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Everything posted by Danville_Wrestling

  1. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    I always saw McCain winning FL (figured he'd have a good base with the retired vets down there) and the Dems taking Michigan so I think the whole argument is mute. I think there is an overstatement being made about Democratic voters just getting very pissed about their votes not counting and choosing not to go to the polls. Does anyone really think a large number of people are going to wake up on election day in November and say "Well you know what, the Democratic Party refused to count my vote so I'm going to sit out!" It accomplishes very little in the long run and what kind of statement can be made out of that? Also, based on how few people actually bother to vote in many of these primaries (albeit with a tight race this year set lots of records) I think people are overestimating the concern. It's not like these states aren't going to be counted in the Electoral College or anything. It would just be a travesty to count FL/Michigan now since everyone knew going in their votes weren't counting. The DNC made that call and Clinton campaign chair Terry McAullife was one of the most vocal proponents of Michigan/Florida not counting because he said if they moved up their primaries they'd destroy the system. After this tight race I wonder if it'll case a rethinking of the primary calendar and the phenomenon of front loading will be stopped. I bet California wishes they still held their primary in the first week of June now...
  2. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Well I'm glad I skipped tonight's election coverage save watching 6 minutes of CNN a few moments ago. I love how the press is focusing next week just on Kentucky while completely ignoring Oregon which is the same day and will probably net a huge blowout win for Obama to cancel out a large Clinton win in Kentucky. I'm not at all shocked that Obama got trounced in West Virginia, I mean the demographics of the state favor him in no way shape or form. I laugh at how the state is worth 28 delegates but the press makes it seem like it was a gold mine. I mean Obama picked up 27 supers last week alone. I think the Clinton arguments that this justifies rethinking the nominee is ludicrous because an Obama-McCain matchup totally redraws the electoral map between Republicans and Democrats. Obama could very well mount a challenge to McCain in Colorado, Missouri, and Virginia just to name a few states (while McCain could likely challenge Obama in New Hampshire and Massachusetts). It'd be at least refreshing than looking at the red-blue state gridlock where one damn state decides the whole thing. I honestly believe that Clinton is remaining in this race to embarass Obama, expose him as a weakened candidate, and ruin him for the general election so she can run against a very aged John McCain in 2012. She probably won't stop by my hometown next week to campaign (and I wouldn't go regardless) but the people here in KY believe just as much ridiculous stuff as the people of West Virginia did before this vote. How anyone can see this WV vote as credible to the campaign baffles me when SIXTY-THREE percent of voters believed that the gasoline tax being lifted was a good idea. I wouldn't be surprised to see this whole thing go to the convention. The meeting on FL/Michigan on the 31st is staffed by Clinton diehards and they'll push for these delegates to be seated/votes to be counted into the popular vote totals setting off a battle on the Denver floor. All I have to say is that when the doors are locked Obama better have his knifes sharpened and ready because I don't like his chances against the Clintons in the backroom.
  3. Danville_Wrestling

    The Myanmar cyclone

    Can't say I'm too surprised. This cyclone could have a damaging impact on world food prices, especially for rice, since Myanmar/Burma was supposed to give Sri Lanka/Bangladesh some of its surplus this season that has now turned into a large deficit that will have to be made up from the WFP. The major travesty of the whole situation is at a time when world food prices are exploding and developing nations cannot afford to buy it, the UN is spending its time supplying aid to a government that will not adequately distribute said aid instead of actually making sure it goes to the countries that will most effectively/honestly use it. In my opinion, no aid should have been given to this government based on its past history until they were willing to allow monitors in to distribute it. Too many times we've given aid like this with no strings attached and it gets filtered into the wrong channel and never reaches the people it should. It would also not amaze me if this government was only supplying food to places where Burmans live and not handing it out in areas of the country that are held by other ethnic groups such as the Karen, Shan, Chin, Karenni, and Arakkan which have always had their differences with the central government there.
  4. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Just another reason why politicians should vote how they believe rather than vote based on how well they will perform at the polls. I agree that Hillary's vote for the war gave Obama an opening that his campaign was only happy enough to exploit. I also agree that Hillary would've done herself some favors by doing what Edwards did on his war vote and say "Hey I made a mistake and I'm sorry." However, she stuck by it which only angered the liberal base and allowed Obama to get those people aboard his candidacy and build the infrastructure that has served him well so far (but could still doom him in the general). I think I'll avoid the election coverage tomorrow night over West Virginia so I don't have to hear the Clinton pundits argue that she's on comeback #3,215 or whatever number we're on now since she won the state by about 40 points.
  5. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Interesting article I came across this morning while reading the LA Times online: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington...ronpaulgop.html Interesting idea but I'm skeptical that it will amount to much. However, there have been reports that Paul's supporters have been overwhelming local convention sites, even making one close down in Nevada.
  6. Danville_Wrestling

