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Everything posted by Danville_Wrestling

  1. Danville_Wrestling

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Those uniforms look terrible. They look like Cleveland Cavalier uniforms minus the logo.
  2. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Has anyone been following the attempt by California Republicans to change the way California's Electoral College votes are divided up to give the party a better chance in the state? Evidently, they are trying to do the District plan whereby a candidate would win the electoral college vote of the house district they would win on election day based on the popular vote. I then believe the winner of the whole states popular vote would get the two Senate electoral votes. Newsweek wrote a small article about it this week and said that it would give the GOP 22 of California's 55 electoral votes. The piece was a bit biased, though, and was basically accusing the GOP of trying to "steal" the 2008 election. I think this would make California mean little, though, in the general election. Granted, its already solidly Democratic for the presidency BUT the way California's Congressional districts are so gerrymandered would mean that the electoral votes would basically be decided before the election even began. However, I think something is going to be done about California's electoral votes in the near future. The state keeps growing and keeps getting more and more electoral votes at the expense of other states. I have to think that when it gets to the point that California gets to be too sizeable a margin in the Electoral College that other states will try to reign it in and possibly abolish the Electoral College altogether.
  3. Danville_Wrestling

    Golf Thread - August

    I'd love to see Daly go on a run and win this week but I know that tomorrow he'll probably blow up and fall down the leaderboard.
  4. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    The media appear to be eating Fred's wife alive right now.
  5. Danville_Wrestling

    The OAO TEW/EWR Thread of Fun!

    Just bought TEW 07 on Monday and it is very in-depth, I'm still getting used to all the features. I downloaded a 1993 scenario and am running the USWA. I was going to use Rocky Miavia (Flex Kavana) as a rising star in the promotion and build him up in a rookie type storyline with Austin Idol but no sooner than a week into the scenaio WCW came in and signed him away. Then WCW screwed me over again by coming and giving a contract to the Unabomber (Glen Jacobs) so there goes another one of my upper level talents. WCW also made offers to Koko B. Ware and Jeff Jarrett and I'm hoping they'll stay put for now. I also curse ECW because they are using Terry Funk as well and he got injured defending the TV belt against Tommy Dreamer at a TV taping so I had to scrap the storyline idea I had for him to fight Jerry Lawler for the Unified title. I put Billy Jack Haynes in the face role instead but now my storyline idea can't advance because Lawler refuses to job to Haynes at all and I can't force him to because he has "creative control" in his contract. Wake up Jerry! You have to lose once in a while to MAKE MONEY!!! Other than that, nothing too crazy has happened yet as I've only played three and a half weeks of the scenario so far. My other feuds are Luna Vachon-Miss Texas (women's title), Jeff Jarrett-Koko B. Ware (Heavyweight title), PG-13 vs. The Moondogs (Tag titles), and Brian Christopher-Paul Diamond.
  6. Danville_Wrestling


    This is what I got as well.
  7. Danville_Wrestling

    Looking for 2 old WCW Thunder episodes

    Hey guys, Does anyone have on tape the March 18th and March 27, 1999 editions of WCW Thunder? This was the first wrestling show I ever attended and would love to have it in my collection if possible. I'm willing to pay a fair amount for the footage if anyone has it. Thanks.
  8. Danville_Wrestling

    Golf Thread - August

    I do think its petty to throw out a fan but sometimes I think we need to understand the pressure these players face when paired with Tiger. Tiger nearly always has "home field advantage" when he's in contention. Anyone remember the heckler that unnerved Davis Love III in the World Match Play several years ago when Love was leading Woods before the turn? I'm not blaming Tiger for the remarks, he can't control what fans say, and I think the pros need to try as best they can to zone them out (because they are professionals) but fans have no role in making cat calls and taunting players on a golf course. This isn't the NFL, NBA, MLB, etc. I just think that the pressure of playing with Woods coupled with them being surrounded by partisan Woods fans who make cat calls/taunts and fans that are willing to throw their bodies in the way of errant drives to help Tiger has be severely unnerving. Those fans rolling that boulder out of the way for a young Tiger in Tuscon or something years ago still pisses me off too. However, Tiger did hand Sabbatini his ass yesterday one way or the other. That is beyond question.
  9. Danville_Wrestling

