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Crimson Platypus

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Everything posted by Crimson Platypus

  1. Crimson Platypus

    The World's Funniest Joke

    What's the worst part about sex with a 7 year old girl? Getting the blood off of your clown costume. Whats the best part about sex in the shower with a 12 year old girl? Slick her hair back and she looks like a 10 year old boy. How do you starve a Mexican? Hide his food stamps under his work boots. Whats the difference between a black man and a large pizza? A large pizza can feed a family of 4.
  2. Crimson Platypus

    Poor wittle Bawwy Bonds...

    Looks like that's exactly what he said Ripper.
  3. Crimson Platypus

    Poor wittle Bawwy Bonds...

    Actually I have always defended Barry in the past. My point of view has always been that he didn't (and still doesn't) owe anyone anything. People call him an asshole because he's not Mr. Sunshine with the media and I call that bullshit. He is right about one thing. The media are a bunch of trash. They seem to feast on the negative while only occasionally reporting the positive. The bottom line is that Barry plays baseball for a living and people villify him for not being Mr. Niceguy, and thats ridiculous. If he decided to say "fuck this shit, I'm shutting down" that's fine with me. But don't come out and say "My knee hurts ooo boo hoo" while blaming other people. Tell it like it is and stop being a little bitch.
  4. Crimson Platypus

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread

    I really don't understand how CBS didn't have a more clear shot of Sparks' toe being on/off of the three point line. The picture was simply too grainy to see for sure. There was no way to say yes/no. The only thing that bugged me about it was that the ref on the bottom of the screen was calling it a TWO. He was running toward the middle of the court with his arm extended to the side and two fingers held out. No one mentioned that at all. 7 minutes of replays and not one mention of that. Anyway they ended up making the right call in not overturning it as there was no clear picture to do so. What a fantastic game, I think my heart is still pounding, and I have to say I'm more proud of this team making it to the Final Four than I was in 2000 as Mateen and Mo Pete and company were actually expected to get there while these guys have been disrespected all year. How about a little respect now?
  5. Crimson Platypus

    When Actors Look out of Place

    Keanu Reaves in a movie.
  6. Crimson Platypus

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread

    The two things that give me hope for tonight's game are that 1. If Sheldon Williams gets in foul trouble there really is a huge drop-off in talent in his replacements. 2. The final score in the first game was 81-74 and Reddick and Ewing scored a combined 55 points. The first one is a big if. The second point I highly doubt will happen again.
  7. Crimson Platypus

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread

    I wish I had the confidence in MSU that some of you guys have in them. While I certainly think that this is a winable game tonight I just don't see it happening. Still, win or lose, MSU exceeded my expectations of them this year and I'll be happy with any outcome that isn't a blowout (unless of course, MSU blows out Duke).
  8. Crimson Platypus

    The Fanta Girls....

    Nope, can't say that I do hate them.
  9. Crimson Platypus

    Poor wittle Bawwy Bonds...

    You are right, the MLB is not anything like my very low level softball league. Of course I don't get paid millions to play softball. I get paid peanuts to work in an office. It's not my job to rehabilitate my knee so that I can get back on the field and win a championship. It's not like we are talking about someone with a 9-5 job here. HIS JOB is to play baseball. His rehab is going to be intense, much more so than anything I have ever even considered doing. It shouldn't take him even half the season (which is half the freaking year) to get back on the field. I don't care what the extent of his injury is.
  10. Crimson Platypus

    This week in the NBA

    So Kobe's actions have not had any adverse effects (affects? no that seems wrong) on the Lakers? (and why do I feel like Sass and I are arguing two sides of the same thing)
  11. Crimson Platypus

    Poor wittle Bawwy Bonds...

