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Matt Young

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Everything posted by Matt Young

  1. Matt Young

    WWE Raw (4/7/2008)

    NCAA ratings have been low for the entire tournament and I'd imagine the poor games on saturday didn't help interest all that much. Apparently, a lot more TSM posters are watching the title game. 2 pages in here? Damn.
  2. Matt Young

    Xbox 360

    http://gamerscoreblog.com/team/archive/200.../07/558533.aspx Ikaruga - Wednesday - 800 points
  3. Matt Young

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Test <3 bar deals.
  4. Matt Young

    Call Of Duty 4

    Same. I went from a 1st prestige, level 45, to a 2nd prestige, level 23 by playing Friday and Saturday. I want to get through a good portion of that 2nd prestige if at all possible. EDIT: I played a lot late Friday/late Saturday (technically Saturday and Sunday morning since it was after midnight), did not play at all from 10 A.M. Sunday through midnight Monday, and then played through 7-ish Tuesday morning, and few more hours the next night/morning. In all, I went from 1st Prestige, Level 45, to 2nd Prestige, Level 47. So 58 levels.
  5. Matt Young

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    That's what I was saying. Mik?
  6. Matt Young

    Shawn Michaels/Batista Program

    Batista's promo on Smackdown was pretty heelish. If I were booking this angle, I'd have Shawn go over at Backlash in a quick surprise win, possibly reusing the finish from their Armageddon 2003 match with Shawn reversing the batista Bomb into the SCM. Either after the match or later on Raw/SD (probably the latter) Batista would go full heel on Shawn. Batista would win a rematch at Judgment Day, with the blowoff being Hell in a Cell at One Night Stand.
  7. Matt Young

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I didn't start a thread myself, because I have nothing to offer. But since my MMA knowledge is quite limited, and the sport is gaining new fans at a rapid pace, I was wondering if someone could make a thread with information useful to newbies and long time fans alike. Something with links to sites with info on history as well as new stuff, videos, and schedules for various organizations' televised shows.
  8. Matt Young

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Yes. He and Mark Henry were the only SD wrestlers in the SD opening montage, with Big Daddy V and more recently (I believe) Shelton Benjamin being ECW guys in Smackdown's opening.
  9. Matt Young

    Call Of Duty 4

    Double XP on the new maps has been extended till Tuesday morning. Good thing, since I didn't get to play much yesterday.
  10. Matt Young

    NBA 2008 - the home stretch

    It'll end with their next loss or the next Hawks/Pacers/Nets win. Such a huge disappointment.
  11. Matt Young

    NBA 2008 - the home stretch

    The Raptors may not be able to beat them, but the Magic still have the best chance of losing in round 1 out of the top 4 seeds. Also, the Bulls are *technically* still in contention!
  12. Matt Young

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Kane has officially been moved from Smackdown to ECW. I don't see the point, what with the talent exchange, but they did it.
  13. Matt Young

    Xbox 360

    If it wasn't I wouldn't still play it. Better than any GTA game, except maybe San Andreas, which I haven't played.
  14. Matt Young

    TUF VII: Middleweights

    I knew who Matt Hughes was since he's from the same area I am and I've met him, but I had no idea who Matt Serra, BJ Penn, or Jens Pulver were when those shows aired. I'm pretty new to MMA now, and was even newer then.
  15. Matt Young

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    Well, we have a while to wait. I'm sure all the features will be announced, at the very latest, at E3, since it's held a month before the game's release.
  16. Matt Young

    Call Of Duty 4

    I haven't seen official confirmation, but everyone says it's just for the weekend. Also, thanks to 909 (presumably) for changing the title. I was going to ask about that.
  17. Matt Young

    Xbox 360

    http://www.411mania.com/games/news/72486/%...aints-Row-2.htm I still play the first one, so good news.
  18. Matt Young

    Call Of Duty 4

    Did anyone else get the new maps? They're 800 points, awesome, and there's double EXP for every gametype on them.
  19. Matt Young

    TUF VII: Middleweights

    I had only watched the last 2 seasons prior to this one, but upon viewing of the tape, that was the best TUF premiere I've seen yet. Most of it was due to the "fight for your spot" format, but having guys I'm more familiar with as coaches in Forrest and Rampage (who was hilarious) helped.
  20. Matt Young

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    I didn't realize they had a whole segment on the THQ Superstar Challenge till after I posted that. Yes, he did.
  21. Matt Young

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    But how will we determine who gets the Packers? Fight to the death with butter knives between you and me?
  22. Matt Young

    ECW (4/1/2008)

    I am just now watching ECW. I'm really happy that they're pushing a guy I like a lot, who has been underutilized, in Mike Knox. However, I wish it wasn't at Stevie's expense. http://www.wwe.com/shows/smackdown/article...tonewchampions/ He's been on the SD roster since his return. Now that Mania has passed, I assume he'll stick to SD/ECW. http://www.wwe.com/superstars/smackdown/bigshow/
  23. Matt Young

    TUF VII: Middleweights

    Thank you!
  24. Matt Young

    Xbox LiveGamertags

    I'm willing to update my original post as more people post their Gamertags. Also, if everyone wants to post a more current list of games they have, I'll edit my post so that you can click their Gamertags and it will link to the post that lists games they own.
  25. Matt Young

    WWE Smackdown (4/4/2008)

    I'd like to see the matches on the card listed in these topics from now on if at all possible. Sans spoilers, of course. if someone who does read the spoilers could do that, I'd be grateful.