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Everything posted by slimm44

  1. slimm44

    Summerslam nearly sold out

    I went to Ticketmaster.com and looked for 1 ticket for Summerslam and the Best they had was section 232 which is a corner behind the stage. Good news for WWE, Bad news for me. No that I was planning to go.
  2. slimm44

    Hogan garage sale

    I was checking wweshopzone to see if the Judgment Day DVD was available and I clicked hot deals to see what was on sale and the entire Hogan collection is on sale. I'm not surprise because he got fired/quit. But if you want a Hulkamania shirt for a good price, now is the time to get it.
  3. Yeah that was a creepy segment but ridiculously funny. I was joking about there being a bomb in the box but Gas Rules!
  4. slimm44

    Gameshark for PS2

    I'm thinking about getting gameshark for PS2 I have it for N64 and Game Genie for Super Nintendo but is it worth buying for games like Smackdown and Vice City? I also have Madden and NCAA games but I enjoy playing thos without cheating. Any advice?
  5. slimm44

    List your reasons for hating HHH

    I don't hate Triple H. However when he became that rich snobby pseudo-Flair it took all the light away from him being 'that damn good'. I honestly think they have given him the belt for 8 months (ending his reign in August)(cross fingers) because of his ACL injury which took him off tv for those 8 months. I think they should start trading superstars from RAW and Smackdown to make it a little more chllenging for H to have people face. Benoit or Jericho would be good with a title run IMO.
  6. slimm44

    The One And Only NWA:TNA Thread...

    First off, I was at the show tonight and it was pretty cool. The fans were electric all night which could have been the loudest yet. The biggest pop had to be for Don Callis, or when BG James spoiled Smackdown. Everyone went nuts when they heard him say that. The matches went pretty well, not too much interest in the 6 Man x division match but Kazarian is over with most of the crowd. (HAIL SABIN!) After the show, Russo, Styles, Sonny Siaki and Trinity held hands as victorious. Then Russo cam back in, mocked Jarrett and introduced Siaki, Styles and Trinity. Then Russo talked trash to Tenay and said there will be no rematch. A great show after last weeks lackluster but after all the problems they had with Watts, the two mexican guys and Raven, they pulled it off.
  7. slimm44

    Watts Off Tonight's Show

    Who gave you this information? on nwatna.com it is still listed as a tag match. If this is the case, TNA blew it this week by making matches that aren't going to happen. No Mexican wrestlers, NO RAVEN! two guys from the X Division had travel problems and now NO WATTS! I hope AJ and D'lo pull it off tonight otherwise TNA is going to have some very upset fans.
  8. slimm44

    D-Lo's equilizer

    I hear D'LO has been talking to Perry Saturn about bringing in MOPPY!!! Just a joke.
  9. slimm44

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Why???? Cena should definitely have beaten Billy Gunn, for all we know Gunn will get injured for another 6 to 8 months and then come back as "The One"! McMahon better realize how badly his shows are getting. Big Show loses in 5 minutes to a kid that weighs half his weight. What is wrong with that picture!?
  10. slimm44

    TNA DVD's

    Apparently TNA backed down from selling the DVD;s this week. My friend and co owner of totalnonstop.com has called and e-mailed the TNA office and they confirmed the DVDs are not going to be available this week. My first source this morning was incorrect and I apologize on their behalf and mine.
  11. slimm44

    Some TNA News

    I don't know when the Kash/Lollipop incident happened but when I was backstage Lollipop and Kash were talking casually, something may have happened when I was not around but they seemed to be conversing friendly.
  12. slimm44

    Is it a good idea to get

    yea thanks for the help, I'm going to watch RAW tonight and make my decision in the morning.
  13. slimm44

    Is it a good idea to get

    I'm thinking about taking the weekend down to houston to see Bad Blood in person but I dont want to spend 76 bucks for a seat. Do you think if i bought a cheap seat that I could move down to the 76 dollar seats? I say this because I went to Smackdown in Hartford and bought a 40 dollar seat while people who bought cheap seats were directed to 40 dollar seats because their seats were blocked off. Is it a good idea? Im not asking because Bad Blood looks good or bad. I just want a vacation.
  14. I wasa just at amazon.com and The Brady Bunch Movie comes out June 10. Along with the Brady Sequel, maybe a mistake on your sources site.
  15. slimm44

    Finding Nemo

    i saw it today, it was alright, not as good as monsters inc. or toy story. It was better than a bugs life (i hate that movie) definitely worth watching. the name of the next pixar movie as mentioned above about the super hero is called mr. incredible
  16. slimm44


    I found an old WWF Shirt from Psycho Sids days, it had the same kinda front but instead of "BD" it said "SiD" kind of wierd
  17. slimm44

    TNA Anniversary show

    The show is expected to be huge! Golden Circle tickets are already sold out. I wish I had gotten one but I'll have to stick with 25 dollar tickets. I hope it will be a good show.
  18. I just read that Nash vs. HHH will be a special match, Im not gonna release what type of match b/c it is not official but an internet site is reporting it for badd blood Judgment Day was mediocre with the guerrero tajiri team up. Val Venis returning was great and I see a booker t vs. christian match ahead.
  19. slimm44

    TNA One Year Bash Show

    My PayPal account was inactivated due to me not getting my member number! I need help! If anyone is going to be at the show this week could you please get a golden circle ticket for me? I will pay you back the next week because I will be home from school that sunday (May 25th) I will try and work a deal with Bert (who usually holds a ticket fore me if I ask nicely) to save me a ticket. Anyways my AOL/AIM screename is pmoney316 any one who could help me out will be my number two hero, (my best friend is my 1st hero) because I really want a ringside ticket to this show! Thanks
  20. slimm44

    TNA One Year Bash Show

    I talk to Bert(who assists in ticket sales) on a regular basis and last night he said a lot of seats are being filled. I'm debating on whether to get a golden circle ticket now or wait till I am back in Nashville May 25th. Bert said they were going fast due to out of town sales and I'd really like a front row ringside seat. You get a free t shirt valued at 20 dollars, a special gift bag and I don't know if it is everyone but there is an after party for the fans and wrestlers/staff after the show. I can't wait!
  21. slimm44

    Best match...

    The Impromptu match between Triple X and the SAT's with Red was an awesome match indeed! That night was awesome. I also liked the clockwork orange match between sandman and raven. TNA is getting better and better every week. I enjoy the shows even if they do have some bad matches because it is relief from WWE TV.
  22. slimm44

    WCW Jarrett Shrt

    Hey I was wondering if anyone had or knows where I could buy one of Jarrett's shirts from WCW, the one with Slap Nuts on the front and "Choke on that" on the back. I'm oooking for a large or XL any help is most greatful
  23. slimm44

    WCW Jarrett Shrt

    yea i already looked there but thanks
  24. slimm44

    80'S Cartoons

    I was looking through the board and seeing Retro TV episodes, Dnever the last dinosaur, danger mouse and count duckula. Denver was good, count duckula was cool, danger mouse i didnt pay much attention to. What were some other favorites? I'll list mine He-Man Ghostbusters Wuzzles Denver the Last Dinosaur The Muppets (muppet babies and muppet show (it's more puppets than cartoons but who cares)) There was a Ghostbusters rip off with a gorilla but I cannot remember the name of it. There were also some Nick Jr. cartoons that were pretty cool too. List away!
  25. slimm44

    drive thru tricks

    What are some drive thru tricks you have pulled? My friends and I have gone to a shopping center and the KFC was closed but the drive thru was opened, so we walked thru. The people didn't care so much. My brother's friend went in a shopping cart as another kid pushed him. Then there is the classic Wayne's World trick. Anything I missed?