    The Youtube Thread

    The thing that is really missed today, as is evidenced in all of these videos, is that the crowds were NUCLEAR (especially in the Austin-McMahon and Simmons clip). The crowds today are so bad in that regard. They just sit on their hands.
  10. Danville_Wrestling

    Golf Thread - August

    Yea, I know. I was just remembering when the American Express Championship was @ Valderamma one year and Woods didn't win (I believe he lost to Mike Weir) and he complained about the venue or something and loe and behold the event was moved the next year.
  11. Danville_Wrestling

    Looking for 2 old WCW Thunder episodes

    Thanks Timmy and JHawk, I appreciate it. I know they'd be difficult as hell to find since they are TV shows and from one of the worst years in WCW history. If you find anything JHawk feel free to PM me or something and I'm sure we could work something out. Even if it was just the first of the two shows (Hogan-Hennig) that would be sufficient.
  12. Danville_Wrestling

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Part of me is tempted to watch just to see what they do try to hot shot and then laugh hysterically if their ideas of hot shotting RAW turn it into an utter train wreck.
  13. Danville_Wrestling

    Golf Thread - August

    Forget that. The WGC won't be changing the venue because they want Woods to continue to participate in the tournament. I can't get excited for these playoffs. Chances are all of the top guys aren't going to play in all 4 tournaments and I heard on one golfing website that if a player is in the top 10 in points heading into the playoffs then there is really no chance that they don't make it to the TOUR Championship thereby granting them a near automatic bye. I'm not giving too much heat to Mickelson for not wanting to play all 4 or even @ all because playing with a bad wrist could end your career so he needs to rest it. For Woods and other players who bitched that the year was too long, though, need to suck it up and play. You wanted to change the format of the year? Well you got your wish so PLAY. If they want these to be REAL playoffs they'll do several things. First, they need to SHORTEN THE FIELD. Having 144 golfers is NOT a playoff. A number around 100 or so would be better. Second, they need to require that golfers play in all four of the playoff tournaments. Third, I think they should've just said "get your points to qualify for the field of 100" and then take the top how many from each of the final four tournaments. For example, in the 100 you go to 75 (eliminate the bottom 25 players here) and then for the second tournament from 75 to 50 (again, eliminate 25) and the third tournament from 50 to 30 (again, eliminate 20) for the TOUR Championship. If there were any ties for the cuts then I'd have everyone tied at the bottom tier of these tournaments to go to a playoff. For example, in the second tournament if you had 3 people in a tie for 49th then I'd have a playoff between those who are tied and whoever drops out first loses their chance to move on. However, I guess the single-elim format doesn't appear feasible because you might lose a Mickelson or Singh or Els or god forbid Tiger early on and they fear that ratings will go to hell. However, there won't be much drama for me in the playoffs because you can't watch the tournament and be like "okay so this person and this person aren't moving on because they are in xth place." Instead, your going to have to crunch numbers about finishes and that's just going to turn out crappy. I liked the idea of a playoff at first and I know this is the first year of it but I think it is very poorly constructed, that's all.
  14. Danville_Wrestling

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Yet what good is the brand split if they take the stars they've created on one brand, move them after 1-2 years, and then just proceed to job them out to their established guys? It seems that any benefits from the brand split are being negated because of that. I definitely believe ending the brand split would clear up the world title picture. If the brand split won't end then I agree with many posters here that there should be a "traveling champion." That idea didn't come off that badly before Brock became Smackdown! exclusive. One division that would definitely benefit from the end of a brand split though are the tag belts. I find that the tag divisions on each of the shows are REALLY lacking (moreso on RAW). Ending the split, or at least just having the tag belts become exclusive to one brand, would definitely clear up that picture. On a sidenote, a potential 2.8 rating is still awful.
  15. Danville_Wrestling