    So the whole BALCO thing isn't a "shred of evidence"? Anyway, I have had knee injuries, three to the same knee in fact. Trust me I know what it feels like. Three torn ligaments skiing (at the same time). Total reconstructive knee surgery. Sprained twice, surgery to clean it out of debris both times. Have dislocated it 4 times since. Hell I've played a softball double header after dislocating it and shoving it back in because we didn't have enough guys to cover me. A year and a half for recovery? Again I ask... What did he do to his knee to need a year and a half?
  12. Crimson Platypus

    This week in the NBA

    A. Magic contracted AIDS because he cheated. B. Because of that he left the Lakers. C. Void ensued. It's simple cause and effect. Stop typing like an ass and read your own posts instead of attempting to act all high and mighty. YOU said that he contract AIDS. YOU brought that up. YOU said his departure, which happened BECAUSE of the AIDS was the reason the Lakers went downhill. The difference between that and Kobe being accused of RAPE are ridiculous. As far as Shaq... Do ya think maybe his weight ballooned because he couldn't work out due to a toe injury? Then of course the toe injury worsened to become a nagging one?
  13. Crimson Platypus

    This week in the NBA

    I can't believe you are busting on Magic for getting the HIV. That's pretty fucking shallow, and a long way away from Shaq's weight problems or Kobe being accused of rape. Yeah he cheated on his wife, so? Last I checked adultry isn't illegal. Also, if I remember correctly, Shaq's weight problems stemmed from a nagging toe injury (made worse by being overweight).
  14. Crimson Platypus

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    I could see it. Have Harry refuse to turn into the Goblin and try to do things his own way, but as he fails he goes slowly more insane and eventually just gives in and becomes the Goblin himself. I think you could drag it to the 4th movie, but after that is pushing it. My memory could be off a bit here but orginally didn't JJJ hire Scorpion to kill Spidey? If so then they could bend that a bit to Harry hiring Church as Scorpion, and when he fails show Harry at the end of the film standing in front of that big mirror (repaired) that Dafoe was talking to himself in, and have Harry mimic the big scary grin that Dafoe had be the last thing the viewer sees.
  15. Crimson Platypus

    Tedy Bruschi out for next season?

    I'd be shocked if he decided to retire and NE didn't pay him at least something.
  16. Crimson Platypus

    American Idol Season 4

    Watched again last night (2nd or 3rd time this season) and all I have to so is that if Bo doesn't win there is something wrong with America. Clearly the best of this season. Like Simon said: "You don't look like someone who is in this competition, you look like a performer" (paraphrased of course).
  17. Crimson Platypus

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    If they turn Harry into Venom there just might be rioting.
  18. Crimson Platypus

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    That was part 1 Oh damn, I retract my earlier statement then. Anyway I still think she's yummy.
  19. Crimson Platypus

    Poor wittle Bawwy Bonds...

    Like Dama said, how bad of an injury do you have to have to be talking about this entire season and half of next?? Something is fishy here...
  20. Crimson Platypus

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    What struggles? The billboard she was on? The off-broadway play she was in? The rich hero boyfriend she had? About the only struggles Dunst was protraying was her struggles to only eat one stick of gum a day. Mary Jane became successful and suddenly now she's looking horrible? Spiderman should have just cut his losses and let the machine rip her to shreds. Or maybe the part where she was working in a diner for chump change?
  21. Crimson Platypus

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    I thought Spidey 2 was better. And to the poster that said that Dunst looked terrible in 2, I always took that as intentional. Showing that she has had some tough times (struggling actress).
  22. Crimson Platypus

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    If they decide this is the last SM then that would be an awesome way to set up the inevitable Venom spin-off (much rumored). Osborne creates the suit to kill Spidey, but the suit gets away or some shit.
  23. Crimson Platypus

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    The main thing, to me anyway, is keeping Dunst and Maguire. Two great casting choices, young, good actors, look the part, etc...
  24. Crimson Platypus

    Thomas Haden Church cast as villain for Spider-Man

    Huh.. I thought they were going with The Lizard, guess not. Mysterio maybe?
  25. Crimson Platypus

    GTA: San Andreas

    Just concentrate on keeping it in viewing site. You don't have to worry about being right up close to it, until CJs brother's hands start getting stepped on and his grip meter starts falling. Once that happens just hit the gas and get under the ladder of the truck and he drops into your car. I got lucky on that part, once he started slipping the firetruck was on a long stretch of highway and I did it the first try...