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Murmuring Beast

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Everything posted by Murmuring Beast

  1. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    And that hidden agenda is ... ratings! Shock HORRoR?!~~!~~ Let's give it up for the LEsbians!2w LOLSLOLOLOl-OMG~
  2. Murmuring Beast

    So is HHH going to win?

    I want to see Nash win. You'll see what I mean soon.
  3. Murmuring Beast

    WWE Judgment Day 2002

    Great rant. The handicap match was really funny. Austin was on fine form that night.
  4. Murmuring Beast

    free speech for the dumb

    This is a conversation I seemingly have daily with one of my friends. Avril Lavinge comes on the radio - He tries to feign ignorance of my clear disgust, but eventually gives in... Him: What? Me: Turn that crap off Him: It's not crap Me: Yes, it is - it's three chord, commercial, over-blown, pap. Him: Fuck off, it's not. Me: It is Him: Avril is punky brilliance Me: You don't know what punk is Him: Yea, I fucking do Me: Punk is the Sex Pistols and The Clash Him: Who? Me: Exactly. This is just pop marketed as punk so that sexually insecure people like yourself can enjoy it without being labelled gay. Him: Me gay? You like the Beach Boys or whatever they're called. Me: So? Him: They are gay. How come I have never heard of them if they are so good? Me: Because you like to block your ears with crap each day thus eliminated the flow of any good music into your pores. Him: Old means crap. Me: Most modern day music is crap anyway. Him: You don't like Modern Day Music because you are scared of the noise? Me: What? Him: You are scared of the swearing. Me: And swearing appeals to you in music? That's pathetic Eminem now is brought up in the discussion Me: A fucking arsehole - cat sat on the mat - anyone can do that. Him: You're scared. Me: Answer me this. How many people will listened to Sum 41 and Blink 182 in 40 years time ... I'll tell you: no-one Him: I will Me: Hopefully you will have come to your senses and realise that you were damaging yourself listening to such pish when you were younger. Him: They are geniuses - your music is crap Me: Geniuses? Brian Wilson is a genius Him: Who? Is this another one of your gay boys. I look down at his tie, which is pulled down a la Avril Lavinge. I shake my head with a mixture of disgust and pity and look out the window.
  5. Murmuring Beast

    A-Train Is Not Crap

    Yea, I don't mind the guy, but it's all a bit tongue-in-cheek. But if anyone wants to join it's £30.00 per month and with that you get a free razor.
  6. Murmuring Beast

    HTM on HHH love

    Brilliant, that's all I can say.
  7. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    Ice-Cream too. Poor buggers like me would never be able to put on any weight.
  8. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    I don't see Confidential, but if they want to deliver a serious product I don't think Okerlund in his old age is the one to do it.
  9. Murmuring Beast

    Why did they bring back the IC belt,

    Sorry, I was too busy Hulking- Up. I'd watch that leg-drop if I was you.
  10. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    Flawed theory. They brought back loads of old wrestlers and you willingly say they suck. John Madden? He some fat commentator?
  11. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    But why bring him back????? This is the problem I have. Regardless of whether these guys are good or not - why the hell do they bring them back!!? Try and do something with future presenters instead.
  12. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    Whether I watch it or not is irrelevant: I still know he is with the company and it's not really necessary. Vince just wants all his pals next to him so he feels more secure at night.
  13. Murmuring Beast

    Why did they bring back the IC belt,

    Christian won it so a feud could be built between him and Booker. But since they are both so fucked as wrestlers, it won't come to anything. Colour me uninterested.
  14. Murmuring Beast

    Smackdown House show In austin

    Torrie = Bi-Sexual. After all, she is dating Kidman.
  15. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    I'll be brutally honest: people like Okerlund are of no use nowadays.
  16. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    I just though Scotland were the most eager yesterday, which is real shock to my system. See, in the past, Scotland would always kick the asses of the big teams regardless of the score. But with Vogts, with the exception of yesterday, there has been no heart in the performances. Hopefully we have turned the corner.
  17. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    Why the Hell are people like Okerlund employed? It just shows you how insecure McMahon really is.
  18. Murmuring Beast

    A-Train Is Not Crap

    T & A had great music.
  19. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    Go out with your friends instead or go for a nice long walk. It's good for you, plus you'll learn more about wrestling.
  20. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    Are you not happy with Voller? If you fail to beat the Faroes - well, let's just say, that's a real indictment of the game just now. The big teams are getting scalped all over the show.
  21. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    We have been utter Barry White recently, but we came good yesterday. It's now you and us gunning for the championships, you gotta believe.
  22. Murmuring Beast

    WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

    Yea, well I'm Scottish - I just want my burgers from them - and maybe the odd wrestling match once in a while.
  23. Murmuring Beast

    bring on spanky

    Spanky is the awesome.
  24. Murmuring Beast

    Why did they bring back the IC belt,

    I feel sorry for Booker, but he should just turn around and kick someone in the balls ... on live TV.
  25. Murmuring Beast

    Triple H on Jimmy Kimmel live

    Trips = No Charisma. I mean, what non-wrestling fan wants to see this guy?