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Murmuring Beast

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Everything posted by Murmuring Beast

  1. Murmuring Beast

    Ref For Hell In The Cell

    It did. I'm not going to see it, but those that do order it will do so out of curiosity.
  2. Murmuring Beast

    Dr. Jho - Miracle Worker?

    No, but over-saturation is a problem. These guys are on tv week in week out, bumping into each other all the time on skits. For that reason alone, it wouldn't necesarilly "draw" at PPV time. If they were kept apart then it may be of use, but the whole "money match" format is dying because it's happened so many times over the last two years and the fans are getting tired of it.
  3. Murmuring Beast

    Jericho Interview on Goldberg

    Didn't read it, didn't have to. Monitored Bullshit. Welcome to Jericho IS Squashed!
  4. Murmuring Beast

    Anyone want..

    Just buy a house and put wheels and a sail on it.
  5. Murmuring Beast

    Dr. Jho - Miracle Worker?

    No such thing as a "money" match anymore. Vince's monopoly has killed it.
  6. Murmuring Beast

    Raw Rating Rises

    Even the microfiche!
  7. Murmuring Beast

    Dr. Jho - Miracle Worker?

    Austin is addicted and he can't get enough of being around wrestling.
  8. Murmuring Beast

    Raw Rating Rises

    True, but it was the one that the live crowd got most into. I usually like what the live crowd likes. I'm sad like that.
  9. Murmuring Beast

    Ref For Hell In The Cell

    But I think that's what Foley found difficult. He found it hard to "love" the business like he once did. And who can blame him? Main Event Jobber To The Stars(!)
  10. Murmuring Beast

    Ref For Hell In The Cell

    I would love to see him back, of course.
  11. Murmuring Beast

    Barry Manilow hits a wall, breaks his nose...

    I am the game-uh.
  12. Murmuring Beast

    Raw Rating Rises

    I didn't mind Mr America at first. After all, it was the most over feud in the company. Now, it's just getting too weird.
  13. Murmuring Beast

    With All This Mcmahon/HHH Bashing

    Can't argue that.
  14. Murmuring Beast

    Ref For Hell In The Cell

    I would have thought that he would have retired his characters to be taken more seriously. A non-wrestling book - is it? - will not be taken seriously if advertised by a persona of the author.
  15. Murmuring Beast

    Raw Rating Rises

    No, he wants you to think like that. Don't do it! Ahem~
  16. Murmuring Beast

    Ref For Hell In The Cell

    I think you're missing the point. This isn't certain, so it could be Doctor Death in the end.
  17. Murmuring Beast

    Dr. Jho - Miracle Worker?

    Tajiri is Asian, right?
  18. Murmuring Beast

    Ref For Hell In The Cell

    He would stay away because he was through with the WWF when he left last year.
  19. Murmuring Beast

    Ref For Hell In The Cell

    ? rephrase.
  20. Murmuring Beast

    Dr. Jho - Miracle Worker?

    "Doctor Joe has come and gone away, hey, hey, hey..." Or something like that. Hey, I'm not a fan of theirs.
  21. Murmuring Beast

    Ref For Hell In The Cell

    I thought Foley would be pissed off at all the Adult stuff WWE is doing just now. Maybe he will inspire a return to old days. I think he'd hold some weight if he returned. He knows the ins and outs. Of course, it could all be speculation.
  22. Murmuring Beast

    Dr. Jho - Miracle Worker?

    If Goldberg hasn't buggered off and Austin's still with the company and even then ... slim stuff.
  23. Murmuring Beast

    With All This Mcmahon/HHH Bashing

    Vince doesn't look any age. He's unique as he's 60 with the body of a wrestler, the face of a reptile, the hair of a mannequin and the voice of someone who eats nothing but sand.
  24. Murmuring Beast

    Raw Rating Rises

    Because it's funny seeing a billionaire fail miserably? I don't know, you tell me.
  25. Murmuring Beast

    Dr. Jho - Miracle Worker?

    Any more matches could finish it for him. He'll be a cripple if he continues. Neck surgery, then quit, Steve.