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Everything posted by AnonymousBroccoli

  1. AnonymousBroccoli

    I have one month of Xbox Live to give away

    GTA IV manunt, maybe? Last one to survive Toth's rocket and Apache-fueled wrath wins.
  2. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    EB Canada has a pre-order deal for EA Sports games. Trade 2 games and $9.95. The games have to have $8+ in trade-in value, which may be difficult to find. Assassin's Creed, for example, is worth all of a Toonie. They have to be current-gen, as well. No PS2, GC, Xbox, GBA. And no PC either, I believe.
  3. AnonymousBroccoli

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    According to this page, Madden 08 sold best on PS2; about 390K better than 360. An Xbox release would kind of surprise me, though I could've sworn that 08 sold about as well there as it did on the Wii.
  4. AnonymousBroccoli

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    There's all the people that already own PS2s, and it's the best $100-ish system available, so there's plenty of people still buying it. Almost 1.3 million in the US, in the first half of the year.
  5. AnonymousBroccoli

    Freaks & Geeks

    Here's what the original had. I guess the re-release is supposed to be the same content-wise, with slightly better packaging, so collectors can still have something to brag about. http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/news/Freaks-Geeks/1003
  6. AnonymousBroccoli

    Freaks & Geeks

    My dad actually found the DVD set on the local library's website. I've got discs 1 & 2 now, and watched the first today. I really like it already. Bill fucking owns. I'd like to get the Yearbook set, though... $127. Or $174 in Canada. I'd might as well get the original version from an eBayer, rather than a slighly lesser one from .ca.
  7. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    I read an FAQ for the original that suggested going for the Pacifist achievement (don't shoot/bomb for the first 60 seconds) every time you play the game, just to practice your movement skills. I would do that, but I only play the game for 20 minutes every few months, so I don't really care enough to practice.
  8. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    The GW2 demo was kind of cool, but I didn't play the original a whole lot, and I'm not generally a fan of digital distribution. I mainly tried it to enter this. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/events...ade/default.htm
  9. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    I don't know if there's universal compatability with every USB hub, but in general, I would think they should work. Rock Band comes bundled with a powered hub. There's two USB ports on the back of the HD DVD drive, for the record. And one on the back of the 360, above the ethernet port. (Sorry if I'm pointing out the obvious. )
  10. AnonymousBroccoli

    Rock Band!

    So I'm pretty much dead after that. D: First time I've finished it. At least a dozen tries, maybe two. I pretty much just spammed the red pad with my left hand, trying to keep on beat with bass & yellow. No chance of me doing it properly at full speed. Now I can get through "Won't Get Fooled Again" (I've done it before a few times), and get my batch of drum achievements. Just not right now. The whole dead thing.
  11. AnonymousBroccoli

    Rock Band!

    I actually just played through it again on Medium. I improved on the streak, but not the score. (This is several months after the last PS2 score.) There's nothing in there I'm unable to do--I've gotten through the song on Expert--it's more a matter of keeping focussed, and not going cross-eyed for the duration of the 10-minute marathon run. And if you're going for 100%, you also have to not zone out, and keep watch for the occasional parts where it skips a bass beat, or that sort of thing. As opposed to guitar, where in addition to the marathon, you've also got some crazy snakes to deal with on Expert. Which I'm personally no good at. I've finished the song once, but it wasn't pretty.
  12. AnonymousBroccoli

    Rock Band!

    It's pretty much long and tiring, as opposed to tricky in any major way. I remember for a while, my body didn't want to do the foot-Yellow, Red-Yellow rhythm properly. My foot would keep going down with both hands for Red-Yellow. (The first time I finished "Blitzkrieg Bop" Medium, which is pretty much only this, I managed all of 2 stars.) The parts where it alternates between foot & Red-Green also gave me problems. I'm sure it's been said before, but it's just a matter of practice, and learning the rhythm. The first time I finished "GGaHT" on Medium (looks like 3rd try), a few weeks after starting the game, I got 250K, 90% hit, 374 streak. A month later, I tried again; 395K, 99%, 1589 streak, with maybe a dozen misses altogether.
  13. AnonymousBroccoli

    1up on Dead Rising Wii changes

    They're just different types of games is all. In the admittedly little time I've had with Resident Evil 4, you could usually keep your enemies in front of you, more or less. In Dead Rising, they're pretty much everywhere. Even when you're able to see what's sneaking up on you, it's still a little tough to turn around and hit it in time. I don't know that you'd get the full comedic effect of swinging a guitar if the view is from the back of your head, either.
  14. AnonymousBroccoli

    1up on Dead Rising Wii changes

    I doubt you'll have as many characters on-screen as the 360 version, but given that you're in a mall, surrounded by zombies, having the camera RE4-style sounds like a pretty bad idea to me.
  15. AnonymousBroccoli

    E3 2008

    Final Fantasy XIII is only on 360 in North America and Europe. Given that it's still also on PS3, I doubt that'd be much of an incentive for the Japanese to go with the Xbox.
  16. AnonymousBroccoli

    E3 2008

    Dawn of War 2 trailer. BANANAS~! http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36579.html
  17. AnonymousBroccoli

    E3 2008

    This Prince of Persia trailer is absolutely gorgeous. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36270.html
  18. AnonymousBroccoli

    E3 2008

    And Penny Arcade just about nails it: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2008/7/16/
  19. AnonymousBroccoli

