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Everything posted by Danville_Wrestling

  1. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    Well here's an idea for the WWE: If you don't want things to be taken by fans don't throw them into the audience. I know the poster earlier said Test improved it but it seems that they should be mad at Test and not the fan. Hell, catching that head probably made the guys night or something.
  2. Danville_Wrestling

    OVW Results Thread...

    Yea, Skyfire-Albright is a good match. I gave it a good rating for the report I had to do on another site. I also do not see why Albright needs more work in OVW but that's WWE management for you. By the way, I'll be handling the OVW TV Reports for the next month and a half at least at wrestling.insidepulse.com in case anyone wanted to know.
  3. Danville_Wrestling

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I'm surprised on how little response there have been on this since this is truly a hideous poster. Everybody looks like an idiot and HHH, with his big wiener ( ha ha ha ! ), looks like Jake Roberts. Well the poster is absolutley terrible so I thought it spoke for itself without having to say anything about it. The only good thing on it is Trish and Maria and you don't even get to see much of them because DX is hogging the front and Cena looks like an absolute baffon. However, what else is new?
  4. Danville_Wrestling

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    Haha that's hilarious. Did they just expect the fan to throw the head back toward the ring like they were at a Chicago Cubs game? If I would have caught the the Head I would have kept it unless I got proper compensation.
  5. Danville_Wrestling

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I think Styles would definitely be gone from commentary since McMahon did not like his style very much. I would speculate that Tazz would go back to Smackdown! and JBL would return to the ring as either a wrestler/manager. However, if Styles and Tazz or either one of them went back to RAW or SD! wouldn't the WWE have to rewrite a storyline to put them back into that job since both quit to go to ECW? Seems like headaches all around if the new ECW fails.
  6. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    I have to disagree with this. More voters are registered independent in Connecticut than Republicans or Democrats and I'd have to believe that Lieberman would uniquely appeal to this group outside of the primary because they can't vote in one. Also, considering that turnout in primary elections in and around Connecticut is around like 20% I don't think a defeat in the primary is a loss that would condemn the Lieberman candidacy for the Senate. On another note, though, does anyone think we might see a serious third party challenge in 2008? Seems that they reach their high point when an incumbent isn't in the mix.
  7. Danville_Wrestling

    North Korea Agrees to end Nuke Program

    Our hands are mostly tied in dealing with North Korea because the option people keep talking about with diplomacy, more sanctions, simply isn't an option because North Korea is one of the most isolated places in the world and can't really get more isolated as it is. This leaves us with three options on the table: #1-Get China to cut off economic aid #2-Launch a military strike #3-Assassinate Kim Jong Il The first option isn't likely because if China collapses the North Korea economy it would have to deal with a flood of North Korean refugees at its borders which it doesn't want and explains why it hasn't done anything severe to North Korea yet. The second option also isn't likely because China would not feel comfortable with U.S. forces so close to its borders and North Korea acts as a buffer against US influence in South Korea as is. It's the same parallel one can draw about Russia being nervous about the U.S. having forces in Uzbekistan and Krgystan years after 9-11. The third option is prohibited by executive order under Ford but I tend to favor it because Mr. Kim is insane and the longer he stays around acting like a spoiled child the more dangerous the world is going to be. However, this option isn't likely either. At the end of the day the only nation who can do us some good here is China and I favor the diplomatic school of thought lately that says that China keeps NK around so that it can play an important role in U.S. foreign policy and as such they aren't going to be doing anything about it anytime soon. In fact, the ONLY way I see China getting involved is if Japan feels that its security is majorly threatened and starts exploring its own nuclear weapons program because if there is one thing the Chinese definitely do not want to see its a nuclear Japan they'd have to contest with in Asia.
  8. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    The Economist last year ran a good story in their Lexington section about how a good Democratic ticket would be Mark Warner and Joe Biden because Warner brings the domestic credentials and the executive experience while Biden brings the Washington insider experience and foreign policy know-how. It was an interesting read to say the least. All things considered, though, Biden is at BEST a vice-presidential nominee just to appease the base if a moderate gets elected in the primary but he does bring some baggage to the table. As far as the Lieberman story above goes, it doesn't matter if Joe wins the primary or runs as an independent because he's going to win that seat anyway. Polls show that his lead in a general election is much larger than the lead he currently holds in the primary. Furthermore, I don't see Lamont as a candidate who can get enough votes to unseat Lieberman because even with all the cash he's got coming in from anti-war activists it's very tough to unseat a tenured senator, especially one as prominent as Lieberman. I think this race is interesting, though, for the simple reason that it shows the internal war that is brewing in the Democratic party over its activists and higher ups because the activists want to replace any sitting Congressman who has supported Bush on almost anything while the higher ups continue to back solid candidates like Lieberman. Either way, if Lieberman somehow loses this primary the Democrats just shoot themselves in the foot because Lieberman will win the general election race and then they can't claim his seat to establish a Senate majority.
  9. Danville_Wrestling

    RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

    I agree cabbage. I think they have to push RVD when he returns based on the current angle. Also, doesn't this arrest just further RVD's "street cred" because isn't his gimmick a guy who smokes dope on a daily basis? Hell, didn't one of the recent DVD releases have a segment of him sharing a freakin' peace pipe with Tatanka?
  10. Danville_Wrestling

