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Everything posted by {''({o..o})''}

  1. {''({o..o})''}

    Question For The Fans of Women's Wrestling Here

    While Riot did produce some of the best matches in WOW, her skill level is honestly far below Jackie Gayda and Nidia, which is quite frightening.
  2. {''({o..o})''}

    Questions about the Jericho/RVD match

    I know this probably isn't the best place, but does anybody else find the escape rule just plain retarded? Ok, you and your opponent hate each other, a normal match can't contain the anger, so run away as fast as possible to win.
  3. {''({o..o})''}

    The King of Fighters 2003 thread

    Has there been any info on the partner system this time around? I hated the strikers and would just like a change for the better. Terry will once again be one of my fighters of choice just based of his sweet design.
  4. {''({o..o})''}


    SoTN is still in my top three games of all time. Like the good man, Downhome, said above it is probably the closest thing to a perfect game that I have ever played. Discounting the N64 and the early gameboy debacles, I don't think there is a Castlevania game I haven't enjoyed. One of my regrets is never being able to find a working copy of the true Dracula X, all the versions I've found online have been corupt files. Alucard has to be my favorite character in the series, with Trevor and Simon following. Least favorite was Slyha(?) from Castlevania 3. Least favorite enemy was of course the medusa heads, and favorite enemy was the Grim Reaper.
  5. {''({o..o})''}

    So both teams need 1 more person....

    Just want to thank the Mod squad again here.
  6. {''({o..o})''}

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    You forgot one, frozenblockofpiss = frozenblockofpissreborn We wouldn't want any confusion would we...
  7. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I know, I ashamed for being involved in (causing?) the wreck this thread is turning into. Let's face it, the highpoint was the koi discussion
  8. {''({o..o})''}

    So i've developed a gut.

    Lot's of coke. We're talking Tony Montana levels.
  9. {''({o..o})''}

    Price is Right's Rod Roddy dies

    This year just plain sucked.
  10. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    So glad that you have taken it upon yourself to weld your sacred sword of truth to right all the errors we made in this thread. Without you I might have bought this game and have been entertained, noticeing the faults of the game on my own. Now I know that it's a bad game even thought the reviews have been all great and I and many others have enjoyed the previous games. You are such a brilliant individual to know, even with out playing, what we will like. Thank you.
  11. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Thing is, I've never made an attempt to be anything but a joke. And if you rely on reviews without playing a game for yourself, you are just a sad, pathetic person. I'd also like to think that many people would like to get rid of people who only bitch about anything like yourself, and I agree that it'd be a shame not to, because many people want to see it.
  12. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    thrall, just shut up. Until you get the game, you are just being an annoyance here. Complaining about any small thing without being able to see the whole experience, paints you as a total joke. Smackdown: SYM had a lot of problems but guess what, so did No Mercy and every other damn game made and to ever be made. Yeah I would have liked music for legends but will it take away any enjoyment from me, no, because many, myself included, skip music and entrances after the first week anyway. When you get the game and are open to any intellegent conversation, as opposed to nitpicking and mindless bitching, post all you want, I won't give a crap then.
  13. {''({o..o})''}

    This forum

    Well, worshipping The New Me makes more sense to me than all the other religions.
  14. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Evidently a suburb in Minnesota doesn't fall into the category of first day shipping. So no game till tomarrow night afterall.
  15. {''({o..o})''}

    Bitter, I Hate You Rants

    Shit, I always miss things when I'm at work. Now who's the gayest guy here with Game gone?
  16. {''({o..o})''}

    Scorror.com is EVILER~! than TSM

    Hmm, I'm only 99% evil, what to do..? *Sets fire to near-by seniors home* Nope, still only 99%.
  17. {''({o..o})''}

    Alright, who's avatar is better?

    I was going to use this one, but I'm sure that It probably breaks some rules. Asno del FUEGO!
  18. {''({o..o})''}

    If you had a REALLY hot cousin...

    For the love of god I hope you mean male cousins girlfriend. Because if it was a female cousins boyfriend, why would his first reaction going into a dark room be to blow someone. Either he knew it was you or your female cousin has a secret...Either way....its a little wierd...yet a story to tell the grandkids one day...funny. Okay, I'll clear it up a bit. Went with male cousin, went into bedroom by myself, my female cousin(who we didn't know was at the party) comes into the bedroom I was in, after a while her boyfriend(who was waiting for her in a different room)turns on light, we all freak, and we never mention it to each other. This is the first time its was mentioned by me to anyone.
  19. {''({o..o})''}

    Alright, who's avatar is better?

    Nevermortal's by far.
  20. {''({o..o})''}

    the jericho/trish angle

    Hell, I think the vhs copy of A Fat Albert Christmas I just found has better writing than this guys brilliant scenario.
  21. {''({o..o})''}

    the jericho/trish angle

    i dicovered elctricity, but Ben franklin got me high on crack and pcp, and took all the credit. I workred damn hard to get were i'm at, which is that geniuos computer inventer. [/robvandam420]
  22. {''({o..o})''}

    the jericho/trish angle

    Uh, I got Jimmy Hoffa's Body in my backyard but I won't show ya because it could make me rich. so think what you want.
  23. {''({o..o})''}

    the jericho/trish angle

    It's sad when my avatar and sig are probably some of the main highlights of this thread.
  24. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Going by usual delivery times at my nephews Gamestop, I'll be able to pick it up on way to work and suffer all day till I get home.
  25. {''({o..o})''}

    If you had a REALLY hot cousin...

    Well, uh, kind of a weird story here. When I was 17, there was a party in my cousins neighborhood. I went with my male cousin and we both got very hammered. I go up to a bedroom just to lay down a bit after puking, and after a while I hear somebody come in. She starts unzipping my pants and starts giving me a sloppy blow job. After a couple minutes, somebody turns the lights on. Turns out its my female cousins boyfriend. It was her first time drinking and she went into the wrong room after using the restroom. We didn't even know she was at the party.