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Crimson Platypus

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Everything posted by Crimson Platypus

  1. Crimson Platypus

    Giambi on Roids or not?

    Whoa whoa whoa. That's a terribly racist comparison man.
  2. Crimson Platypus

    Deep Thoughts By Jack Handy

  3. Crimson Platypus

    Giambi on Roids or not?

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.
  4. Crimson Platypus

    Nickname of new ABA Team in Charlotte

    My first thought was "Huh, John Kruk is sponsoring an ABA team, that's neat".
  5. Crimson Platypus


    Way to get older!
  6. Crimson Platypus

    WFAN of NY Reports

    Yeah but man, if it's a steroid, chances are it is going to be banned. How about not using it, you know, just in case?
  7. Crimson Platypus

    Giambi on Roids or not?

    Very true. Of course there really is no way to prove either side of the issue since he has already been known to be a juicer. All that does is shine all of his career under a bad light and make it very difficult to side with Giambi.
  8. Crimson Platypus

    WFAN of NY Reports

    The positive test was in May. I am trying hard not to believe that MLB has covered it up in order to not have steroids again be the focus during the bulk of the season, including the whole All Star festivities. It's just getting harder and harder to give a shit. The thing is, I really, really don't care if everyone is using steroids, but if they ban it, then don't use it. Period. It's called cheating.
  9. Crimson Platypus

    Giambi on Roids or not?

    I'll say the same thing I always say when people talk about Bonds being a great hitter regardless of the steroid issue here Al. I'm not trying to say that Giambi isn't a good to great hitter, but how many of his home runs would have been long fly outs if he wasn't on the juice?
  10. Crimson Platypus

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    He's too injury prone to be worth top 5 RB money. There's no way I'd invest that much money in anyone with his injury history.
  11. Crimson Platypus

    Giambi on Roids or not?

    The other thing to remember when asking this question is that he has not been punished by MLB for steroids. Thus if he is on the juice, and if he gets caught, it's a relative slap on the wrist 10 games. Positives > Negatives in this case I'd say.
  12. Crimson Platypus

    Brock Lesnar withdraws from negotations..

    10 years?!?!? What kind of moron signs a contract with a 10 YEAR no compete clause. God that's just moronic.
  13. Crimson Platypus

    Barry Bonds out for year

    You can go right ahead and believe whatever you want Al, but as far as I am concerned, the guy is a juicer. Nothing anyone say, barring a negative drug test from two years ago, will ever convince me otherwise. The thing is, I'm one of the few people that doesn't have some crazy hate thing going on against Bonds. He's got an awesome stroke, I sincerely believe that he would still be a great hitter without the juice. The difference would be that he wouldn't be threatening to break the HR record without it. How many of those HRs that he has hit be long fly balls without the benefit of performance enhancing drugs? Anyway, I'm not going to argue it with anyone anymore. This is the last time I post a damn thing about him. He can take his drugs and go retire somewhere for all I care. I just hope the jerkoff never breaks the HR record.
  14. Crimson Platypus

    UFC: Unleashed

    Ah I didn't know he had a previous back injury (obviously), smart of Salaverry to get on his back and wrench on it then.
  15. Crimson Platypus

    What do you do for a living?

    Which is still roughly $62,000 USD. Not too bad for nothing. Mule rental is much more fun I bet, but the vet bills are insane. You'd be amazed at how many people rent them just for the sole purpose of beating them. Not that I mind really, the vet bills come out of the renters pockets anyway so whatever...
  16. Crimson Platypus

    What do you think will happen

    Good point, neither Manning or Dungy seem to have a clue how to beat those guys. This year will be telling really as far as the Patriots and Belichick's mystique goes. If they win again, hell even if the lose in the AFC Championship game, I'll never speak ill of them again. And this is coming from a Dolphin fan (since 1984).
  17. Crimson Platypus

