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Murmuring Beast

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Everything posted by Murmuring Beast

  1. Murmuring Beast

    Bad Blood

    Hey! Leave Gunn and Train outta there!
  2. Murmuring Beast

    WWE Weekend Results

    You paid money for those? Gold. Solid gold.
  3. Murmuring Beast

    Who is more liked

    This thread proves that outside is sunny.
  4. Murmuring Beast

    Will HHH vs Goldberg be a #1 contenders match?

    I predict a HBK heel turn tonight - IF they have any balls - and Evolution will consist of Trips, Orton, Flair and Michaels.
  5. Murmuring Beast

    For the Filthy Leechers in Attendance

  6. Murmuring Beast

    Question: WILL MICK FOLEY TAKE A BUMP?!?!?!

    Yes, but it's not very subtle, is it?
  7. Murmuring Beast

    Bad Blood

    I remember nearly getting banned a couple of years back on the old board for the legendary Jock S.Trap parodies. Deep down everyone loved them. I bet someone still has it on their hard-drive.
  8. Murmuring Beast

    Link to the Lesnar/Show bump

    Big Show is the man for taking that bump.
  9. Murmuring Beast

    Bad Blood

    Keep him.
  10. Murmuring Beast

    Question: WILL MICK FOLEY TAKE A BUMP?!?!?!

    I'd keep him for his name. You gotta admit, it's kinda cool.
  11. Murmuring Beast

    Bad Blood

    Putting the IC Title match in the opener would kill the title as far as being credible. Stick it in the semi-final slot. Nah, they've done it loads of times before. It doesn't really matter as long as it fires up the crowd.
  12. Murmuring Beast

    Question: WILL MICK FOLEY TAKE A BUMP?!?!?!

    This board has been sucking pretty hard lately ...
  13. Murmuring Beast

    What are symptoms for a Migraine?

    Death is a symptom. Although it could be deafness and I didn't hear it correctly.
  14. Murmuring Beast

    New Wrestler-themed WWE DVD announced at Amazon

    They better do a Benoit and Eddie one soon. Why would they do an Eddie DvD?
  15. Murmuring Beast

    VH1's "100 greatest songs of the last 25 years"

    No way Madonna should be on any list. Who? Jesus H... ? Ugh Loud bullshit chant starts What is this? Affirmative Action? Meh, Kiss is on my list is better. ? WHAT?! Ok, I give up now. This is utter shit. Who has heard of this pish or even cares? Most of it's crap. I mean, there are major artists here completly glossed over or only have one song. A load of hip-hop crap shit rubbish. Ugh. What a crappy channel anyway.
  16. Murmuring Beast

    Word association thread

    Big John Studd.
  17. Murmuring Beast

    My Friend, The Baby

    Why is the file called HilaryDuffNaked?
  18. Murmuring Beast

    Billy Gunn...

    That music was rubbish.
  19. Murmuring Beast

    Link to the Lesnar/Show bump

    I've really like the Big Show-Lesnar matches. There's always a sense of anticipation in them and Lesnar has made Show work really hard in the ring. I say quit moaning and enjoy the matches because you know deep down that you really love them. Love and Mercy.
  20. Murmuring Beast

    Word association thread

    knee brace.
  21. Murmuring Beast

    3 Minute Warning down to 90 seconds ?

    Exactly what I thought when I saw that pic.
  22. Murmuring Beast

    Link to the Lesnar/Show bump

    The inconclusive end gives it that tune in next week edge I liked it.
  23. To be Numbah One Contender~ you must sign a $5000,000 contract with the company and be a cripple.
  24. Murmuring Beast

    Matt Hardy in line for Push

    No, I thought Hogan was just dicking the crusierweights around at that time and squashed them when everyone thought they were getting their chance. I don't thnk that had anything to do with Kidman dropping the ball.
  25. Murmuring Beast

    Matt Hardy in line for Push

    Kidman has to be the most boring, exciting wrestler I have ever seen. Love and Mercy.