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    The one thing that gives me hope is that if this goes to 7 games that Jazz might be able to pull it out. Reminds me of last year's series against Houston when we went down 2-0 and then exchanged wins on each other's home floors until we went to Houston for game 7 and won. However, that's way down the road and this is a much better team than that Rockets team. I'm just happy with the win today and that this series is back at 2-2.
  7. Danville_Wrestling

    The Golf Thread

    Well Goydos was the first player to find the drink on Thursday and was the last one to find it on Sunday. Sergio desperately needed this win after last year's loss to Padraig Harrington at the British Open. If Sergio can get his putter going I'd say that makes him a threat for the U.S. and British Opens this summer. By the way, what is the story with Greg Norman this year? I see that he's been entered in some TOUR events. Did he use the money list/past champions exemption to get his card this year? Just nice to see the Shark teeing it up even though he doesn't have the bite that he used to.
  8. Danville_Wrestling

    Who were champions

    I started watching in early March 1995 WWF: Diesel - World Champion Jeff Jarrett - Intercontinental Champion Smoking Gunns - Tag Team Champions Didn't start following WCW until that summer so I can't remember the champs for them.
  9. Danville_Wrestling

    The Myanmar cyclone

    Yea, hence why I said in my post that that it's not going to happen. The only hope of big change happening is if the rank and file in the military see what a mess the top brass has made of this disaster and choose to do something about it. However, I think they stand to lose to much if power is returned to a civilian administration for the first time since 1962 so I'm not hopeful at the prospects for change there.
  10. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Good ol' West Virginia.
  11. Danville_Wrestling