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Interesting idea for the Hogan promotion but I'd say it will probably never see the light of day. It's so hard to just build a wrestling company from scratch, even if you are one of the biggest drawing superstars of all time.
  16. Danville_Wrestling

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    You don't get the first amendment I'm not gonna divert this thread into a first amendment argument but unless your belief is that using foul language constitutes hate speech/encourages violence then I'm not seeing your point. All I'm trying to say, as Mecca stated, the WWE has been big on audience expression in the past (ex. asshole chants @ Vince which I saw kids as young as ten participating in), especially the attitude era, and trying to discourage that is ridiculous. Its just another example of groupthink within the WWE that we have to think as they do or something is wrong with us and not them.
  17. Danville_Wrestling

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMhZyvqzc3c SummerSlam 1998 "Highway to Hell" promo video for Austin-Undertaker. In my opinion the best promo video the WWE has ever put together.
  18. Danville_Wrestling

    Going to a house show next week

    I almost went to a WWE event this year in the states that was also a house show but was also deterred by the high prices. For lower arena they wanted nearly $40 which was double what I had paid two years ago.
  19. Danville_Wrestling

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    I also find it funny about the profanity paragraph because J.R. spews profanity during the big moments on RAW damning people to hell and such and you know woman/children at out there watching on television. I agree that such profanity never reflects well on people but we have freedom of speech in this country and for fans to get tossed for expressing that right would be stupid.
  20. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Yea, those Pakistan comments have are ones that Obama is going to have to pay for during the rest of this election cycle. However, he actually gave some specifics about what he would do other than "we can't take any options off the table" Hillary Clinton.
  21. Danville_Wrestling

    Pictures I Like

    I got a kick out of this one.
  22. Danville_Wrestling

    Going to a house show next week

    The first half of the show will probably be crap (with a possible women's match that they think you care about but you don't) but the second half should be fun. The good thing about a house show is you get longer matches than you see on television. At a house show for WWE RAW I went to two years ago the Shelton Benjamin-Carlito, Ric Flair-Shawn Michaels, and Cena-HHH all went near/over fifteen minutes.
  23. Danville_Wrestling

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    It'll be interesting to see what USA Network's reaction to this rating is. We have already heard the reports that they are throwing ideas at Vince and demanding he switch some creative things up but I have to wonder if they are really going to force the issue. It might not happen immediately but if RAW does another bad rating you have to think that the USA execs are gonna be breathing down Vince's neck to do something and that's when the real fireworks might start going off. Hell, maybe people are also tired of Ross & Lawler on commentary with JR damning everything to hell and just making a mockery of himself. However, Michael Cole is NOT the answer. I do find it funny that this horrible rating happens after RAW stole Smackdown!'s top talent in the draft AND moved Lashley over from ECW.
  24. Danville_Wrestling

    What was your first Exposure to Wrestling

    The source on Wikipedia says that the information about the Quebecers-MoM title change came from Wrestling Title Histories, 4th edition, 2006 by Royal Duncan & Gary Will.
  25. Danville_Wrestling

    U.S. trying to sell arms to Saudi Arabia

    Well this might make sense from a strategic standpoint. After all, arming the Sunni kingdom of Saudi Arabia against a Shiite agressive nation like Iran might provide a bit of a deterrent to escalating violence in the region. However, there are many downsides to a deal. First, I don't really trust the Saudis as they have been using double speak on the topic of terrorist groups for years and these arms could fall into the wrong hands. Second, we will have to spend even more money giving more stuff to Israel so that they stay ahead of the Saudis (which the article discusses). Third, simply giving more arms to the Saudis might prompt more of an arms race in the region that might encourage even more violence than now. For any of you conspiracy wonks out there we could just be arming every damn country in the region to invite some type of epic Shiite-Sunni nation war in the area (which part of me thinks we are headed for anyway) and reap the benefits when all the destruction has occurred.