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Cherry Blossom Viscount

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Everything posted by Cherry Blossom Viscount

  1. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    Benoit talks like he's constipated.
  2. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    Some Guy: Hey, lady, get over here! Girl: Eek! Bad Ass: Stop! Some Guy: Who the fuck are you. Bad Guy: Leave...that girl,...alone...before I kick...your..... *some guy punches bad ass and rapes girl* Yes, bad ass indeed.
  3. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    I seriously doubt you built RVD up enough to make HHH feel it was worth it to job to him. You most likely just said, "Hey, I'll put my fave wrestler against HHH to take out some frustration." You should have put RVD in a few minor feuds first to build his overness and then have him go against HHH.
  4. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    Gee, don't you know that Benoit created the heavens and the earth!?
  5. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    I wasn't talking about promos. The Rock and the others I've mentioned can all get the crowd on their feet better and more consistently than Benoit can.
  6. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    So, Uhm, Yeah. Randy Orton is Main Eventing the

    Because that's the norm. Well, how else do you expect these new guys to get over? The WWE is obviously too impatient to let the guys be built up at a natural pace so they are going to push and push until they get over. Most of the big stars are going to be the OVW guys which no one has heard of until they show up one day. Honestly, next year at this time Orlando Jordon or Jindrak will be in the same position as Orton, barely over heel with sizeable push.
  7. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Triple h to kill another successfull gimmick match

    Nash needs to be a heel for the rest of his career. He's too slow and lame to be pushed as a credible face. Him and Steiner could for a little team with Test in the midcard beating up women or something. Goldberg is waaay more over than he was when going up against the Rock. HHH is finally getting real heel heat, not face pops, or a mixture of both. However, I really don't see how can he be a full fledged face after this reign. He's been so dispicable in this role that I can't imagine an arena cheering for him. Orton was getting heat in that Jericho hightlight reel segment. Particularly when he said he was going to retire Michaels and when he beat him up. They NEED to play that up and focus on Orton/Michaels in the chamber if they're going to get this kid over. Like him or not, HBK does put heat on people.
  8. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    So, Uhm, Yeah. Randy Orton is Main Eventing the

    But look what he's become.
  9. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    So, Uhm, Yeah. Randy Orton is Main Eventing the

    Orton winning now wouldn't be any different than Brock winning last year. Remember that? And Brock had LESS heat than Orton does now. There were times Lesnar would be greeted with silence. Literally.
  10. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Triple h to kill another successfull gimmick match

    Not after this Shane debacle. Someone suggested that Kane light Shane on fire and run him over with the paddy wagon, or at least throw him off the ramp on fire or something. They should have done that. Oh well.
  11. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Triple h to kill another successfull gimmick match

    Positive logical thoughts aren't allowed in a HHH thread. Please, take that bile elsewhere.
  12. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Triple h to kill another successfull gimmick match

    And how do you know this? Did you do a sit down interview with him? Last I checked it was a RUMOR that he MIGHT be turning face, nothing set in stone. And the IWC bitching level rises again. I guess two decent to good shows was too much to handle so you turned your bitch quotient up 8000x times. And why do you feel the WWE should change their booking plans just because they are in Canada? Who cares? HBK and Goldy shouldn't act heelish for one night because they'll get booed anyway. The WWE did the right thing. You all always complain about kogic gaps and continuity but you somehow want them to book illogically just to flow with Canadian crowd reactions? Hello! Most of the shows are done in America! Ugh. Lame. And boy, I can't wait until next year, by then the Orton bitchfest should have died down and you all can find someone else to bitch about whilst on your periods. It was Cena and Brock last year, loos like Orton and Bautista (when he returns) this year. As for AS's overness ratings.... Nash is about as over as Benoit, that either means Nash is over, or Benoit is not over. Goldberg is about twice as over as Nash HHH and Jericho are equally as over. Orton is over enough, but not much HBK is the most over man in the whole damn thing. Hopefully HHH retains here as well. But hey, if he doesn't, he can go on over to SD! as a heel and interject himself into the Brock Lesnar/Angle love fest and squash Benoit and Rey on the way there. You just know he would anyway. And I'm perfectly fine with that.
  13. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    Hmmm, besides Eddie Guerrero, let' see..... The Rock HHH a few years ago (VERY rarely now) Kurt Angle Steve Austin Hulk Fucking Hogan HBK Chris Jericho And maybe even Booker T as well.
  14. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Newsbits and Tidnotes

    Give HHH some credit, at least he plans to put SOMEONE over. And damn, a few months ago, you all were complaining when HHH was in TOO MANY segments and now he's usually in one 5-10 minute segment/match per show and you all still find reason to complain. HHHate on my brothers, hhhate on.
  15. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    Benoit deserves a month long token title reign just like Hogan got. There's nothing "special" about Benoit anymore. He's not the best wrestler in the WWE, he's not the most charasmatic, he doesn't have an "aura," and he's definately not the best talker. Except for the wrestling part, he's pretty below average in all of those categories. Chris Jericho is champion material, he is the total package. Benoit is barely 25% of the package these days. Him getting the title at this point is no better than A-Train. Now, if this was Benoit from 2-10 years ago, yeah, I could see a title reign, but it's really too late now. Let him stick to the midcards and put people over while Brock/Show/Cena/Angle/Taker/TWGTT/Matt Hardy rule the main event scene.
  16. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Angle says Benoit deserves to be WWE champion

