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Everything posted by {''({o..o})''}

  1. {''({o..o})''}

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    Now that's just silly.
  2. {''({o..o})''}

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    I really hated the Scooby Doo's that added the laughtrack. EDIT: And Amish people. EDIT 2; EDIT HARDER: Not to say Amish people were added to Scooby Doo, despite my numerous protests, but that's neither here nor there. RETURN OF THE EDIT: Have they addressed if Orton is barred from giving himself a title shot?
  3. {''({o..o})''}

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    How about Norse Deities?
  4. {''({o..o})''}

    OAO Raw is Radno Thread

    Dang, you almost had me suckered in.
  5. {''({o..o})''}

    No one likes godthedog.

    I've always told Banky that godthedog was one of the top five posters here. Oh well.
  6. {''({o..o})''}

    Championship question

    If you're arguing wrestling lineage and other title facts, Just repeat to yourself "It's just a show, I should really just relax."
  7. {''({o..o})''}

    What do you look like...

  8. {''({o..o})''}

    Close Puroresu Folder.

    Buy War Bonds!
  9. {''({o..o})''}

    Albums Listened to Today

    I actually just listened to that on Sunday. I'm curious what you've enjoyed most out of the Residents that you've heard.
  10. {''({o..o})''}

    Revenge of the Gimmick Posters

    I planned a future trip while looking through some stock vacation photos for ABOBO. Now is there anything in Fiji that'd be fun to watch out for?
  11. {''({o..o})''}

    Full House Folder?

    He really should stick to one gimmick at a time.
  12. {''({o..o})''}

    Savage already gone from TNA

    Ouch... Hmm, anybody know why Sting wasn't used in his spot?
  13. {''({o..o})''}

    TNA's next PPV: Turning Point

    ...because that idea sucks? Premature ejaculation basically.
  14. {''({o..o})''}

    TNA's next PPV: Turning Point

    I thought it was "could have competed...".
  15. {''({o..o})''}

    bug problem

    We have those here in MN, real bad actually. Asian biting beetles or something similar. I just vaccum them up when they appear and they stay gone for a while. If that doesn't work, go for an exterminator. EDIT: http://www.ento.psu.edu/extension/factshee..._ladybeetle.htm
  16. {''({o..o})''}

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    Previous comments aside, you didn't like that match, or didn't feel it was worth the full $35?
  17. {''({o..o})''}

    GTA: San Andreas

    My enthusiasm for this game fell sharply after having my game after beating Zero's second mission, saved over with my friend's cheat save after Drive By.
  18. {''({o..o})''}

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    I tremble in your mighty posting presence. I'd rather have a shorter match that works, than a longer one that doesn't work as well.
  19. {''({o..o})''}

    Happy Birthday Randolicious~!

    Hope it was a good, but not too good b-day.
  20. {''({o..o})''}

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    Looneytune for mod!!! I'll download this before giving an opinion on it. Sounds like that last man standing match was one of those things that just don't workout for whatever reason.
  21. {''({o..o})''}

    The Meal Thread

    How about snorting that beef jerky powder? Breakfast: Homemade blueberry pancakes Lunch: Wendy's Spicy Chicken meal Dinner: Steak, garlic mashed potatoes, glazed carrots (using pinnepple juice, much better than it may sound)
  22. {''({o..o})''}

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    Great contribution there. Please keep it up.
  23. {''({o..o})''}

    Cant get into websits

    Pinned thread, look for Hijackthis.
  24. {''({o..o})''}

    OAO Victory Road Thread

    If the Outsiders and Jarrett had gotten beaten down people would say "why bother bringing them in then?" Either way, it sounds overbooked.
  25. {''({o..o})''}

    Used Xbox nearly burns down my home and kills me

    My old Tiger brand Double Dragon 3 handheld was lacking in quality.