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Crimson Platypus

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Everything posted by Crimson Platypus

  1. Crimson Platypus


    1. I can't wait to see the shit hit the fan when Jin catches Sun speaking english. The Yakuza badass going off on someone should kick all kinds of ass. 2. Locke is rapidly becoming my all time favorite T.V. character. Yes even passing Al Bundy. Dude is badass, knows it, and knows no one can do shit about it. 3. Add me to the glad Shannon didn't really die list. I also never believed that was really her, not that I liked the whole hallucination thing, but whatever, more Shannon in bikini = happy Platypus. 4. The HATCH + Michaelangelo story + Boone's heel turn = Pimpitude. 5. Whomever said less Kate = good Kate was spot on. Damn she was fine in this one. Anyone think we may never actually SEE the "monster"? I was thinking last night that might be the best way to go. At some point, no matter what the monster ends up being, it's just going to disappoint at least half of the viewers, if not much more...
  2. Crimson Platypus

    Donations for Tsunami Relief Efforts....

    Actually if we wait long enough, enough people will die from disease and what not to save us MILLIONS!!
  3. Crimson Platypus

    Donations for Tsunami Relief Efforts....

    I do wonder sometimes how much money is needed to rebuild a bunch of third-world towns? It's not like San Diego was destroyed or something. Give everyone a pile of two-by-fours a hammer and some nails and tell them to get to work.
  4. Crimson Platypus

    Don King sues ESPN for 2.5 billion

    It's not really defamation if it's true.
  5. Crimson Platypus

    Recent purchases

    Spaceballs Hoosiers Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  6. Crimson Platypus

    NFC Wild Card Playoffs

  7. Crimson Platypus

    NFC Wild Card Playoffs

    I'm still wondering why Farve wasn't ejected for throwing a punch at that guy RIGHT IN FRONT of the ref????
  8. Crimson Platypus

    WWE House Show

    I remember going to a WcW house show where Meng was wrestling I think Jericho, Jericho complained to the ref once about Meng pulling his hair, then, later in the match Meng did it again and my buddy and I (about 3 rows in) yelled at the ref LOUD as fuck "HE PULLED HIS HAIR" and the ref ad-libbed in an arguement with Meng, which Meng turned into leaving the ring to YELL AT US!!! Holy shit that was the best thing ever. He's scary.
  9. Crimson Platypus

    Social Security...not really doomed?

    The difference is that car insurance insures ME. Not Mike's crippled buddy.
  10. Crimson Platypus

    Social Security...not really doomed?

    You should feel that way: after all, it's YOUR money, YOU earned it. NoCalMike's crippled buddy isn't your burden. Actually NO, Social Security is not YOUR money. Just like paying car insurance doesn't make it your money. I mean you don't pay into car insurance and then when you stop driving or get rid of that car, call up and ask Geico for all the money you paid in. The money paid into Social Security is not YOURS, get it? You have ever option out there to take some of your paycheck and invest it in stocks, bonds, 401k etc....but that has nothing to do with Social Security tax. Why isn't it my money? Didn't I work to earn those wages that SS was taken out of?
  11. Crimson Platypus

    Do you believe Athletes

    I agree, but uh, if I could make Jason Kidd's salary playing video games I would do it too
  12. Crimson Platypus

    SMACKDOWN! Thread

    Not even really wrestlers though, just guys. Hell don't even give them names, they don't have to have actual mic time or matches or anything like that. Just some guys hanging around him all the time.
  13. Crimson Platypus

    SMACKDOWN! Thread

    Cena needs like 5 or 6 guys following him around completely overreacting whenever he busts on someone, telling him how good he is, etc. Like the people that follow boxers around talking shit to everyone and rubbing their shoulders and stuff like that.
  14. Crimson Platypus

    Social Security...not really doomed?

    You should feel that way: after all, it's YOUR money, YOU earned it. NoCalMike's crippled buddy isn't your burden. Exactly.
  15. Crimson Platypus

    Movies that killed a career

    Courtney Cox was already a movie star before Friends though. Yeah, I mean she was in "Masters Of The Universe" god damn it! And the Dancing in the Dark video!!
  16. Crimson Platypus

    Random Questions....

    Thundarr the Barbarian perhaps?
  17. Crimson Platypus

    Political Correctness Goes to far

    Wait, does he actually say "chink" or "beep"? The article isn't very clear there. Anyway how about grow a set of nuts and accept that it's a FUCKING JOKE. IN A COMEDIC MOVIE. YOU KNOW DESIGNED TO MAKE YOU LAUGH. There's no racist undertones, none. Now shut up and go lay some rail ties chinks.
  18. Crimson Platypus


    Yeah I had planned on watching anyway, but I have to say (okay I don't have to say anything but..) I can't remember being hooked in so strongly so quickly to a television show ever.
  19. Crimson Platypus

    Dennis Erickson fired

    Why not Art Shell, I hope he interviews for that job, as his interview with the Dolphins was pretty much a smoke and mirrors effort by them to avoid the Matt Millen fine. I seem to recall he had a pretty good record as a head coach, something like 50-40 or around that?
  20. Crimson Platypus

    With the NFL Regular Season Over

    There's no such thing in the NFL anymore. The officials have made sure of it.
  21. Crimson Platypus

    Social Security...not really doomed?

    Oh no I understand the point of Social Security, I just don't see any guarentee that the money that I put into it will be used for my retirement. I'm not saying that it won't be there, or that it will, or whatever. I just like to have guarentees when it comes to my money. I would much rather put money into a 401k or something of that nature, something that I feel like I have some sort of control over, rather than trusting the government.
  22. Crimson Platypus

    CAW Movesets for HCTP and SD v RAW

    If it helps any, he had a first round bye in the 1986 King of the Ring (no idea why).
  23. Crimson Platypus

    With the NFL Regular Season Over

    60? Yeah try again, 36. Again, good but not great.
  24. Crimson Platypus

    With the NFL Regular Season Over

    I'm glad those rare individuals who do are on the Pats(Tom Brady and Ty Law). But again, great team, not necessarily great individuals.
  25. Crimson Platypus

    CAW Movesets for HCTP and SD v RAW

    The one wrestler that I've always wanted to make but could never find a good CAW (or moveset, or even a good picture to start with) was Mister X. Old school jobber, used to love him for some reason...