    The Myanmar cyclone

    I have to agree with Invader that it's a huge waste of taxpayer money to give supplies to a nation's government when that government is far too incompetent/corrupt to do anything with it. I know that the people need help and they should get it but when aid gets seized and then turned into a propaganda effort by the government its time to say "no more." I'll give props to the Bush administration for refusing to give aid without U.S. supervision and for some who complained early on that Bush was being overly harsh in not granting aid it appears as if he made the right call since the junta is seizing it and acting like it's theirs. If there is a time for the Burmese people to get angry and push for REAL change then now is the time. Unfortunately, that is not going to happen because the government has the support of the army who they lavish massive gifts on and whoever has the guns has the power. The most outrageous thing to me about this situation is that the government STILL held their referendum on the new constitution which codifies further military rule in the country. How governments like these can do things like this and feel good about themselves blows my mind.
  12. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    I'm really convinced that the GOP just threw in the towel for this election. Reminds me of when the Democrats nominated Walter Mondale in 1984. It was like "well we probably aren't going to beat Reagan so Walter go give it a shot." Talking to a lot of conservatives no one is very happy with the nomination of McCain. I never thought as a conservative there was really a true conservative candidate to vote for in the primary (I'm registered independent so for me that is mute). Nonetheless, I think by nominating McCain the GOP has basically said "Yea, we know this is going to be a hard election for us to win so let's give McCain his chance and we'll look for someone better next time." I think the candidate the GOP will look to for 2012 or 2016 is Bobby Jindal from Louisiana. He's only 36 and comes off very polished and professional with a good background to boot. One of the few shining stars the GOP has at this point in time.
  13. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Couldn't have said it any better myself Super. 100% agree with you.
  14. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    I don't see any way that DNC meeting on the 31st is going to give Hillary the answer she wants on Florida/Michigan. I don't forsee the DNC doing an about-face and changing the rules of the game this late in the race when they were so adamant in January that they were not going to count these delegates and ALL campaign agreed to it. If they do rule against Obama expect him to take it to the credentials committee which sets up for a very bloody convention. It'll make Chi-town in '68 look like a cake walk. However, Dean has said time and again he wants this thing settled by June 3rd. The only people that seem to be prolonging the agony are the Clintons and I significantly doubt Dean is going to allow them a victory that would extend this race. Clinton was asked this same question in a press conference today about whether she would take the battle on from the 31st if she didn't like the outcome of the meeting on the 31st and she basically said she'd look into taking the battle to the credentials committee and "beyond" that, whatever that means. My theory is that we're getting ready to see the Clinton team press that nuclear option button which is going to rip the Democratic Party apart. I've already made my feelings known about Florida and Michigan's delegates not being able to count because Obama wasn't on Michigan's ballot and Florida was a beauty contest. I significantly doubt Obama would've lost 55-33% there although I concede that Clinton would have won the state and won it by at least 7-8 points. Seating these delegates is a big "screw you" to the Obama campaign for the strategy that they have abbided by in making this campaign happen. It will also create the impression among Obama media supporters, blacks, upper class Democratic liberals, and young voters that the Clintons stole the election from Obama which creates convention chaos and probably leads to black/youth voters not showing up in November which seals a Democratic defeat in battleground states. I just don't understand how the Clinton advocates can keep a straight face when they smile on television and say "well actually Wolf the ACTUAL number we need to look at is 2,209", "we've always seen this as a TWENTY-SEVEN state contest", or my favorite line from a Clinton adviser last night at midnight on CNN "we closed the gap in North Carolina" (but at least Anderson Cooper took her to the woodshed over that one). However, I can see why the Clintons are staying in. They have gotten so used to winning (and winning handily) that they simply do not understand or appreciate the context of the political situation they are currently in. The last time the Clintons lost an election was in 1980 so I can't totally blame them for being in a state of shock at how the walls around them are growing tighter by the day.
  15. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    I'm usually not a Keith Olberman fan but that was brillant, pretty much sums up my frustration with the Clinton machine constantly changing the yard sticks in this race. I also love how they make it seem like Obama can't close when they couldn't close this race either. Remember the "inevitable" candidate? Remember how Hillary was going to finish him off by January? Remember when she was going to do it on Super Tuesday? Now the Clinton team has said that 2,025 is not the magic threshold to get the nomination and is instead 2,209 or so (counting Florida and Michigan). According to press sources, the Clinton team intends to wage a rules fight at the end of May to get Florida and Michigan reinstated. Sounds like this damn thing is never going to end and the Democrats are just going to turn around and lose a third straight election they could've won.
  16. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Exactly, which makes me hate the media for zooming in on Indiana and making the uneducated believe it has more delegates at stake than North Carolina. I guess North Carolina just isn't getting the coverage since its a southern state and has a bigger black population so it HAS to vote for Obama. A loss in NC by that margin (which exit polls are now seeming to confirm) would basically ensure that Clinton cannot catch Obama in the delegate math minus that 'nuclear option' politico.com was floating not too long ago. Regardless, I expect her to continue after tonight and go on a string of victories in lesser rich delegate states such as West Virginia (where she should win big) and here in Kentucky and then have those victories blunted to a degree by an Obama blowout in Oregon.
  17. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    According to Drudge the Clinton campaign is fearing a 15 point blowout in North Carolina but is hoping the media will keep focused on Indiana where they believe she will win tonight.
  18. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Yes, if you want to see a revolt in the Democratic Party and a really nasty convention this summer then Hillary's manuevering would do just that. While some may argue that Michigan and Florida should be seated both of those states screwed themselves. The DNC told them they faced sanction if they moved up and they did anyway so THOSE STATES and those states alone disenfranchised their voters. If Michigan/Florida had waited for their calendar date then they would've had a genuine impact on the primary (and yes I know that they didn't know that at the time). Attempting to seat those delegates is ridiculous because Obama and all other candidates signed on to the fact that they would not campaign there. Furthermore, counting Michigan's vote is even more ridiculous than Florida because in Michigan Obama's name wasn't on the ballot. The Michigan/Florida fiasco is another flip-flop by the Clinton campaign since they've known since Iowa that they were going to be in trouble with this nomination process. An attempt to pull this "nuclear option" would lead credence to the belief in Obama supporter circles that the nomination had been stolen from him and in the midst of that political climate there is NO WAY that Clinton would win in November. And to those who would argue that Obama would just be the VP that'd be even more silly after this scenario because he'd basically be endorsing his own screwing over by the party elite.
  19. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    I think Obama's victories in Missouri, Virginia, and Minnesota are good wins for him in this contest that he doesn't get enough credit for.
  20. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Well it looks like Obama got some good news today by winning the Guam caucus by 7 votes over Hillary.
  21. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    Amen. The sad thing is that the Wright fiasco could well cost Obama Indiana in a close race (although he'll still win by a decent margin in North Carolina to offset it) and then we have to endure the media giving us b.s. spin about how the Clinton machine is in control of the Democratic primary now that it won that state. This race, while competitive, has just done so much damage to both candidates. If Obama wins he's got to endure the Wright association for the general and if Hillary wins then she's basically going to have to rebuild her reach to the black community which probably will not work and that could well cost her the election. It would be interesting to see if Obama getting robbed of the nomination at the convention by super delegates could cause a great shift in the black vote back to the GOP. It's also interesting to note how either candidate could affect Congressional races in 2008. The Democrats are banking on getting a veto proof majority in the Senate and making some more gains and a case I think that either candidate needs to make at this juncture is how they could help other candidates with the "coat-tail" effect. It's not an argument I've really heard yet from either side.
  22. Danville_Wrestling

