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Everything posted by Danville_Wrestling

  1. Danville_Wrestling

    NCAA Football 07

    Just bought this game today. Haven't had the time to open it up and play it yet but I'm looking forward to crafting a UK or WKU dynasty like I did in the 2004 version (yea, I know I'm behind on the times).
  2. Danville_Wrestling

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    I think Lebanon just rejected the UN resolution for a ceasefire b/c it didn't get Israel out of Southern Lebanon. So much for the diplomatic solution everyone has been calling for.
  3. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW TV Week 8 Thread - August/1st/2006.

    - Credit: PWInsider.com I'd like to believe it and be excited, but I also know PWInsider tends to offer up smarkbait that isn't always 100% fact. I will hold off on the celebration until Meltzer says something..... Did someone go over and poison the water at WWE headquarters? For once they seem to be making decisions that make sense!
  4. Danville_Wrestling

    Possible DX/Survivor Series Spoilers

    Better yet, bring back DOA and Los Boriquas (or however you spell it) and we could have the GANG WARS all over again! Vintage WWE...treating the world like its 1997.
  5. Danville_Wrestling

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Yea, the woman is Susan St. James and I think she was the wife of the guy who ran NBC at the time. McMahon does his best to do a one man commentary job (I never did mind Vince on commentary that much unlike other people) but she REALLY messes up the Steele-Savage match.
  6. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    I'm watching the debate between Cynthia McKinney and Hank Johnson in the 4th House district in GA on C-Span and Johnson is making her look really foolish. McKinney is blabbing on about how Osama isn't even connected to 9/11 and looks clueless about when US military force would ever be justified. I'm really rooting for Johnson because while I don't agree with all his views at least he's sane. Guess I've gotta find a House race to watch anyway since my 6th district in KY is basically uncontested and a walkover for Democrat Ben Chandler. Whoppi freakin' do.
  7. Danville_Wrestling

    College Football Preseason Top 25

    I root for Louisville except when they play UK and I'd love to see UK score an upset and immediately dash the Cardinals title hopes like they did several years ago. Then again, we are like 3-4 touchdown underdogs in this game and I hate Rich Brooks so we're probably going to get blown out. Either way, its good to finally get all of our scholarships back after Mummegate.
  8. Danville_Wrestling

    Tour de France 2006 Champion

    This just in.......http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/printstory.mpl/front/4096411 Bye bye to that Tour de France title. Wonder how the Spanish guy who got 2nd feels about it.
  9. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Well looks like Joe better get ready to run as an independent for this November. I'm cynically rooting for a Lamont win since it would lead to a rise of the far left blog scene which could hamper Democratic presidential hopes (and probably smash a Hillary bid) for president. Either way, I consider the race a win-win because I like Joe but if he loses then we get a crazier Democratic opposition so that's fine by me.
  10. Danville_Wrestling

    How did they come up with these gimmicks or characters

    Which was very cool by the way. "Lives are gonna be, in Waylon Mercy's hands. Ya know what I mean?" As a mark in 1995 I didn't get this gimmick either but looking back on it this was pretty cool. I can act out that phrase almost exactly like Spivey did so at least it was memorable. I remember being REALLY puzzled even as a mark when Savio Vega beat him @ IYH III but it became more apparent when I read in WWF Magazine that Spivey was retiring due to back problems. This is one gimmick I wouldn't mind being recycled if someone could pull it off.
  11. Danville_Wrestling

    Bam Bam Bigelow

    Did Bravo's ring skills really deteriorate by 1991 or something? I have his matches from WM 4 & 5 and Survivor Serise 1989 in my tape collection but it seems that by Royal Rumble 1991 and WM 7 the guy was acting like he was fragile or made of glass in the ring of something. The bumps he takes looks really weird and he just looks stiff. Was that just his normal style or what?
  12. Danville_Wrestling