    Fact: Benoit does not suck on the mic. His promo's are crisp and to the point. He doesn't talk fancy and he doesn't fuck up. Sure, he doesn't have the charisma of The Rock or Jericho, but he certainly doesn't suck. Benoit DOES suck on the mic. The promo with Eddie was horrendous. I'm not surprised his ass got booed. Luckily, Rhyno was there to cut an even worse promo and take some of the heat off of Benoit. "When was the last time you called me Eddie?" What the hell is that? A discarded line from the Brock/Angle love affair? Benoit hasn't cut a good promo since his mini feud with Angle, and that was months ago, and that was ONE PROMO. Fact: Not only is he best in the WWE, he's tops in the world and arguably the best worker of all time. So, don't tell me that he's "midcard for life" when I see him getting standing ovations for constantly delivering the goods. The best in what? Hauling out the same match night in and night out? Stop living in the past. Benoit is probably not even top 100 caliber now. But everyone keeps saying he is because they're judging his past work. If that's the case, HHH should still be considered an awesome wrestler because of the 2000/2001 era. Benoit has had ONE standout match this year. ONE. And he got one standing ovation for that one, and a smaller one when he showed up on SD! the week after the PPV. Wow, TWO standing ovations. Hogan was getting NIGHTLY standing ovations as a heel and he possessed more charisma and mic skills in his pinky nail than three Benoit's EVER could. And you remember what happened when the put the title on him don't you? Fact: Angle can't cut a serious promo to save his life . Rey sucks. TWGTT sucks. HHH sucks. La Resistance sucks. Booker T is good but stale. Molly Holly doesn't talk, period. Almost every single champion in the WWE right now are below average at promo's. You're nitpicking Benoit because he's the best. Move on. Angle has cut numerous serious promos. Get Benoit's cock out of your ear and listen up boy. Rey is okay. TWGTT are rookies, and better at promos than Benoit, who is a fucking 10+ year vet. HHH does not suck on the mic. His promos draw heat and he's refined his work to get someone over or a program over. I can't remember the last long winded HHH promo I heard. La Resistance are rookies and they've drawn more heat with one of them as a friggin' teenager than Benoit EVER has as a heel except when he had SHANE FUCKING MCMAHON as a mouthpiece. And what is Benoit the best at? Getting obsessive fanboys to suck his cock and spill ther loads over matches that happened years ago? If that's it then I more than agree with you. Note: Post style stolen from RavishingRickRudo
  17. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    The One and Only Are You Gonna Be A Dumbass

    Um, no you can't. Not on this one. At least I wasn't able to. Even if I can, or could, it doesn't matter now. I've played back up to that point.
  18. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    The One and Only Are You Gonna Be A Dumbass

    The game is fun and all, but I have kind of soured on it, I guess that's MY fault for starting a 3.0 game a week before 4.0 came out. But hell, how was I supposed to know it would come out so soon? I was still mad when I couldn't use my saved game in 4.0 My fed based on me and my friends had JUST taken off with established champions and all that. I was preparing to go on a year long HHH like reign of terror with the belt and then, BOOM, I have to start over. Besides the host angle and the worker suggestions, there's not too much new to this game to rave about. There's ALOT missing. Hopefully, with a BRAND NEW game engine and some great graphics, TEW will be something to buy. I can't really imagine a text based game selling for $35. It's got to have at least WWF Attitude graphics to sell.
  19. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    .Bin.Exe Files

    Thanks for your help.
  20. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    .Bin.Exe Files

    I downloaded a .bin.exe file, two of them actually, but now I need to know how to open them. Maybe it's just a bad file that everybody on Kazaa has, but if there is a way to open it, let me know. Just for reference sake, the error message says the file is not a valid win 32 application.
  21. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    People lose heat too easily on this game. My "highlight reel" type show host was interviewing a heel worker and the face she was unoffcilally feuding with came out and attacked her. The heel and the heel host lost four points of overness! Luckily the heel recovered when I had her do an interview with my #1 heel in the promotion.
  22. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    The best way to get ***** from Dames is to book matches with people that have the best chemistry. Usually, you'll find this out when people say, "Hey, let me work with so and so." You WON'T be dissapointed. Also, it can add to your on going storylines.
  23. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Raw Ripped Apart...

    Wait a minute. Why are Angle and Benoit being sacificed for the Big Red Retard? Keep him Raw and don't destroy the nice Angle/Brock Mania groove we've got going. But what does Benoit have to do with Angle/Brock? Angle could be spared, but certainly Benoit might as well be sacrificed to Kane. And we can replace Angle with Zach Gowen.
  24. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Raw Ripped Apart...

    This whole Kane storyline should not be resolved in a month or so with RVD going over. The way Kane is being built up, the storyline should at least go into the next year. If RVD is going to go over Kane, he should do it at next years WM after Kane has left a trail of destruction of both rosters and retiring the Undertaker. Here's how it shoud go..... August - Shane Killed September - Orton October - HHH November - Angle December - Benoit January - Undertaker Febuary - The Rock March - Jobs to RVD in brutal Hell in a Cell Match That's how you get the most out of the Kane storyline.
  25. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Shane's not the bad McMahon at all

    I think the plan is for Kane to eventually align himself with Mr. McMahon, thereby killing the face heat he's getting since Vince is EVIL~. I think they have something big planned for Kane and they don't want that ruined because he isn't getting over as they planned.