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Crimson Platypus

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Everything posted by Crimson Platypus

  1. Crimson Platypus

    Nick Saban names Offensive Coordinator

    At this point I doubt they will end up drafting a RB with both Edgerrin James and Travis Henry saying they want to play in Miami. I would think that one or the other will end up there at some point. If they do get one of those two I would want Miami to draft a QB. The guy from Utah maybe (Alex Smith I think?) or Jason White even, although I would personally stay away from a guy with a history of bad knee(s?).
  2. Crimson Platypus


    Bah, I missed the first half due to a stupid dinner party, can someone give me a short summary of last night?
  3. Crimson Platypus

    What happened in the WWF the day you were born?

    WWWF @ Baltimore, MD - Civic Center - February 19, 1975 Daisy Mae vs. Paula Kaye Pedro Morales vs. Jimmy Valiant WWWF World Champion Bruno Sammartino defeated Johnny Valiant Included 4 other bouts Neato-keen.
  4. Crimson Platypus

    A New College Hoops Thread.....

    I pretty much ignore the ranking as well. Sometimes it seems like it's based on 90% name and 10% records and nothing else. Not only that, but 64 teams get into the tourney anyway so who cares who's the 15th ranked team in January really? Went to see the MSU-Purdue game last night. Watching my Spartans struggle against a terrible team, and watching Landry absolutely own us inside (had roughly 50% of Purdue's points on 11-12 shooting) was hard to do. At this point I don't even think that State belongs in the top 25.
  5. Crimson Platypus

    Mexican Border Crossing.

    Hispanic Say what?
  6. Crimson Platypus

    Top 5 skill position players in NFL

    I agree, Steve Young was a system QB as well. Post whatever numbers you want for Brady, but don't compare him to Favre, compare them to the people you ranked him ahead of (unjustly, imo). McNabb 3875 yards 31 TDs 8 INTs 104.7 QB Rating Brady 3690 yards 28 TDs 14 INTs 92.5 QB Rating Not really sure how you can rank Brady above McNabb there?
  7. Crimson Platypus

    It's not really the lack of quality wrestling

    For me it's not so much the lack of quality wrestling as it is the lack of actual matches. Take this week's SD! as an example: Matches: 1. Fatal Four way - I enjoyed it, fun match nothing great but yeah okay. 2. Angle Invitational - Two and a half minute squash. Completely pointless. 3. Cena beat Kenzo in less time than match #2, and was an even bigger squash imo. 4. Funaki/Nunzio - good match, very enjoyable but rather short. So over two hours, and roughly 10 minutes of wrestling? Considering the horrendous writers the WWE employs, this is completely unacceptable. All of that other storyline stuff is fine, but it should be taking a backseat to the wrestling, not the other way around.
  8. Crimson Platypus

    Vikings don't want Joe Buck to announce the game

    Nah, mock outrage takes little effort or creativity. Real mockery is funny.
  9. Crimson Platypus

    DAVE has a new T-Shirt

    Again, I would actually wear this if the back was blank. But "That's how I roll Christian"? What the hell does that mean?
  10. Crimson Platypus

    Top 5 skill position players in NFL

    As much as I hate the term "system QB" it very much applies to both Brady and Bulger. They play in systems that take advantage of their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. In the case of Brady, he doesn't "just win", the Patriots do. I can't stress that enough, he looks that much better because of the team that is around him.
  11. Crimson Platypus

    Top 5 skill position players in NFL

    QBs: 1. Manning 2. McNabb 3. Culpepper 4. Pennington 5. Hasselbeck I know people are going to question the inclusion of Hasselbeck, but just let me say this... I had him on my fantasy team this year and was able to watch him for most of the season. The guy just makes plays. I think that it is well documented that his receivers are horrible, and I say that if he did have even decent ones no one would even blink at him being on this list. RBs: 1. Priest Holmes (assuming healthy) 2. LT 3. Alexander 4. Jamal Lewis 5. Edgerrin James Not really anything to discuss here. If I took into account Holmes' recent injury status I would just bump everyone up and move Curtis Martin to 5 from 6. I will say that the gap from 4 to 5 is MUCH larger than the gap from 5 to 6. WR: 1. Owens 2. Moss 3. Harrison 4. Chad Johnson 5. Javon Walker Again nothing really surprising here, I was tempted to bump Chad Johnson above Harrison, based solely on the QB factor.
  12. Crimson Platypus

