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Everything posted by Danville_Wrestling
Here's the big question in my mind: WILL THE TAG TITLES BE DEFENDED THIS WEEK? I also hope Angle kicks the crap out of Eugene tonight and the Pittsburgh crowd is totally behind him, although he may cut a promo to make sure they boo. I also think we could see a Cena/Shelton vs. Carlito/Jericho main event, but that'd be weird to do with Shelton since he lost to Masters two weeks ago. However, he does have (corny) beef with Bischoff. Also, anyone got a "betting line" on how many matches we'll see this week? I'm betting on four, including the Eugene Invitational. God knows we need to have another extended diva segment, but that will be ending soon.
Hillary has this BIG electoral problem that the Democrats seem to FAIL to understand each election: they need someone who can CONNECT with ordinary Americans. This is why Bush won against both Gore & Kerry, because while he's criticized as being a nutjob or slurring his words people see him as "Average Joe" in the White House who makes mistakes like ordinary people. On the campaign trail swing voters said that they felt a better personal connection @ Bush rallies than they did to the Democrats, so logic would say that the Democrats need someone to find a connection with middle America. Kerry & Gore were too stiff and lacked enough emotion to make this connection. However, both Jimmy Carter & Bill Clinton were able to establish it correctly and 'read' their audiences to make a good message. Nevertheless, instead of nominating people like this the Dems have given us Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, and John Kerry in the interim. Unlike her husband, Hillary doesn't have this personality trait to connect with Americans and it's going to come back and bite her. Hell, even Slate Magazine said that while Hillary could fight off a "right-wing attack machine" in the election she'd probably lose b/c of her lack of a wide appeal to voters and that says something right there. I'm sorry, but I buy into the Lady Macbeth image of Hillary for a few reasons. First, her healthcare proposal in 1994 was KILLED b/c she didn't reach out to the other side of the aisle, shielded the proposal's meetings from the public, AND lied to the American people about the cost of planning the health care system (it ended up being over $4 million when she promised a budget of $100,000). This was GROSS mismanagement of a healthcare reform plan that could've passed, but she let the momentum die out on it. Also, she played a BIG hand in the wrongful firing of the White House travel office (ala Travelgate) and got the IRS to investigate the fired employees for 'mismanagement' to smear them and install her buddies into the travel office. This doesn't make much sense because the travel office pre-Clinton was non-partisan and had no agenda against the Clintons and was never suspected (or proven) to have any mismanagement). Finally, I find Clinton's hand in smearing those women who spoke out against her husband's misconduct (whether it's our business or not) very reprehensible. I simply don't trust this woman to run the United States b/c I feel she's more like a paranoid or power hungry figure like Richard Nixon than a charming, moderate leader like her husband (who I think was a pretty good president who's legacy unfortunately will be tarnished by the Lewinsky mess).
What I always liked about Ventura is that when he said something it was meaningful. In other words, if he didn't have anything to say he didn't say anything at all. He wasn't like the color commentators today who try to interrupt or fill in any "blank" spots on the telecast with some dialogue. An example is SummerSlam 1989 in the six-man tag match btw Rockers/Santana vs. Martel/Rogeaus where he lets Schiavone do a lot of play-by-play and only commentating when big things are going on or when he wants to rant against the Rockers "illegal" double-teams. Plus, since he was reserved in comments when Ventura went on rants it made them that much better.
Smoking Gunns beating Owen Hart & Yokozuna for the tag team belts on the Monday Night Raw following the In Your House 3 pay-per-view. Seemed totally out of nowhere to me when I was a mark at the time period, because I just thought Owen & Yoko were unbeatable, especially after they'd retained against Lex Luger & the British Bulldog @ In Your House 2 (which I found to be a huge shock).
I think the crowd would shit all over a DQ finish, so I don't think that's the best booking idea to go with for this match.
Yea, I can't wait for the return of Trish as well. I think a HBK-Show program sounds like an interesting idea, but who would think that HBK WASN'T going to win a match between them? Show hasn't won a big match in a LONG time and as several posters have indicated over the last few months in other threads, is only programmed into a main event slot when they run out of ideas and then made to look like a dufus. Thus, I don't know if it can work to really 'elevate' HBK into a legit title contender (which I'd already assume he is).
Yea, sounds like a good finish except I'd like Michaels to hit a second Sweet Chin Music as Hulk is hulking up to get the pin. Michaels has basically been carrying this entire program and he won me over to his side last week with the HILARIOUS segment on Hogan. In fact, that's the only damn thing I remember from last week's show.
How about Kane-Edge version 5,678,952 in a "Jailhouse Match" ala Mountie-Bossman from SS '91? lol.
Yea, where is Shelton headed for SummerSlam? There was rumored to be another match w/Carlito for the IC belt, but aren't they running out of time to build that match on the card?
Why in the hell do we need to have HHH shove his face into this DVD too?
Here, here!
Why not try to make Bret a new commentator? Lord knows we need some new voices on the mic. I'd think his color commentary might be interesting.
I know I'd posted this in another thread, but I think I'd get wider discussion on a specific thread. Is it just me or when Vince Russo left did WWE Magazine go to hell? Back in the day I know they had a lot of kayfabe stories, but at least the pay-per-view results by Keith Elliot Greenberg were well written, you had 'Vic Venom', and some of the stories were just so crazy you got a good laugh (ala KOTR 1995 edition). The split of the magazines really sucked and caused me to end my subscription. I dunno if this is how other people are feeling right now or not, but I'd just like to see what other people think of the current magazine product.
Yea, I wonder how much those little collector's items would go for on E-Bay today, lol.
Yea, the first several issues of RAW magazine when it debuted were kick ass, I loved them and then quit buying. I still remember the first issue having the big spread of Sunny, hott stuff back in the day.
