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Matt Young

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About Matt Young

  • Birthday 07/30/1984

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  1. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    It hasn't happened yet. Today was Sunday, anyway.
  2. Matt Young


    You certainly have turned violent, Matthew Dot Com.
  3. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    As was banning someone because they disagreed with you.
  4. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    LOLZ LET'S MAKE THE BOARDS PRIVATE As if I don't have several other accounts... Nice try, LeeLee (or LeoLeo, whichever you prefer). Just logged into 1 of the 6.
  5. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    Home is where the O.J. Hart is?
  6. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    You could say the same about what happened to me. And Slayer, I know your thing is math and not reading, but I took screen captures to provide to the host as they asked. I didn't screen cap anything for any other purpose.
  7. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    You're welcome! I was surprised to see that you were only 30. I thought you were more than 5 years older than me. They were supposedly my "good internet friends", too, but much like in real life, I can sometimes be far too trusting of shady individuals.
  8. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    Oh no... While attempting to reply to Bob's post, I accidentally deleted everything in the Classic Threads folder.
  9. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    If you'd read my posts in the "ygeydIzDRUNK" thread, you'd know that the idea of drinking again disgusts me. Lei Tong gave me 2 weeks. Sorry, my friend, but it's been 3 months. I'm not claiming that's a long time, but it will continue. And, despite the fact that that one dude over at TouzaWorld called me a guy who sits around smoking pot and playing video games every day- I've smoked 6-7 times this year and have gone weeks (though not currently, obviously) without playing games- I'm perfectly sober. No weed, no alcohol, no pills (not that I've fucked with those for years).
  10. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    Oh, man. I think I messed up. When I was trying to reply to 909's four private messages that he sent me, I must have clicked the wrong thing. I accidentally erased the entire Lost topic.
  11. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    Nah, man. This is the internet. I'M DOING IT OVER THE INTERNET. YEAH-UH!
  12. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    Well, yes. I am a man. However, I am not from Buffalo, nor have I ever pretended to be a woman. I'd make a very ugly woman. I guess you didn't look up how this is done, like I suggested. I'll be sure to tape that. Again, if you don't believe I have a legitimate case, look up the law on this sort of things. I have been assured that I have justifiable cause for taking legal action. Clearly, you didn't read a damn thing I said and have no understanding of what is going on here. I am not surprised. The term "stalking" is perhaps the most overly misused term on the internet. Apparently, like many, you do not know what it means. BRODY- I am suing you for that video... JUST KIDDING! (That was one for [happy birthday] Slayer). Really, it was quite hilarious, in the best possible way.
  13. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    That would be fine with me. As long as she's alive, I'd be happy. She can associate with whatever race she wants.
  14. Matt Young

    RE: Procedural Note (Taking Legal Action)

    A) You have no idea what even happened. B) I never did anything to you to cause you to delete me, so it's whatever. C) You got banned for threatening someone physically. I never did anything of the like.