    DAVE has a new T-Shirt

    I swear their shirts would sell so much better if they didn't have to put some elaborate design or lame ass catchphrase on the back of them. I wonder if the same people that design these design NASCAR apparel?
  13. Crimson Platypus

    Vikings don't want Joe Buck to announce the game

    Its not blatant bias. Its fact. Since the Packers SB win Favre has thrown 11 TDs compareed to something like 16 or 17 INTs. Shows Favre is declining more and more with each passing season. I'm just sick of the Fox fanboys riding his sack still saying he's one of the top QBs in the league, when he's clearly not. Where do you get these numbers? Completely wrong. Since 1997 Favre has throw 195 TDs with 135 INTs so roughly 27 and 19 per year. That's a lot of TDs but waaay too many interceptions.
  14. Crimson Platypus

    Football Fans in your Area

    It's not that people don't care here, it's that there's nothing to care about. Hell even my Spartans suck in football.
  15. Crimson Platypus

    Football Fans in your Area

    The nearest NFL team to me is the Detroit Lions. Nuff said.
  16. Crimson Platypus

    A New College Hoops Thread.....

    Yeah Illinois' only weakness is their short bench. Fortunately for them their first 6 are pretty damn strong.
  17. Crimson Platypus

    CBS Cancels 'The Will' After One Airing

    I did say in-depth, and left out the bad, only because I won't argue personal preferences on a message board. I'd rather jerk off with a bunch of broken glass in my hand.
  18. Crimson Platypus


    Maybe Jack isn't quite a total badass, but he is certainly the alpha male.
  19. Crimson Platypus

    Vikings don't want Joe Buck to announce the game

    Not to defend Madden or anything, but that quote could also be used out of context here. If a team is down 10 and it is 4th and 15 from the 32 with 4 minutes to go, it might be said that in that case a FG would be better than (going for) a touchdown.
  20. Crimson Platypus

    CBS Cancels 'The Will' After One Airing

    Those shows are not reality shows though starvenger, just very in-depth game shows. In fact, since the early days of Real World, one could argue that there have been no "real" reality shows.
  21. Crimson Platypus


    I was also glad last night that they didn't have Boone bust out same badassosity on that Aussie that Shannon hooked up with. There seems to be a bit of a glut of tough guy badass types on the island with Sayid, Sawyer, Jack, Locke, Jin, etc...
  22. Crimson Platypus

    CBS Cancels 'The Will' After One Airing

    I didn't see it, but hopefully this marks the beginning of the end for the "reality" bullshit.
  23. Crimson Platypus


    Shit starvenger my bad, I missed the beginning of the show, didn't know where he was from and thought that I read that he was in the mob so yeah an honest mistake. Didn't he kill someone for Sun's father or something like that?
  24. Crimson Platypus

    Why do you hate ... who you hate?

    NFL: A. 49ers, my oldest brother has been a fan for as long as I can remember. B. Jets, my other older brother has been a fan for as long as I can remember. MLB: Braves, see A. White Sox, see B. NBA: Celtics, see A. Anyone who has siblings, especially older ones, can understand the hate. Also as far as the Jets go, I'm also a Dolphins fan so yeah there's added reason right there. Been a rough few years on that one...
  25. Crimson Platypus

    Vikings don't want Joe Buck to announce the game

    Madden is completely useless. Talking about linemen's buttsweat is rather unnecessary. Micheals is equally useless. I don't mind Thiesman really. He's usually just a dipshit, but occasionally he does bust out something that I didn't see the first time. Not often but yeah. I don't mind Aikman, and I agree with MJ23, Nance/Simms is, sadly, the best team out there.