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Crimson Platypus

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Everything posted by Crimson Platypus

  1. Crimson Platypus

    Ironman Match: Can the fans go the distance?

    Your post made me think... This match might be great if they go at it legit greco-roman style.
  2. Crimson Platypus

    The One and Only RAW THREAD

    Wow what a terrible card. Orton/HBK might be decent. Other than that I see nothing worth paying for. No Hurricane, no RVD, no Lance Storm, no money from me. If HHH was healthy the ME might be decent, but nah, not gonna happen.
  3. Crimson Platypus

    current top 3 favorite wrestlers

    Currently: 1. Eddie (carrying SD IMO) 2. Benoit 3. Hurricane All time: 1. King Kong Bundy (5 count owns all) 2. DDP 3. Scott Hall
  4. Crimson Platypus

    Goldberg vs TNA fans

    I agree with that definately. Personally I think that the people who were shouting that stuff are idiots. I would never do that myself, especially considering that Goldberg signed their flyers. The guy was doing something right for a change and those people decided to push his buttons..
  5. Crimson Platypus

    Goldberg vs TNA fans

    Yes you do have that right. It's called freedom of speech. Look it up.
  6. Crimson Platypus

    The 9/11 SmackMullet! Thread

    Kinda like Benoit/Sullivan?
  7. Crimson Platypus

    HHH's pathetically bad Pedigree

    I heard him say it.
  8. Crimson Platypus

    HHH's pathetically bad Pedigree

    Except for HHH leaning over and yelling at Goldberg to "DO IT AGAIN".
  9. Crimson Platypus

    Goldberg vs TNA fans

    He could have turned around and walked away after signing the flyers. Children lose their temper and throw tantrums, adults don't.
  10. Crimson Platypus

    Goldberg vs TNA fans

    Um okay. The people that were giving Goldberg a hard time were not asking him to wrestle him, they were voicing their displeasure at his incredible level of suckitude. If said McDonald's employee was on the street I would have every right to tell him/her that McDonald's is nasty.
  11. Crimson Platypus

    Goldberg vs TNA fans

    It was a poor example then. And also, to refute his example if that was the case. YES you have every right to heckle Kobe. He is also an entertainer. Like it or not athletes are there to entertain the public.
  12. Crimson Platypus

    Goldberg vs TNA fans

    niko you don't really think that Kobe doesn't get heckled just as bad, if not worse than Goldberg do you? That's just ignorant.
  13. Crimson Platypus

    HHH's pathetically bad Pedigree

    The point that I think that you are missing here is that HHH always does his "little jerk thing". Every single time. And yet Goldberg still messed it up. I am guessing it's because Goldberg never watches other wrestlers matches. I could be wrong but I doubt it considering all the talk about Goldberg not respecting anyone or the business.
  14. Crimson Platypus

    The WWE Activity Game

    I'd go on a 4 day bender with Scott Hall.
  15. Crimson Platypus

    HHH's pathetically bad Pedigree

    And I directly attribute that to Goldberg being a steaming pile of dog shit. It's not like the pedigree is some new innovative move, how long has HHH been doing it? I could take a better pedigree right now with 0 practice. If Shitberg watched other wrestlers matches he would have known how to take the move. Instead, since he doesn't give a shit about the business, he goes out there and makes them BOTH look like asses. Also, I heard HHH tell Shitberg to "DO IT AGAIN".
  16. Crimson Platypus

    Well, I Went to RAW

    I was actually gonna complement Goldie on his blade job. Oh well. If anything, give him credit for taking HHH's chair shot LIKE A FUCKING MAN on RAW. That's like on Undertaker-Shawn-Michaels-1997-feud level of badass. I feel your pain, William. UYI I was fairly impressed with both the blade job and that sick chair shot. You know someone is taking a chair shot like a man when sitting at home you go OOOOOH. Also, personally I really liked the beatdown on RAW. NO ONE should be able to overcome 3 on 1 odds.
  17. Crimson Platypus

    Goldberg vs HHH

    I'd rather see HHH with the belt for 48 more years than see Goldberg with it for 1 night. Personally I see nothing positive about Goldberg and want him to go away as soon and for as long as possible.
  18. Crimson Platypus

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    As long as Vince and co make everyone wrestle the same bland WWE style it will never happen. Making everyone the same is no way to create stars.
  19. Crimson Platypus

    Tentative Survivor Series Matches...

    I thought that I read that UT would retire before going back to the dead guy gimmick?
  20. Crimson Platypus

    better benot/angle match

    Angle is Smackdown's #1 star, because of Lesnar tapping to him.
  21. Crimson Platypus

    better benot/angle match

    Brock tapping sucks. It wasn't built up the least at all, they never teased it once. On top of that, Benoit should have been the man to make Brock tap IMO. Angle can still use the Angle Slam or occasional Top Rope Angle Slam as finishers but Benoit can only get by on the crossface. So you didn't like it because you didn't see it coming? What a terrible reason for not liking it. Personally that was THE reason I marked out for Lesnar tapping. I was watching it, waiting, expecting for him to roll over, or crawl to the ropes or whatever... tap tap tap BOOM!!! I thought it was pretty badass myself.
  22. Crimson Platypus

    Some good WWE news for once!

    What I would do if I were in Barreca's shoes: Put together "Vince" videos. Highlighting Vince's boys, McMahon matches, everything that I thought that Vince would want to see. Market the hell out of all those videos, t-shirts, PPVs, etc. In addition, use the old footage to put together other, less marketed videos that are for sale on shopzone. That way the people that are interested would be able to find the stuff they want.
  23. Crimson Platypus

    triple h face turn

    When is Bastista coming back anyway?
  24. Crimson Platypus

    worst angles ever

    The Fabulous Moolah/Mark Henry love child saga was simply awful.
  25. Crimson Platypus

    triple h face turn

    But Orton has potential~!