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Everything posted by {''({o..o})''}

  1. {''({o..o})''}

    UGS OWNS The Dames

    :::Stands with <expletive deleted> in hand, awaiting Dames' arrival.:::
  2. {''({o..o})''}

    Is it just me or do Spring/Fall.......

    I blame it all on Carrot Top.
  3. {''({o..o})''}

    Crucifixio Jones question

    Paging The New Me...
  4. {''({o..o})''}

    Crucifixio Jones question

    Yeah, we just can't see how that n is supposed to be a m
  5. {''({o..o})''}

    Crucifixio Jones question

    Uh, why does it say "Danes"?
  6. {''({o..o})''}

    Crucifixio Jones question

    Would this gif violate the rules? Asno del FUEGO! EDIT: I got namedropped, yeah!
  7. {''({o..o})''}

    Survivor Series / Cena News *possible spoiler*

    Having this match in SS format is seriously one of the worst ideas in recent memory. It will cut Cena down right after his face turn if he doesn't win, set Morgan and Jones out to be stoppable monsters, damage Benoit yet again if he doesn't keep his momentum, and last and worse, it has Bob Holly in it.
  8. {''({o..o})''}

    Is it just me or do Spring/Fall.......

    Hail the Mid-Country Kings! I remember a couple years ago where it went from sunny, to a thunderstorm, to 3 inches of snow in one damn day.
  9. {''({o..o})''}

    Smackdown: HCTP CAW thread

    Booooo!!! Zero out of Ten. Did you even f'ing try... Ok, I didn't make it yet, but my friend got my disc all scratched to hell, so I can't make it until I get the disc fixed. Trust me, your caw will be the first thing I do.
  10. {''({o..o})''}

    Is it just me or do Spring/Fall.......

    Oh Boy, be glad you aren't in Minnesota. We went from 89 degrees one Sunday, to 27 the next. This is pretty standard, knowing that at anytime, we could get any damn weather possible.
  11. {''({o..o})''}

    Something I've always wondered...

    Dammit. Another thread ruined by getting on-topic...
  12. {''({o..o})''}

    Crucifixio Jones question

    If I have any input, they certainly better be.
  13. {''({o..o})''}

    If earth was the WWE folder...

    Thing is if we don't keep them latched to their computers, they might leave the house and attempt procreation. The WWE folder is a neccessary evil that is needed for the greater good. Oh yeah, almost forgot God's Domain.
  14. {''({o..o})''}

    Final Raw for Jericho

    I was always pretty damn sure he was prime after that thread about Rundown a while back. I've met a lot of messed up people, but none who was as pigheaded in his arguements as him.
  15. {''({o..o})''}

    So who is going to go broke?

    Oh ma pĂȘche douce, If only you were near, never would you be left wanting. Though the games and DVD's have started to add up recently. I really haven't recovered financialy since I bought my DDR arcade game. Good thing almost every game I wanted is already purchased.
  16. {''({o..o})''}

    I Just Got A New Job!

    Congrats man. Wish you luck.
  17. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Yukes always gets shit on for things not their fault. I read somewhere an interview for SYM, where the programmer said that they always want to put in more things than WWE allows, old themes included.
  18. {''({o..o})''}

    Something I've always wondered...

    Words of advice: Don't open beer bottles with your teeth.
  19. {''({o..o})''}

    Should Kurt Angle change his music?

    My friend always thought Kurt's music should be "Push th' Little Daisies" by Ween. In fact, he ripped it for Raw 2 for his entrance. Boy, I got some f'ed up friends...
  20. {''({o..o})''}

    Tiffani Malibu

    Here's a happy birthday to the girl that touched all our hearts and made a lot of posters here touch something else. What happened to her anyway...
  21. {''({o..o})''}

    100 Reasons Why Chave Rocks!

    74) When he gets a country named after him, it will be better than The Czech Republic(while a very cool guy, is a very shitty country, even worse than England )
  22. {''({o..o})''}

    So...why didn't Sting come in during Styles' reign

    That's what my friend keep telling his ex.
  23. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Started on normal difficulty and after a month switched it to Smackdown. I built RVD up quite a bit in stats due to the extra experience you get.
  24. {''({o..o})''}

    How many pairs of shoes do you own?

    Between work, dress, dance, winter, sandles, and everyday, 12 pairs, though only 5 very often.
  25. {''({o..o})''}

    Halloween + Friday Night

    You're laughing at assless pants aren't you?[/Jon Stewert]