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Crimson Platypus

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Everything posted by Crimson Platypus

  1. Crimson Platypus

    HHH's bachelor party

    I didn't say no injury is funny. No matter what you may think of the guy professionally (you know, HHHate), him having a groin injury before his wedding sucks for him personally. It's not funny.
  2. Crimson Platypus

    HHH's bachelor party

    I hope so.
  3. Crimson Platypus

    charlie haas/shelton benjamin

    Even if they do end up breaking up, it would be nice to see them remain "friends" and support each other and NEVER become enemies. Not everyone turns on their friends, it's an outdated wrestling concept. (btw, I was supremely disappointed when Hall and Nash broke up in wcw, just a terrible idea all around) Absolutely. I just don't see where people say that one is better than the other. IMO they both have off and on nights, and when they are both on they are an awesome team to watch (have yet to see them both have an off night on the same night)
  4. Crimson Platypus

    Is there anything Vince won't do

    If Vince ever makes out with his daughter or son on air that will be the last time I ever watch WWE, same goes for Shane and Steph. That's just fucking wrong.
  5. Crimson Platypus

    Test on Tom Green Tonight

    Damn I SO want that King Kong Bundy shirt!
  6. Crimson Platypus

    charlie haas/shelton benjamin

    I really hope they NEVER split up. Just to shake up the norm. Is it really too difficult to imagine the two of them not hating each other eventually? I hate that every team ever has HAD to break up. It's so cliche it's sickening.
  7. Crimson Platypus

    Two McMahons Go Over

    Um, maybe thats the point? He is injured - thus they could kick his ass easily?
  8. Crimson Platypus

    Smackdown...hopes and desires for it?

    It sure seems like they are building towards Zach becomming the next MFer. I would like to see a Hardy - Cena feud. Is Chavo due back this week? IMO he is very underrated. Could be a US Champ while Eddy goes after Angle.
  9. Can never have enough Teddy.
  10. Crimson Platypus

    TSM Comic Book Team Tornement

    Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad, Mastermind) Vs. The All-New, All-Different X-Men (Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Shadow Cat, Colossus, Storm) Brotherhood of Evil Mutants The Outsiders (Batman, Halo, Geo-Force, Black Lightning, Katana, Looker, Metamorpho) Vs. The Masters of Evil (Baron Von Zemo, The Executioner, The Enchantress, The Melter, Black Knight I) Outsiders The ‘Original’ Avengers (Captain America, Giantman, Thor, Iron Man, The Wasp) Vs. The Sinister Six (Dr. Octopus, The Hobgoblin, Electro, Kraven the Hunter, The Vulture, The Sandman) Sinister Six The Defenders (Hulk, Namor, Dr. Strange, The Silver Surfer) Vs. The Injustice Gang (Lex Luther, The Joker, Dr. Light, Ocean Master, Circe, Mirror Master) Defenders JLA: Magnificent Seven Version (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern Kyle Raynor, Flash III, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman) Vs. Justice League International (Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Guy Gardner, Fire, Ice, Batman, Martian Manhunter) JLA: MSV Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch and The Ever-Loving Blue Eye’d Thing) Vs. The Green Lantern Corps (Hal Jordan, Killowog, Tomar Re, The guy that looks like Asparagus, G'Nort) Green Lantern Corps The West Coast Avengers (Hawkeye, Mocking Bird, Wonderman, Tigra, Hank Pym) Vs. The Original X-Men (Cyclops, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Ice Man) Orginal X-Men The Teen Titans (Nightwing, Starfire, Cyborg, Changeling, Jericho, Raven, Donna Troy) Vs. The Doom Patrol (Robotman, Negative Man, Elastic Girl) Doom Patrol
  11. Crimson Platypus

    Nash and HBK fight for the good of the business!

    So they were mad, and when they found out that there was a mistake (or false rumor in this case) they were no longer mad. Exactly how an adult would handle the situation? Yeah.
  12. Crimson Platypus

    Has Orton's monster push ended?

    Am I the only one that thought the Orton/Goldberg match was pretty decent until the interference?
  13. Crimson Platypus

    Nash news from Rajah

    imdb.com doesn't have him listed as even being in the cast at all.
  14. Crimson Platypus

    Is it just me ?!

    Still haven't seen the dudes. Will try next time (no I won't)
  15. Crimson Platypus


    Philadelphia made me cry. For that it gets my vote. And just for the record - sad movies NEVER do that to me. I think he did an incredible job in that movie.
  16. Crimson Platypus

    Bautista Returns!

    Pretty sure it was intentional, at least I took it that way. I thought it was a hilarious bit myself.
  17. Haas and Benjamin get more heel heat..
  18. Crimson Platypus

    Is it just me ?!

    From what I have heard I'm pretty sure you could touch them both. [edit] meant Dave and Carmen
  19. Crimson Platypus

    What was Flair's last great match?

    I never heard about that, but it explains why he has been landing on one side for most of his bumps. It always looks so... painful..
  20. Crimson Platypus

    Official Mortis Returns Thread!

    Kinda tough to get over when you are never on SD! don't you think?
  21. Crimson Platypus

    Is it just me ?!

    There's a man in that commercial?
  22. Crimson Platypus

    Some WWE Notes From The New Torch

    Buwhahahaha! I knew it! How long before they start using one of the APA's doors that aren't really attached to anything? Yeah, couldn't he have just come out of some other wrestler's lockerroom? How unprofessional.
  23. Crimson Platypus

    Some WWE Notes From The New Torch

    Really how else could Cena have reacted? It's not like he was wrestling Funaki. Taker has been around for a long time, Cena will get his, and like it says here - his attitude will endear him to management.
  24. Crimson Platypus

    Official Mortis Returns Thread!

    They should sign what's his name that was Wraith also and put that tag team back together!
  25. Crimson Platypus

    I just cannot make myself care for Raw anymore

    The J.R./King announcing duo KILLS any enjoyment I have for RAW. 1. Talking about the main event during matches earlier on in the show needs to stop. As if we don't 3 segments in the first hour hyping the ME, we have to listen to Ross' verbal cocksucking of whomever is in the ME all night. 2. King is more immature than my 3 year old niece. He is terrible, and just doesn't compare to Tazz. In fact, it's an insult to even mention them in the same sentence (sorry Tazz). Lately the only thing that RAW has been good for is a cure for my insomnia (sp), and that's not a joke, Monday is really the only day of the week that I get to sleep early.