    WWE News and Notes

    I loved the WOW mags. Expensive yes but quality was definitely superior to any of the other wrestling magazines on the market. Loved those posters of Dawn Marie and stuff as well.
  11. Danville_Wrestling

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    If that's the case then stick a fork in the women's division because it's done.
  12. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    I think the best way for a politician to approach global warming/energy independence issues is to issue a "challenge" to the American spirit a la the Apollo program. I definitely agree. All this pessimistic talk about global warming does little to capture the American spirit of hope and optimism.
  13. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    On a side note, Bill Richardson might not be a bad VP nominee. Probably would've been in 2000 had it not been for that whole nuclear secrets debacle at Los Alamos. There was a rumor Kerry looked at him too but Kerry chose the wrong running mate because if he'd chosen Dick Gephardt he may have won Missouri and thus sealed the election without Ohio.
  14. Danville_Wrestling

    2006 NBA Finals

    As another Jazz fan, I didn't mind Malone going to the Lakers in the 2003-2004 season either since he wasn't going to win a title in Utah after Stockton and Hornacek left and the team wasn't solid heading into that season.
  15. Danville_Wrestling

    Worst match you've seen live

    My worst match was at a 1999 WCW Thunder taping. They taped two shows that night and there was a squash match of Fit Finlay against David Taylor towards the end of the evening. I don't know if it was because I was tired or what but I was totally not feeling this match and the crowd didn't either. The people in front of me were shouting out WWF slogans and such. Needless to say there was nothing redeeming about that match at all.
  16. Danville_Wrestling

    Most undeserving champions

    Wasn't there some type of screwjob that happened over the US title when OMG won it in a dark match at Starrcade 1995? I thought I remembered reading that Kensuke Sasaki who was the champion refused to job the belt and so they told him the match would be non-title. They had the match, OMG won with a splash, and then the referee gave Gang the belt and people considered it a title change. Any truth to this? If so it might explain the "out of nowhere" element of the OMG winning. Also, after Sting lost the belt to Sasaki the whole US title division was stuck for the better part of a year until Eddie Guerrero won the US title tournament at Starrcade the next year. I mean you had Konnan get the belt b/c he brought the cruiserweights into WCW, then Flair beat Konnan after a lengthy reign, then some weird stuff happened with the NWO over the title I think that involved Jeff Jarrett and the Giant (?!?), and then a tournament was declared.
  17. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    This is true. However, polls do show that the American public is becoming more aware of global warming as an issue that has to be dealt with. This is not to immediately say that global warming will become the next political hot topic but I'd say that if the U.S. gets hit with another hurricane like Katrina this year it could open up political ground, especially for Democrats, and Gore could capitalize on that. I do agree with the above poster that Gore's national numbers are not that good but it's not like those cannot be fixed. The key for Gore right now if he wants to run is to play to the liberal base and have can always try to triangulate later. Plus, Gore could get solid backing if he wants to run as the ABH ("Anyone But Hillary") candidate since I just don't see the support in the party yet for Mark Warner or Evan Bayh.
  18. Danville_Wrestling

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Probably not long. Ric Bucher said on ESPN Radio the other night that the Knicks are extremely interested in Kenyon Martin and that Martin's agent had assured him he'd be with an east coast team by the start of training camp. Oh good God. This organization just doesn't get it do they?
  19. Danville_Wrestling

    Larry Brown fired as NY Knicks Coach

    This is my line of thinking as well. I couldn't believe when I was watching the end of the US-Ghana game and saw the ESPN ticker announce the news that Larry Brown was being replaced by...ISIAH THOMAS! I feel bad for the Knicks fans but that's what a terrible owner can do to an organization. So now where does Larry Brown go to? I mean isn't it his mission to coach like every team in the league? Also, I hope Stern sticks it to the Knicks and makes them pay the contract but as someone noted above he probably won't.
  20. Danville_Wrestling

    Celebrity Jeopardy

    This is my favorite one. I remember watching this segment and laughing uncontrollably for minutes afterward with my brother.
  21. Danville_Wrestling

    World Cup 2006 in Germany

    Would a victory over Brazil mean much for the popularity of the sport in the US anyway? Just a fair question.
  22. Danville_Wrestling

    NHL 2006 Off-Season...

    Anyone know any details on the TV agreement for next year? Is NBC only going to broadcast games after January again?
  23. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    I've been calling this one for a while. If Gore did choose to run I think he'd present Hillary a stern challenge in the primaries (the two don't like each other very much dating back to Bill Clinton's term in the White House) and might even win the general election because I don't see why he wouldn't attract just as many votes as he did in 2000. The key for Gore if he did decide to run would be to be himself and not be molded into boring Gore like his political consultants did to him against Bush in 2000.
  24. Danville_Wrestling

    Best match you saw in person

    As far as workrate it would have to be a Cruiserweight title match between Rey Mysterio and Juventud Guerrera at a 1999 Thunder taping (the last time I think WCW came to KY). However, if it depends on crowd heat it would have to be Hogan vs. Curt Hennig that happened on the same show as the main event. The Rupp Arena crowd effectively turned Hogan face that night after he had that weird title match with Ric Flair less than a week earlier at Uncensored in Louisville.
  25. Danville_Wrestling

    WWE News and Notes

    Even if the rating isn't good, though, I doubt that the WWE brass and creative will take the heat for the bad rating. They'll just role out the excuse train like they always do and blame someone else for the poor rating like RVD or something.