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Everything posted by {''({o..o})''}

  1. {''({o..o})''}

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    Quite Fatty! Do you mean "quiet"? Or are you saying he's quite a fatty? Dammit. F'ing work keyboard.
  2. {''({o..o})''}


    Nothing beats pissing in somebody's face. I wasn't talking about a finisher though it'd be a good one...
  3. {''({o..o})''}

    I hate getting sick

    Hoff, you got to be excited. Foot and a half possible by next Tuesday.
  4. {''({o..o})''}


  5. {''({o..o})''}

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    Quite Fatty!
  6. {''({o..o})''}

    The New Me's Blog

    Dear Diary, Tell the Almighty Hoff Korn and Limp Bizkit were at Roy Wilkins for X-Box tour. It must of been Fred Durst, who else is that egomaniacal, talentless, and baldin... wait a minute, no wonder my friend Eric is pissed at me. Confused and Arroused, Mr. Piss
  7. {''({o..o})''}


    I'm not really sure how it got started, but it definitely was f'ed up. You unfortunately missed out on a lot of the insanity last night, as most of the fun stuff was deleted. I think constant doses of chave booster shots might be neccesary...
  8. {''({o..o})''}

    The New Me's Blog

    Dear Diary, Shit went down. I lay claim to you. Mr.Piss P.S. I hit Fred Dursts leg with roll of quarters.
  9. {''({o..o})''}

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    Boy, Chave is going to be more than a little surprised at tonights happenings when he shows up.
  10. {''({o..o})''}

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    But that's what Eminem did at the end of 8 Mile and he turned out fine. Remember, the movie also made it look like Eminem could fight...
  11. {''({o..o})''}

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    I was going to type a joke reply but... Damn.
  12. {''({o..o})''}

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    It's going to be hard to top this night.
  13. {''({o..o})''}

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    Don't bring cats into this
  14. {''({o..o})''}

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    Well, this has sure increased the flow to UGS. Good job guys.
  15. {''({o..o})''}

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    I think, if this is true, that I was less surprised when my penis starting talking to me.
  16. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only NWA TNA 11/19/03 thread...

    It's not one person anymore. I pretty much avoid this folder now because anything done by NWA:TNA is instantly the worse thing possible in the eyes of alot of people here. I've seen alot of Dutch Mantel's booking before and while some shows are disapointing, he lays a lot of foundations for later shows. And to the ROH guys, I beginning to dislike the product just due to your constant mentions of it here. In fact, I'm probably going to stop buying it because it breeds fans like some of you. Hold it. MOST people are spending $10 a week for this product. If it is NOT good, they have EVERY right to gripe and bitch and moan. Last week's show was bad. This week's was pretty decent. Next week's looks pretty bad. WWE gets ripped when THEIR product on TV is bad --- and it is (arguably) free. When TNA is bad --- and most people are paying for it --- they will get MORE criticism. -=Mike ...A company whose fans are incapable of handling criticism has a sad fanbase. I have no problem with criticism, and quite frankly, I probably have more problems with the way WWE and NWA:TNA are than most. But it comes to a point, when only negative opinions are regurgitated ad nausem with not a bit of worth in any discussion. You can not have a thread in this folder have worth anymore because it quickly becomes a sea of shit.
  17. {''({o..o})''}

    1,000,000 Reasons Why

    You know, if this is a farse, or even if this is reality, you both can do a whole lot fucking better than this. You are bordering on Mario Logan levels of suck here, guys.
  18. {''({o..o})''}

    Where have we gone wrong?

    Just get it over with and just fuck, you guys. This is more fucking juvenile than the insipid shit I post most of the time.
  19. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only NWA TNA 11/19/03 thread...

    I'm not against it because you praise it, Hell, it is some of the best pure wrestling there is. What I'm against is little fan boys wrecking seemingly every damn thread there with how ROH is so much better than anything before or after it. ROH zealot fans quickly become some of the worst posters here because they buy so much into the hype and forget that there are other promotions who do things different ways, which automatically makes them suck in alot of your eyes.
  20. {''({o..o})''}

    The One and Only NWA TNA 11/19/03 thread...

    It's not one person anymore. I pretty much avoid this folder now because anything done by NWA:TNA is instantly the worse thing possible in the eyes of alot of people here. I've seen alot of Dutch Mantel's booking before and while some shows are disapointing, he lays a lot of foundations for later shows. And to the ROH guys, I beginning to dislike the product just due to your constant mentions of it here. In fact, I'm probably going to stop buying it because it breeds fans like some of you.
  21. {''({o..o})''}

    Where have we gone wrong?

    Hey! Don't forget about One Trick Pony...
  22. {''({o..o})''}

    New hot girl in my sig

    Uh, you know I was just trying an inuendo there. And if I wasn't, I'm no one to talk with the gignormus sigs I've had in the past.
  23. {''({o..o})''}

    Where have we gone wrong?

    The garish color choices of the last week or so haven't been helping. I gotta adjust my monitor everytime I go.
  24. {''({o..o})''}

    New Years

    Wash. Self. Rag. Stick.
  25. {''({o..o})''}

    Happy Birthday

    Belated thanks. Though I blame the low response on Barron