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Crimson Platypus

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Everything posted by Crimson Platypus

  1. Crimson Platypus


    Please no, not the "it was all but a dream" garbage.
  2. Crimson Platypus

    The NFL 2004 All-Injured Reserve team!

    I thought Smith was done for the year?
  3. Crimson Platypus

    This Week in College Football 10/7 - 10/9

    I can see U of M losing this week. They seem to be a talented team that is currently without direction right now. Add to that the fact that they have a terrible head coach and a freshman QB, and I just don't see them beating a pretty good Minnesota team this week. God I hope my Spartans beat Illinois, if not the wins are gonna be real hard to come by with Ohio State, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota coming up. Ugh..
  4. Crimson Platypus

    The NFL 2004 All-Injured Reserve team!

    I'd say the Bears are more beat up right now. Who's their QB? Exactly. Granted the Dolphins are probably "hurting" more due to the lack of an NFL caliber running back, but just on injury terms I'd say Bears.
  5. Crimson Platypus

    The NFL 2004 All-Injured Reserve team!

    Why exactly is that? What had Winslow ever done in the NFL? It's not like he was lighting it up prior to his injury. "Potential" doesn't mean squat if it's not realized, just ask Brian Bosworth. (not that I don't think that Winslow is going to be good at some point, but that point is certainly not now (pre-injury))
  6. Crimson Platypus

    help identify movie for my column

    Time Bandits better though? Hard to say there AoO, it's been a long time since I last saw that one. Time to head to Deep Discount to see if there's a steal on it. (sorry about the horrendous pun)
  7. Crimson Platypus

    help identify movie for my column

    Agreed. Eric Idle as "Berthold" to be exact. The only bomb under the belt of Terry Gilliam, though not his fault. Absolutely not a bomb imo, love that movie!
  8. Crimson Platypus

    I need money

    As a longtime Dolphin fan I say fuck that stoned bastard right up the shit slide. He can take his bong and go somewhere else. I don't care if you told me that Miami would win the rest of their games and the Super Bowl if they took him back* I still wouldn't want that low life back on the team. *that may or may not be an exaggeration
  9. Crimson Platypus

    Someone explain this to me

    Michigan State is also playing a 12th at Hawaii this year. Scheduled to make up for the fact that they will not make a bowl game imo.
  10. Crimson Platypus

    NFL ESPN 2K5

    So yeah my buddy and I went through a fantasy draft (how badass is that) but we couldn't figure out how to just play as those teams in an exhibition (as in, not having to customize the league to go through a season where we would play each other only twice). Anyone know how or if this is even possible?
  11. Crimson Platypus

    The Scorpions \ Tesla - on Tour!

    Sun 10/31/04 Grand Rapids, MI Van Andel Arena I'm so there.
  12. Crimson Platypus

    This Week in College Football 9/17 - 9/18

    You can say it, but the bottom line is once Indiana hits the Bi1g 10 schedule they will get trounced regularly: Michigan State - L Michigan - L at Northwestern - W at Ohio State - L Minnesota - L at Illinois - W Penn State - L at Purdue -L So assuming 3-0 pre-Bi1g 10, ending up 5-6 imo.
  13. Crimson Platypus

    Twisted Idea for Taker/JBL at No Mercy

    I'd buy that in a second!
  14. Crimson Platypus

    Jack & Bobby

    Exactly, blowing their wad this early might come back to haunt them later in the series. -edit- And by the way, I really wanted to hate this show, but ended up enjoying it. Mainly because I hate hate HATE child actors as a general rule, but the kid (the younger one) did just fine. I could come to really enjoy this one.
  15. Crimson Platypus

    This Week in College Football 9/17 - 9/18

    Anyone think my Spartans have a chance in hell against the Irish Saturday night? Also, a friend offered me 14 points for $50. I figured what the hell..
  16. Crimson Platypus

    Has anyone ever seen this?

    Doritos girl as in Ali Landry Doritos girl?? Shit if so I gotta see that.
  17. Crimson Platypus

    Frank Francisco might sue the fans

    Don't feel sorry for that woman, she won herself a mil or so. While I agree that some fans cross the line with their "heckling" I just don't understand what the hell was going through FF's mind when he THREW A FUCKING CHAIR into the crowd. That just doesn't compute..
  18. Crimson Platypus

    Jamie Noble released from WWE

  19. Crimson Platypus

    More Fantasy Football Questions

    You didn't state who you were ending up with in the Jones/Keyshawn trade. IMO if you can get/have Jones, keep/get him. Keyshawn is nothing more than a third down WR. He sucks, and he has senior citizen throwing the ball to him. The Bears have geared their offense toward utilizing Jones' skills and he will get a ton of carries. Don't worry about A-Train, like all other UofM RBs, he's overrated as hell and will never be anything worth a damn.
  20. Crimson Platypus

    Taboo Tuesday

    Ditka never married Ricky Williams. It just didn't happen. Drop it.
  21. Crimson Platypus

    Taboo Tuesday

    Ditka 84, Orton 3 but only because Ditka was playing with one arm for the second half.
  22. Crimson Platypus

    *Smackdown Spoilers* from Spokane

    Charlie Haas is a cruiserweight now?
  23. Crimson Platypus

    Monday Night Football!

    This game is gonna be torture... I am behind by one in my fantasy game, my opponent has Stephen Davis and I have Javon Walker. AND I hate the Packers...
  24. Crimson Platypus

    NFL Game Chatter Thread

    He didn't see McGinest at all -- you can't blame Manning for that one. Exactly, and that blitz is what a GOOD coach does in that situation. Not sit back in the preventyoufromwinning defense. Did Indy blitz at all last night? I can't remember seeing one single blitz. Dungy is supposed to be a goddamn defensive coach type guy too. Indy was rushing 3-4 guys all night and getting ZERO pressure. Brady looked good though, there were a couple of passes that he threw that had my buddies and I very impressed. I agree with whomever said it above - Dillon was woefully under used. 15-86? That's just over 5 yards per, I figured in the fourth they were gonna pound the ball, but that shithead of a coach just kept throwing, begging for an INT. (for the record, I hate NE, but have Dillon on my fantasy team )