Yea, in 1989. I was surprised when I bought a copy of SummerSlam 1989 from my local video store and Tony freakin' Schiavone was like "AWAY WE GO!"
Yea, I definetly agree with you. I have all of 1989 PPV's on tape except the Royal Rumble and Ventura is golden in WM, SS, and SuSeries. I'd say the WWE should try to get him back somehow in the booth b/c a "cool heel" announcer is what the WWE rights now to boost its lagging commentary.
Why don't they just release a Starrcade box set like WrestleMania?
Annoying announcer cliches
Danville_Wrestling replied to Steve J. Rogers's topic in General Wrestling
Oh c'mon. The biggest cliche used by an announcer was Tony Schiavone's big thing about "this being the biggest (title match/television show/contest/etc.) in the HISTORY OF OUR SPORT." I got so damned tired of hearing that EVERY week I'd tune into Nitro in the first hour before I'd flip to Raw an hour later. -
well, i finally decided to buy
Danville_Wrestling replied to Internet Warfare's topic in Video Games
Where can you buy a copy of VPW2? -
Yea, I totally agree on Shelton-Angle. I like the way you fantasy booked it too as it seems like a completely logical way to build it to SummerSlam. Guess we have "creative" to thank for this division between the two.
Yea, my interest is starting to get away from the WWE right now too, which I hate to admit. I got into the WWE around 1995 and I think that here, ten years later, we are in worse shape. I know 1995 had the terrible KOTR tournament, the Diesel push as champion, Jeff Jarrett doing a HTM job as the IC Champion, etc. BUT compared to what we see today I'd still take it. At least back then we had HBK and Bret Hart busting out some decent matches on the undercard, Owen Hart & Yokozuna doing a decent job as tag team champions, and a good Survivor Series pay-per-view that year (well at least I think so). Plus, back in 1995 we didn't have any of this "sports entertainment" garbage with long interviews on RAW or the stupid Diva Search. I just felt back then, even though I was more of a mark than a smark, that the product as better compared to today. A perfect example of my wanning interest occurred towards the beginning of 2003 when I stopped my subscription to the WWE Magazine. I figured that when they decided to give each brand it's own magazine that that would be all for me and didn't renew the subscription as a financial form of protest. Besides, I felt that WWE Magazine went TOTALLY downhill when Vince Russo stopped writing for it, but that's just me. Think about it: the old WWE Magazine in 1995 had the KOTR special (which while silly was a fun read), the Scoop cartoons (which I thought were funny too), the 'Informer' bit, and great play-by-play results by Keith Elliot Greenberg for the pay-per-view events. By 1999, though, those play-by-play things got pushed to the side to make way for "better pictures." Whatever. Sorry for the mini-rant, but all in all my interest is wanning. Three terrible Raws and a bad house show I saw in Lexington have me questioning why I still watch. However, I'm a hardcore fan and I'm going to stick through the product even though the WWE is sorely in need of competition. I was happier than anyone when WWE beat WCW b/c all my friends were big WCW people, but after it died I realized how much I missed flipping to it if the WWE product got bad.
I fear that if McCain doesn't win the primaries he could run as an independent and pull a Ross Perot. Therefore, if Hillary gets the Dems nod and the GOP goes with someone else we could see another Clinton elected to the White House with like 43% of the vote or something.
Wow, I think this might be the first time I've agreed with NoCalMike on anything. I totally buy the fact that Guiliani doesn't play outside of the Northeast. Test polls out of Iowa are showing that he's not faring too well there plus Guiliani is pro-choice, which the christian right isn't going for. I think Hillary will try to run, but I think there is someone who could beat her aside from Evan Bayh (who I'd vote for in a heart beat): Al Gore. Why? Well, I think Gore has an outside chance at pulling a 'Nixon' (losing a controversial election and rebouding to save the party eight years later). Gore also HATES Hillary Clinton. He blames his 2000 defeat to Hillary b/c he says the Clinton White House spent all of its efforts on getting Hillary elected in NY instead of getting him elected against Bush (which has merit). Also, when Gore became VP in 1993, Hillary wanted the VP office for herself, basically kicking Gore to the curb, and Gore never has gotten over that. Thus, I think Bayh could play well but if you want someone who might have the credibility to face Clinton head-to-head it's Gore. The only problem is Gore going crazy against Bush several years after losing, but even Nixon had his moments (ex. loss to become governor of California and telling the media "at least you don't have Richard Nixon to kick around any more"). Even though I'm conservative I'm tiring of the act 'conservatives' are putting on in government. We're getting a big statist machine instead of small government, no action on illegal immigrants, a terrible foreign policy that at times lacks direction, no efficient enforcement of current security protocol, and the last goes on and on. I voted in 2004 for Nader as a protest (and would've voted for Lieberman, Gephardt, or Edwards but the Dems didn't nominate them and went with Kerry instead) and I'm looking for something good in 2008 from the Dems (which is basically ANYTHING BUT HILLARY). So my vote is really for the Dems to lose more than anything, which they probably will screw up. A big fear I have for the GOP is to have Jeb Bush on the ticket somehow. I know Newsweek has said he's considering it, but here's my arguement: we've been ruled by a BUSH OR A CLINTON FOR THE LAST TWENTY YEARS BY 2008. It's time for a damn change of government, you think? I just don't want to elect Hillary and make it twenty-four. Let someone else run the show.
Kerwin White wrestled Tajiri @ a house show here in Lexington, Kentucky and ended up winning by putting his hands on the ropes after he reversed a Tajiri sunset flip for the pin. I think they had some trouble with his intro music, but when he won the match he exited the ring to the tune of "Just the Way You Look Tonight."