    UFC: Unleashed

    I'm still fairly new to the UFC in general so take my thoughts with a grain of salt (btw, thanks to all that recommended this show, I enjoyed it about 200% more than RAW). 1. I was a fan of Koscheck during TUF, and he didn't disappoint me here. As said above (by Dames) he finally showed that he could finish a guy, as he just destroyed (ugh, can't remember the guy's name) his opponent last night. A couple of nice takedowns and some vicious blows to the face that he set up nicely. I will look forward to seeing more of him in the future. 2. Did anyone else get the feeling that the ref was told before hand that he might be stepping in early in the Leben/Thacker fight? Granted Thacker didn't have any offense at all at the point the fight was stopped, but it's not like he was knocked out, or even looked like he was getting pummeled post-fight (his face was, relatively, not that bad). He was certainly outclassed, I'm not arguing that, but it still looked as though he could maybe have gotten away from Leben at that point. 3. Quarry, gut shot, ouch. 4. I don't know much about submissions or whatever, but that Salaverry figure four thingy looked badass to me. I'm not positive, but it looked like Frykland was yelling "MY BACK" to the ref just before tapping out. I'd guess that Salaverry was leaning back, putting pressure on Frykland's lower back by pulling down on his hips (with Salaverry's legs) and up on his neck/shoulders. That was just sick. 5. I agree with Rudo about the building of the fighters. With a 2-3 minute promo, showing each fighter winning a couple of matches, they built each match THAT NIGHT into something interesting. WWE could learn a lot from that kind of build. It doesn't take a necrophilia/rape/wedding angle to get people interested in a fight. Just having each person sitting in front of a camera saying something to the effect of "He's been talking shit about me behind my back, I'm tired of it, and I'm going to kick his ass." Boom, instant fued, instant heat, interesting build. Wow that was tough.
  18. Crimson Platypus

    Barry Bonds out for year

    Shocking, the guy isn't on the juice anymore and somehow isn't healing quite so well...
  19. Crimson Platypus

    What do you think will happen

    I agree with the Dungy as a plateau coach statement as well. In a couple of years Indy will get tired of losing in the playoffs and Dungy will end up elsewhere, where he will take a team that is an underachiever (Cinncinnati, Cleveland, etc) and make them into a first round loser playoff team. Wash, rinse, repeat. He just seems to be able to only do so much, with his peak being not quite good enough. I mean really, Payton Manning set an NFL record for TD passes last year, how can they NOT win the AFC??
  20. Crimson Platypus

    The OAO Raw thread for 08.01.05

    1. Easily the post of the thread. 2. I was thinking when Shawn first came out that he should say brutha as often as possible, when he started just saying brutha at random I was cracking up. That promo was solid gold. Dude they won't let people "bust some moves out" anymore. It's the WWE "Main Event Style". It's boring and unentertaining. I was just wishing for a suplex, or a bodyslam, or ANYTHING from Conway and Venis, thinking that it would be a good match. Instead we got a lolbrawlomg. How utterly boring.
  21. Crimson Platypus

    What do you think will happen

    I've read the same reports, so what. I never said that I "know" anything. The exact word I used was "probably" meaning that because players and coaches have been known, in the past, to exaggerate injuries or the status of players returning from them in order to throw off opposing teams, it's not out of the question that this is what is going on here. Anyway pinjockey is right, it's pointless to argue this until it's shown to be true.
  22. Crimson Platypus

    Lex Luthor cast for Singer's Superman movie

    Oh man that's bad.
  23. Crimson Platypus

    What do you think will happen

    You know that how? I didn't realize you were one of the Jets coaches now in addition to writing Cena's material.
  24. Crimson Platypus

    WFAN of NY Reports

    Everyone already knows Giambi did it, it's not like people have such a high opinion of him that getting popped would ruin his reputation. What's the worst that would happen? 10 games, oh no, don't do that you big bad baseball men. Instead, as long as he doesn't get caught, he's smacking the ball around like a champ. Upside > Downside here.
  25. Crimson Platypus

    What do you think will happen

    Plan to smack his shoulder around so he can't throw and Fiedler is thrown in there. Come on, this is basic sports mentality here, when someone has an injury, you target it. It happens all the time. edit to add: Also, if he can't throw then they can focus on Curtis Martin/the running game.