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    If we want to play "coulda, woulda, shoulda" the Israeli army should've sent ground forces immediately into Lebanon to establish a buffer zone instead of relying on air power. As a defense minister told the Christian Science Monitor today, "We thought we could fight this war like the U.S. did in Kosovo but we are not a superpower." I'd say that we don't know the full effects of all the bombings on bridges, roads, etc. because Israel took out those locations to halt resupply routes and to prevent their captured troops from being moved. Moreover, Hezbollah had 10,000+ rockets in their arsenal that they have been stocking for six years and have only fired off around 1,000+ so of course they have tons more rockets to spare to fire away because the Israeli army says it has taken out 1,000 or so of them.
  13. Danville_Wrestling

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    As I've always said on here, civilian deaths are regrettable but at least in this conflict the Israeli military is making an effort to avoid civilian casualties although those efforts like "propaganda bombing" areas might not work for the sick, infirm, elderly, etc. It's Hezbollah who is the most indiscriminate by randomly launching rockets into Northern Israel. Do two wrongs make a right? Of course not but I'd like to know how exactly Israel is supposed to launch this offensive in a more reasonable way against an enemy that imbeds itself in the civilian population. It's just a very difficult situation from a humanitarian and military perspective.
  14. Danville_Wrestling

    Which channel do you watch?

    I also favor C-Span, especially that Washington Journal show in the morning where they read you the newspaper. Corny concept but its fun to listen to the wacky callers. All of the other cable news places have their deficiencies. I don't like CNN because I am not a big fan of Larry King and their coverage is a bit too liberal for my tastes. Fox is more of an ESPN for news type network but I can't really stand the "debates" they have every hour on the hour with people just yelling over top of each other getting nothing accomplished. MSNBC I hardly watch at all because it seems that it has too many people over there who are uncomfortable in front of a camera. MSNBC did a number on me with the Abrahms report several years ago that I'll never forget when the entire show seemed to collapse as Abrahms messed up guest introductions, didn't know when segments were ending, etc. Just very funny and unprofessional. I prefer to ignore most domestic cable news and just read papers, policy journals, and magazines. Still get all of the arguments but with less fluff especially on the foreign affairs pieces which interest me a great deal. I like the BBC a lot but it doesn't fall into this category so yea.
  15. Danville_Wrestling

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    The US does not encourage democracy in the region. They support the dictatorships in Egypt and Jordan to the tone of 10 billion a year....and they ignore democratically elected Hamas in palestine. If there was free elections in Egypt, the "Muslim Brothers" party will win in a landslide and would end the peace treaty with Israel signed in 1977. That's why the US supports dictators in the region and I bet you they would rather have a dictator in Palestine than the Hamas. A truly democratic middle east would be a nightmare. The ironic thing of all this is that Lebanon has arguably the most moderate government in the region....which will change in the next election as i believe lebanon will radicalize itself....I even heard several Christians (which are 30-40% of the population) say they would vote for the Hizbollah next time around. While much of what you say I has merit I have to disagree with certain aspects. It is true that we have given billions of dollars of aid to dictatorial regimes in Saudi Arabia and Egypt but the facts are that those funds were given with the promise of more democracy being spread. Granted, that hasn't happened but its the fault of the US government for not putting pressure or wanting to withdraw the funds to push that democratic initiative. To say that we are only propping up these places and not having any underlying goals of promoting democracy is wrong because while the government may not try to axe these regimes somebody somewhere is trying to promote democracy through this money. Whether or not democracy is good/bad in the Middle East is an open subject for debate. Yes, it is true that in the short term we could get Muslim fanatics in power but I'd like to imagine that under the constraints of a democratically elected body these people would actually have to ANSWER to the people who elected them. For example, Hamas screams in the Palestinian territories that Israel is the one to blame for social and economic problems (which does have merit considering that Israel still doesn't open up more efficient commerce lines by sea or land between Gaza and the West Bank) but if they have their necks on the line to provide for their people democratically instead of bitching about it I think that's a positive. Will this change happen overnight? No, but it's a long-term vision that I think is healthy for the region if it can be successfully instituted. Additionally, I think democracy can be an effective weapon against terrorism by allowing people control over their political futures and giving them a stake in their governments. One of the reasons extremism is rife in the Middle East in the first place you have to admit is that people have no stake/role in the political process so their only voice in the process is to support extremists who strike either against domestic authorities or other peoples. Again, this is a long-term vision not a short-term solution. My whole argument I posted earlier was that if more of Lebanon's people still side with extremists and don't want to hold them to account for their actions then maybe they aren't entirely ready to embrace democracy and maybe we should really just give up on the whole project. I'd hate to have to go back to Cold War politics but if these people are more interested in killing themselves and others then who are we to tell them no?
  16. Danville_Wrestling

