have no other advice
  10. slimm44

    Why is Shane Douglas an interviewer in TNA?

    You mean 'Irish Pat Kenney' lol, yeah I agree I think Shane being a backstage guy is good because it gives im less of that a-hole attitude. Now if they used him or Scott Hudson for in ring interviews instead of Mike Tenay, it would be cool.
  11. slimm44

    Impact Spoilers

    With the exception of the last two matches, it sounds like Xplosion type matches this week, with main names over no named jobbers. But who cars, I watch it anyways
  12. slimm44

    OAO Diva Search Thread

    It will probably be shown again this weekend or after RAW on monday. Not positive
  13. slimm44

    Why the Heel Section hate?

    Now it seems that the Heels have disbanded from their section by the entrance. Last night some of them were on the other side. Buster and Mitch plus a few other guys were in their same seats though.The thing that gets me is they act like high school sophomores which is ridiculous, apparently the last few weeks TNA has sold tickets to other people and when Buster and Mitch showed up, they kicked them out of the seats so they could sit there. I mean come on, you're 20+ years old and you're kicking people out so you can stand in the same spot you have for I can't remember how long. Mitch is probably the biggest whiner too. The security came and told them to move to their seats on the ticket and he complained 'it's our section'! If it is your section why don't you buy tickets for your heel friends so you can all sit and drink during the show instead of pushing other people around. That would be the logical thing to do. Thanks for letting me rant.
  14. slimm44

    The OAO TNA PPV thread for 7.14.04

    I enjoyed tonights show. Last week I thought they overkilled AJ for the live audience because he showed up three times, but then I realized Shane and Kazarian were on the PPV alone the same amount. But tonight I thought they used him pretty well. The ladder match was awesome live. They took some spots from the TLC matches but still a pretty good match. Next week's cage match should be pretty cool. Plus Kid Kash will be there too. Tenay said it would be an interview but i think he will show is face during the ppv. The only thing that bothered me was Borash sort of hinted that they were eading to Orlando for the PPV soon which is cool for TNA but the Asylum fans will be unhappy
  15. slimm44

    Last Comic Standing 2!

    So did Jay lose? We had a weather watch and it went into the end of the show
  16. slimm44

    Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle

    I think it looks alright, I can't believe it was a sponsor on Raw though.
  17. slimm44

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

    Not too bad of a show tonight. The first match and the main event were the only things that interested me. Hurricane's promo on Flair's book was pretty cool, looked a little too much like he was trying to impersonate The Rock though. I don't understand why they have Edge stand uop against Evolution, then he's nowhere to be found when they attack Eugene, Benoit and Regal. Plus he cheated to win his match. Put him back with Christian and rebuild the tag team division on RAW. I guess they are desperate for advertising too, Harold and Kumar looks hilarious but I would never have thought they would be advertiseded by WWE. That's enough ragging on WWE television for tonight. Later
  18. slimm44

    Anchorman- The Legend of Ron Burgundy

    I enjoyed the movie, and so did the rest of the theater, it was nonstop comedy. One of the better movies of the summer. Too bad it didn't beat Spiderman in the box office gross.
  19. slimm44

    Sunday Night Heat quote

    Yeah Good Ole' JR likes taking shots at internet folk and their rumors. But it blows up in his face when some of them come true.
  20. slimm44

    Triple H

    Well at least Benoit is going to last longer as chamion than Eddie, PPV wise, over 4 months. If H's movie miraculously begins filming, Benoit may hold it past Summerslam, but I'm not praying. Just give Benoit and Triple H an clean one on one match with no Evolution, or Eugene, or any other person and I will be happy no matter who the winner is. Triple H has been great since Wrestlemania as to puttig guys over, but Christmas is just around the corner and who knows if he will get greedy again. lol
  21. slimm44

    The One and Only Vengeance Thread

    Garrison Cade was also in the Tag Team Turmoil match at Armageddon 2003.
  22. slimm44

    TNA News & Notes from the 7/12 Observer

    Fans at the Asylum were talking about the move this past week after the show. The problem is that it is doing fine for the summer time, attendance wise, but when school starts and winter comes, the theme park is nearly empty. Which could be bad news. But if it saves costs then I guess it would be good for financial reasons. However I will be happy if they move the PPV to Tampa, because I go to college down there. But it seems the past two weeks, people have realized Impact is not all that important when it comes to storylines with the PPV.
  23. slimm44

    Update On Kurt Angle's In Ring Return

    I don't see Kurt facing Eddie seeing as he has been more involved with Cena lately. but as always, plans do change. I think this is a good idea because now the internet will comlain about more than Triple H. lol
  24. slimm44

    Cool/Historic Stuff You've Seen Live

    WWE: The Smackdown after Survivor Series 2002 RAW after the 'flight from hell' where Flair "joined" the nWo and Hogan stole The Undertaker's bike and ran it over. Also Scott Hall's and Curt Hennig's last WWE Matches. Smackdown where Undertaker took over Austin and McMahon's locker room. He humiliated Debra and William Regal with dip spit. Kane returned at the end of the night. Armageddon 2003 where Evolution took all the gold, Batista and Flair's first tag title win, Orton's first IC title win, and Triple H's 8th World Heavyweight Championship win. TNA: Ron Killings becoming the first african american NWA Heavyweight champion Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles winning the NWA Tag titles to save a lot of time and backtracking, I have seen many of the TNA Shows live and many title changes.
  25. slimm44

    OaO 7/7/04 TNA PPV Thread

    Tonights show was really good. I was in the Heel Section and they were all over Shane and Kazarian. Monty Brown is starting to get fan support and everyone was very upset about the Naturals/AMW match. We're evn more dissapointed about the ladder match not being for the titles. AJ was once again got the greatest pop during Xplosion, interrupting Shane/Kazarian's attack on Lynn, and during next weeks rundown. He is really Phenomenal. Triple X getting back together was pretty cool. The ending of the gauntlet match was crap. I knew Jarrett would win but having Shamrock turn on the Truth was so stupid. Hopefully things will pick up soon.