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Murmuring Beast

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Everything posted by Murmuring Beast

  1. Murmuring Beast


    Yea, I'm looking forward to it. Sure, it'll probably be shit, but if it gets me going, then I'm all for it.
  2. Murmuring Beast

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    Well, if you think like that, good for you. But there are people who are suspiciously Keith-like in their views. I'll give everyone a week to think for themselves.
  3. Murmuring Beast

    The Unintentional Comedy King of WWE

    Myself - because I fuck up each and everything I do at least once.
  4. Murmuring Beast

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    Don't think so mate. I like loads of guys that are popular on this board, and also others like A-Train. So please review your statement.
  5. Murmuring Beast


    I like the taste of my fingers. Sadly I need them to my daily stuff.
  6. Murmuring Beast

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    It doesn't because of a lot of the time it's true. "Oh, Matt Hardy should be getting a push, as should Christian" - all views reflected on this board despite the fact that both guys are, well, meh.
  7. Murmuring Beast

    Hosses = Ratings

    I think Austin has spiked interest. Bischoff is being wasted/humiliated by Vinnie Mac and co, despite the fact that he is a modern day genius in terms of wrestling.
  8. Murmuring Beast

    Organized Religion

    In the school where I have just left, which is Catholic, by the way, there was this religous teacher who was just a bully and turned me off religion for good. 1. He dismissed Darwinism by saying, "I'm no' related to Jimmy the monkey from the nearby Zoo" 2. He said that the bible wasn't supposed to be taken literally. Of course, the second one made me laugh the hardest. The book was written 2000 years ago for ignorants and by ignorants and now he is trying to go back on these people's words by saying "Oh, no, they didn't mean that" Yes they did, Tom, and it's all in there. Killing blasphemours, stoning folk to death. Kinda like Afghanistan, but you weren't exactly condoning that, were you? Oh, and just so I can get this off my chest and I hope no one is offended ... "FUCK, YOU, TOM HUGHES. YOU ARE A BULLY WHO GETS OFF ON INTIMIDATING CHILDREN. YOU ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE A SAD FUCKER"
  9. Murmuring Beast

    Goldberg's temper kills him again!

    If Foley faces Triple H, thew will bigger buyrates than they would if Goldberg was in the match. This pretty much means that Kane gets demasked or whatever next week.
  10. Murmuring Beast

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    He's hitting the german/headbutt less because his necked is fucked not because of this phantom WWE style~. Benoit only has a year left.
  11. Murmuring Beast


    Do we get bread or baps?
  12. Murmuring Beast

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    I enjoyed the match with Benoit-RVD at Summerslam and if I was to use your Frosty The Snowman star rating, it was a **** star match. To imply that RVD didn't try is bullshit. Of course he tried. Just because he didn't hold his shoulder every 5 seconds when you had your calculator in one hand checking up on him is, in my eyes, irrelevant. I enjoyed the match. You say it sucked. Why? Cos Scott Keith told you so and don't try denying it. The match maybe had rest-holds because both men are burned out, not because those evil bookers told them to do it. And whenever Benoit has a good match, do the writers ever get a shred of credit from you and your flock? No. Goodnight.
  13. Murmuring Beast

    Hosses = Ratings

    I'm expecting 4.7 next week.
  14. Murmuring Beast

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    Good God, man, shut up.
  15. Murmuring Beast

    The One And Only Smackdown Spoiler Thread

    Why is it WWE's fault that Rhyno-Benoit sucked? Go away and masturbate to the Royal Rumble.
  16. Murmuring Beast


    Yep. The new Kane at times has been very embarrasing to watch. "Freaks are cool" Kissing Terri out of impluse and then celebrating. Kane, you are a retarded fuck-up boy and you always will be. At least act like it.
  17. Murmuring Beast

    Vince Russo joins 1wrestling...

    It's voluntarry, Jackass
  18. Murmuring Beast

    My first song I Wrote.

  19. Murmuring Beast

    You like-a the juice, eh?

    Too much-a tha juice, eh?
  20. Murmuring Beast

    Goldber - Fan in Chicken suit incident?

    Goldberg, like Steiner, gets far too carried away when he's in the zone. If Steiner relaxed a little bit he wouldn't nearly fuck up as much as he does.
  21. Murmuring Beast


    Holy shit, yes, I would mark out too. And if Kane does take his mask off, all that will be revealed is that he had bad acne as a kid and Undertaker teased him because of it.
  22. Murmuring Beast

    Vince Russo joins 1wrestling...

    How is a mask supposed to knock someone out for a three count? At least a high-heel shoe would hurt.
  23. Murmuring Beast

    My first song I Wrote.

    What kind of music will accompany it?
  24. Murmuring Beast

    MSG Raw not sold out

    Yea, Austin's a big sell out. He's put down some of the shit that was happening and he comes back and makes another man roll in it! Sell out 3:16, I'm afraid.
  25. Murmuring Beast

    Vince Russo joins 1wrestling...

    Keith should fuck off too.