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    This growing conflict has really hammered home the point to me that we just can't win a war on terrorism or stop the rise of these Islamic extremists. The Israelis hammer back hard after they have their soldiers captured and they get vilified in the media, denounced by the world, etc. and mostly because they won't take any crap and won't sign on to an immediate cease-fire which will just result in a rearming and rebuilding of Hezbollah while an international force under the guise of the UN or NATO takes months to get to the border. Meanwhile, by all accounts people in Lebannon don't even blame Hezbollah for causing the whole mess even though their infrastructure is getting torched around them BECAUSE of Hezbollah's actions. Sometimes I just can't understand these people and the more crap like this happens the more I think the Middle East simply isn't ready for democracy and the more we entangle ourselves in trying to spread it throughout the region the more crap we'll get ourselves into. We're damned if we help them and we're damned if we don't. Also, why hasn't the media hammered home the fact that Hezbollah was responsible for killing over 200 of our Marines in 1983? Seems like it should be a relevant fact since the world wants us to step in for this ceasefire and kinda gives us a decent justification to allow Hezbollah to get the crap kicked out of them. After all, why bail out a group with Americans blood on its hands?
  17. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW TV Week 8 Thread - August/1st/2006.

    The one thing I really loved about tonight's show was the venue. It had a very unique feel and that is why the WWE needs to be booking these shows in small venues like this instead of opposite Smackdown! In a regular setting this card would've lost a lot of its atmosphere but I'm hardly the first person who has stated this opinion. In fact, the way the crowd shitted on the ME I'm sure Vince will never have another show in such a venue again.
  18. Danville_Wrestling

    The OAO RAW for 7/31/06

    Totally agree. It's gotten so bad I've started to mute my television when Cena comes on because JR goes into like mark mode and silly with his "most controversial figure in WWE history...." garbage. I think I'll do the same next week when Orton comes on so JR can spare me his lecture on "respect."
  19. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW TV Week 8 Thread - August/1st/2006.

    There's the DQ I've been calling for over the last few days. There's a few cups thrown.
  20. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW TV Week 8 Thread - August/1st/2006.

    This match isn't too bad and I feel bad for both guys because the crowd is shitting over it b/c its not their fault the WWE is stupid.
  21. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW TV Week 8 Thread - August/1st/2006.

    I expect that stuff to start flying if this match ends in a countout or DQ b/c I don't think its Extreme Rules.
  22. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW TV Week 8 Thread - August/1st/2006.

    I liked the Angle headbutt for what it's worth. Can't wait to see the crowd reaction to the main event but who am I kidding, we won't be able to hear them.
  23. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW TV Week 8 Thread - August/1st/2006.

    Good match but I also thought Punk got beaten up a little too much for a debut. However, good match so another positive point to the show.
  24. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW TV Week 8 Thread - August/1st/2006.

    Fun "I Paid to See CM Punk" sign in the crowd.
  25. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW TV Week 8 Thread - August/1st/2006.

    Fun little brawl to open the show. I love how they muted the crowd immediately after Test picked up the pin, though.