    E3 2008

    It's not over-priced in the sense that a fuckton of people are willing to buy it at $250. They could have easily gotten away with a bump to $299 this past Christmas. It is over-priced in the sense that it's an overclocked GameCube with WiFi and Bluetooth in terms of hardware. The fact that it's lacking in games only helps to make it not worth the money to me.
  20. AnonymousBroccoli

    E3 2008

    Nintendo's conference was pretty lame. Even by my standards of lameness. (See signature. ) I usually get irrationally giddy at the mere sight of new Nintendo stuff. There was nothing there that appealed to me. Except maybe the GTA DS announcement, which was more of a surprise than an "OMG GOTTA HAVE IT". MotionPlus is kinda cool, but I hope they integrate it into new Wii-motes, rather than making you throw a dongle on every single one. Animal Crossing pretty much bored me during my GameCube rental time. Wii AC's announcement did more of the same. Robbie Drums was hilarious, and needs some GIF action. And 4Chan obliges: http://i34.tinypic.com/2e1ap9v.jpg Anyhow. Just makes me glad I haven't spent my money on a Wii. I thought it was over-priced at $250 at launch, and it's still $270 ($303 w/ tax) in Ontario. Virtual Console is over-priced, ridiculously under-exploited, and the games aren't portable in any sense. Not playable on DS where possible (and most of them should be), or from an SD card, or even movable to another Wii. There's maybe a dozen current disc games I'm even remotely interested in, but again, nothing I've gotta have. And nothing I can think of coming down the pipe. The G4 Fallout 3 demo was fuckin' swank. Adam Sessler was pretty much ready to ejaculate on stage. http://www.g4tv.com/e32008/videos/26939/Ha..._Fallout_3.html The MS conference was my favourite, between the HUGE FFXIII news (which, admittedly, I don't really care about), Rock Band 2, and various other stuff. I've got a 360 and a semi-capable PC for now, so that helps. I thought the Gears 2 demo was pretty cool. Sideways elevator ride in a collapsed building; grabbing an enemy's shield, using it, then planting it in the ground for cover; "If they can ride 'em, so can we." Fable 2 didn't really do much for me, either on G4 or at the MS conference. I liked what I saw from GDC, and I'm still gonna get it, but I haven't seen anything exciting from E3. I didn't love or hate the Sony conference. Some neat ideas and games, but nothing really blew me away. I was kind of surprised at the Ratchet PSN game price. I thought maybe $20, and expected $30, but it ends up being $15. Not too bad. The Resistance 2 demo was wild too. 300-foot boss fight in a Chicago warzone. x_x inFamous isn't one of those games I'd buy a system for, but I'll definitely check it out whenever I get a PS3. Seems kind of like a cross between Fable and Crackdown to an extent. After pushing the legacy of the PlayStation name so much, along with PS2 continuing to be a force, it seems so silly to me to introduce an 80GB "Core" model, which I assume won't have PS2 backwards compatability. More storage for the same price is good. A lower price, and/or a return to full functionality would be better. I could say the same for MS and their 60GB Pro model. Which still doesn't have WiFi, as far as I know. They push Xbox Live as a major service, and component of the 360 experience. Especially with the Netflix partnership. They throw promo movies on the console for "Wireless Accessories" and "Wireless World". Then they make you tether the console to a long-ass blue cable to get it online. Either a hassle, or impossible for a lot of people. Or they charge you $100 for a $40 USB wireless adapater. And 60GB still isn't much, especially since the system files seem to chew up about 10GB of that. Not to mention they're almost 3 years into their life cycle, and are still at $350 for the least expensive, viable SKU. I say viable, because the Arcade is still shit, and I have no idea why the 20GB model isn't replacing it, so a hard drive is at least standard. (So they can sell $100+ hard drives separately to un-informed buyers, no doubt.) All of the media offerings like movies and TV doesn't mean much to me in Canada. I find they're all too expensive anyhow. If you're buying MS point cards at regular price, it costs $9.36 for a 1 or 2-day 720p movie rental on Xbox Live. And you have to wait to download it, and make sure you have room on your piddling, proprietary, over-priced hard drive. That's ridiculous. There ended up being a fair bit of venomous ranting in there. How about that.
  21. AnonymousBroccoli

    Xbox 360

    I don't think it's what you're talking about, but there's DC Universe Online, which will be for PS3 and PC.
  22. AnonymousBroccoli

    Rock Band!

    It's not the entire RB1 disc soundtrack that can be ripped. I believe the word Alex Rigopulos used at the Microsoft conference was "most". Probably some licensing issues with a handful of the songs. He also said that by the end of this year, there will be 500 Rock Band songs available.
  23. AnonymousBroccoli

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

  24. AnonymousBroccoli

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    http://kotaku.com/5023157/npds-pc-sales-charts-june-22+28 #2 best-selling PC game for June: The Sims 2: IKEA Home Stuff My poor brain.
  25. AnonymousBroccoli

    UFC 86: Jackson vs Griffin

    That's pretty much how I saw it. I figured Rd 1 to Rampage because of the knockdown, and Rd 2 to Forrest, but the rest was close enough to go either way. I watched 1-4 twice before Rd 5, after my brother saw I had it on and wanted to start again. I'll admit I was kind of rooting for Forrest, and I had a feeling he'd managed to pull off the decision. The 49-45 score surprised me, though I can kind of see where it would come from.