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Crimson Platypus

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Everything posted by Crimson Platypus

  1. Crimson Platypus

    Viacom sells WWE Stock

    Hmm.. WWE stock is low, guess now is the time to buy eh?
  2. Crimson Platypus

    Goldberg and WWE Creative team got probs

    He's pretty much on the record saying so too. I actually think they should have started him slow, by coming in and squashing jobbers. Since I never watched WCW, I never got to see anything special in Goldberg. And WWE hasn't made him anything special, so why should I care about him. If he was squashing everyone in two minutes, which is apparently all he can really do, maybe I could see why he got over. See the thing is, I was watching WCW pretty much exclusively by the time Goldberg debuted. His "matches" killed that for me. I never understood the appeal of him coming into the ring, spear, jackhammer, 1. 2. 3. Match over. Beating a bunch of jobbers IS NOT IMPRESSIVE. Goldberg turned me off of WCW, and I would guess that he did the same to a lot of others as well.
  3. I've always wondered if they write off any of the stuff they pointlessly destroy as a business expense? (not exactly sure how that works)
  4. Crimson Platypus

    Stand Back. Here comes HHH's second coming

    Actually the match last night was pretty good for the first 45 seconds. Then the inevitable Evolution walk-down and quick ending killed it. I kinda sat there in shock when that happened.
  5. Crimson Platypus

    The One and Only Raw Thread - 6/9/03

    Fued? Maybe. Matches would blow though. I'm not interested in the wannabe-heavyweight Hurricane against Green OVW Kid #4 Randy "OW!! I'm hurt again!" Orton. Foley coming back to promote that shithole main event makes me weep. I guess I can have Raw on in the background in case something cool happens. Actually it's spelled FEUD. Go look it up. Anyway, if he can stay healthy maybe it will work...
  6. Crimson Platypus

    The One and Only Raw Thread - 6/9/03

    I'm hoping to see Hurricane wrestle Randy Orton. Might actually be a good feud there.
  7. Crimson Platypus

    What matches do you want to see

    Hurricane against Latino Heat would rock.
  8. Crimson Platypus

    What kind of match are you longing to see?

    Benoit/Angle Ironman Submission match.
  9. Crimson Platypus

    Why HHH does not suck

    100% agree. It takes a better than good sell job to make it look good the way he is doing it nowadays. He gets people up there and just kind falls away from them rather than slamming them down (kinda) the way he used to.
  10. Crimson Platypus

    Here's a question..

    I would love to see all the "past their prime" wrestlers retire and allow the young guys with potential get the push they deserve. So my question is this, what would you like to see the rosters be if you had your choice of who stayed and who went. By the way, I saw TNA last night for the first time ever, and I have to say that AJ Styles is freaking awesome. Vinnie Mac should grab him asap.
  11. Crimson Platypus

    Here's a question..

    As Long As Abdullah the Butcher still wanders the World Impaling people with Forks and Squashing them at 70 Taker, Hogan, Flair, Nash ain't old... if their bodies gets broken up to badly then they retire or if they choose not to do it they retire but lets not start forcing people out simply because they gone beyond the wrestling fan age insurance warrantee. Abby is a 70 year old Planetoid! Who is in worse shape than him and still is out there man? and the four you name at least keep themselves in shape. Watching Hogan "bump" is painful. It takes him as long to fall down from a clothesline as it does for Nash to wander down to the ring. When people bodyslam Hogan they don't drop him, they set him down. Taker has never been an aerial (sp?) wrestler, but nowadays he might as well grow roots (minus that rediculous walk the ropes move, I never understood why his opponent doesn't just walk backwards).
  12. Crimson Platypus

    Here's a question..

    I'm talking the Hogan, UT, Flair, Nash set that are simply too old. (I am not really a HHHater myself)
  13. Crimson Platypus

    The One and Only Raw Thread - 6/2/03

    He should come out and say that no intelligent, Harvard educated man would ever hold down another man based on the color of his skin, and that is why Nowinski Backs the Mack!
  14. Crimson Platypus

    What moves do you "MARK" out for...

    One that I forgot to mention, I always mark out for the green mist!
  15. Crimson Platypus

    What moves do you "MARK" out for...

    Yeah, Bundy's 5 count ruled, I was just thinking last night that TBS should be doing that. Others: Shining Wizard Northern Lights Pin Diamond Cutter Anything Kanyon does (Who better?) Not really a move but I loved it when Foley would be yell stuff like "TAKE THAT" when he punched people.
  16. Crimson Platypus

    PPV Split should be good...

    Most likely the second choice, and add to that HHH thinking "Yeah, more time to squash all these puny little men with my massive pecs!"
  17. Crimson Platypus

    WWE should get rid of the Cruiserweight Title

    Really nothing will be done with the smaller wrestlers until Vince is no longer in charge.
  18. Crimson Platypus

    PPV Split should be good...

    That doesn't look too bad. I do see some serious stinkers in there like Test/Steiner and O'Haire/Mr.A, but all in all both look to be good shows.
  19. Crimson Platypus

    PPV Split should be good...

    I agree with you actually. At first I was fairly against the PPV split, thinking that there was no way they could put on good RAW only PPVs. Hopefully this will allow WWE to build up the tag divisions also, with the extra time they will have. (will probably just be used to get HHH "over")
  20. Crimson Platypus

    Whose comeback did WWE botch the most?

    I couldn't agree more with everything you say here.
  21. Crimson Platypus

    New FBI members

    What about Tony Mamaluke (sp?)
  22. Crimson Platypus

    Angle's Return

    Right, two main event superstars team up against two other main event superstars in some sort of tag match *yawn*. Why not just kill the tag team division all together if you don't plan on having any "real" teams. By real I am talking about Los Guerros (sp?), Team Angle, Dudleys, La Resistance, uh.. that's all I can think of right now, showing how weak the "real" tag division really is. The team of Kane/RVD should stick together, the rumored split should never happen IMO.
  23. Crimson Platypus

    Worst catchphrases, 1998-2003

    I actually liked that one at first, but the more he said it the dumber it became. The whole "What?" thing was funny when it was Stone Cold doing it. When the fans were saying it while Stone Cold was out of wrestling, was when it really went south.
  24. Crimson Platypus

    Angle's Return

    Only problem with that idea is that it has been done 254,637,342 times already...