    Campaign 2008

    I agree that a Lincoln-Douglas style debate would favor Obama but I see it as a ploy by the Clinton campaign due to their financial straits. A debate gives you free advertising in front of voters and since the Clinton campaign is hard up for cash I see it as a way to get themselves on TV without having to actually pay for it. As a result, I'm not surprised Obama is saying "no" to more debates.
  23. Danville_Wrestling

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    Eh, I could care less either way. We haven't beaten the Spurs in San Antonio since '99 and I preferred not to play them in round one anyway. On another note, I'll root for Denver to take out LA but I'm not going to be delusional like Skip Bayless and say that they'll win that series.
  24. Danville_Wrestling

    MLB 2K8 and MLB: The Show

    Well Homer Bailey sucked it up in spring training for the Reds like he did in real life so I have to give MLB the Show credit for that. For some reason I am seeing the ball much better in this game than in the MVP games. My reflexes are much better when deciding when to lay off of pitches or when to try to put them in play. I'm 4-1 in spring training with the Reds (just lost 8-7 to the Jays thanks to Mr. Bailey).
  25. Danville_Wrestling

    King of The Ring

    I'll take a shot at some of these except #2 b/c I've been watching WWE off and on since '02 (with 2005 being the only year between then and now that I watched all the way through) 1. How much of the tournament should be shown on the PPV? Quarterfinals on? Semi-finals on? Having just the semis allows for a bit better match quality because not all of your wrestlers are going to get gassed and the card doesn't feel as rushed. However, I prefer to have the quarters, semis, and finals all in one night with the qualifying matches being contested on the television broadcasts leading up to the event. 3. If Steve Austin hadn't won the '96 King of The Ring, how would it have effected his career? What if Triple H hadn't won in '97? If Austin had not won then we never would have gotten the "Austin 3:16" promo versus Jake Roberts and the push of credibility Austin needed to escape the "Ringmaster" character that he was with Ted DiBiase. Austin beating Mero was big in the semis as his early rounds matchups were unimpressive (Bob Holly and Savio Vega) and Mero was still undefeated at that point in the WWF. Also, Austin demolished Roberts in the final and began molding himself into the character that he'd become. With HHH I think it helped establish him after a terrible mid/late-1996 jobbing streak due to the MSG incident. There was no one else in the tournament that year who really needed/could have won since Ahmed was beginning to lose his feud with the Nation by that point, Lawler was a joke entry, and Mankind being king didn't make very much sense. HHH wouldn't get over huge until 1999 and DX was still several months away but the KOTR victory advanced his first feud with Mankind and started to show the ruthlessness HHH would start to craft into his persona (especially with Chyna backing him up) 4. What are some of your favorite King of The Ring memories? As far as the tournament, Bret Hart's match against Perfect in the '93 semis was very good. I also enjoy Austin's promo versus Jake Roberts in '96 and loved when Shamrock made the Rock tap out in the '98 finals. Also, as an IRS mark I liked his push to the semis in '94 before jobbing to Ramon. 5. Least favorite? The b.s. time limit draw between Luger and Tatanka in '93. Mabel's run through the whole 1995 tournament. The only guy he should have beaten was Adam Bomb.